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...... Alex Jones on Coast to Coast Radio ~ Blocked
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Posts: 690
(3/27/2004 11:09:42 PM)

 Alex Jones on Coast to Coast Radio ~ Blocked
Posted by Yaak:

I received the following email. I am not an Alex Jones fan, but if NSA (or one of their alphabet soup cousins) really did this, then we are in deeper trouble than I realized. I don't trust the people Alex Jones works for, though (Genesis Communications) so I am skeptical.



Subject: It's On
From: The Citizen <>  Add to Contacts
Date: Fri, Mar 12 2004 10:21:34 AM -0800 (PST)

Last night, Alex Jones was on coast to coast radio and was allowed to say whatever he wanted for three hours. The response was unbelievable. 4 MILLION new visitors to the website were turned on to the truth of what has been happening in this country since the phony terrorist attacks were fomented by the One-Worlders. If you are one of the two people left in this country that hasn't the ability to recognize the odor of rotting fish, then please disregard this email and delete it right now. If you have read any small portion of the thousands of documents, statements, or legislation that have been brought forth, then you have a good notion, either subliminally or overtly, of who and why these "bad actors" have basically bungled the greatest deception in the history of the world. THE WORD IS OUT! Which, brings me to the reason for this email.

After the NSA began to realize the scope of listenership (14 million) and the number of hits to the website (4 million in 3 hours) they sent some sort of virus or worm that destroyed the server totally. They switched servers and then the transmission of the website is now blocked in advance of the T-1 lines.

Welcome to the command and control hell designed and implemented by our glorius keepers. This Orwellian nightmare has just begun. You have been censored and the information which you are "ALLOWED" to have, is now in the benevolent, loving, hands of the New World Order.

My own site was sabbotaged a little over a year ago. Files were deleted, and when they realized that I had off-line copies of everything they deleted, and immediately replaced the files, my domain was mysteriously sold to a porno organization in Las Vegas. The reason was simply to discredit me with my mostly Christian, truth-seeking, audience. My radio show was in the top ten of over two-thousand shows on the network. I have since bought it back but will probably never retrieve the 1000 hit per day traffic level I then had.

In short..........IT'S ON! The screws are being twisted so you have to decide whether to take the blue pill and go back to sleep, only to awaken in a FEMA prison camp, or the red pill and find out how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

Alex Jones, whether or not you like his Texas accent, his demeanor, or subject matter, he is right and he will be right up until the moment they kill him, which I suspect will be very soon. The maggots running the control grid simply cannot allow the mass recognition that Alex has achieved. I ask you, "What kind of truth is it that the government MUST protect you agaist?" If he is a liar, then simply show the truth that refutes it. You Can't!

Prepare, for the beginning of the end-times has officially begun!

If you are a webmaster, then mirror these sites before they disappear.

Please pass this to your friends because this is the MOST OVERT and most obvious attack on free speech via the airwaves, to date.

The Citizen
Quran (9:11) -- For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced; for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah; and there was peace.
“Oppression and harassment is a small price to pay to live in the land of the free.”  

Mr. Burns
"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse (generous gifts) from the public treasury.  From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship."

Alexander Tyler
As Libertarians; we advocate the abolition of damned near everything, call for a drastic reduction in everything else, and refuse to pay for what's left.

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Posts: 690
(3/27/2004 11:11:08 PM)

 Re: Alex Jones on Coast to Coast Radio ~ Blocked
Posted by WhiteMajikMan:

Yaak,They are doing it because an election is about to be rigged and online voting is about to take place.When the results are in and all is said and done.........the public backlash will need to be curbed ,and lets face it.......besides the internet where else can people go to find out for themselves what is really going on.In Alex Jones's case he was deemed a threat because of his militia ties and an enemy of the neo-con state..............It's all a part of their grand scheme of domination......thru subversion. 


Posts: 690
(3/27/2004 11:11:48 PM)

 Re: Alex Jones on Coast to Coast Radio ~ Blocked

I think that's one of the reasons there was so much BS with the "hanging chad" abolish the paper punch. With computerized voting, they can't be hand counted. Who the hell will know who really wins and what is controlled.

Maybe I've drinking too much coffee these days, but I've been getting really nervous lately. Something's going to happen. I can feel it. I've been thinking that if Bush does not get the support he wants in the popularity polls, that we will have another "9-11" tradegy. If we declare war upon say, Syria or Iran, there most likely wont be an election and Bush will be acting as extended Commander of Chief....until his rating go up and he "looks" like a war hero.



Posts: 690
(3/27/2004 11:12:24 PM)

 Re: Alex Jones on Coast to Coast Radio ~ Blocked

Prison Camps

Hell, who knows, there could be prison camps all over the US and we just don't know about it. There is a lot of government land out there. Do you guys remember Amanda? I miss her. She was one tough cookie. She made me nervous with one of her discoveries. Around Katy, Texas area where she lives, she discovered a bunch of military trucks back in a secluded area. She was following them to check things out. Soon after she stop posting at Chemtrail and Company II's board and I was never sure what happened. I wrote her a few times, but she never replied. Al, you live in that area too. Do you ever see odd military trucks or anything? Have you ever heard of Mandy since C & C II days?



Posts: 690
(3/27/2004 11:13:22 PM)

 Re: Alex Jones on Coast to Coast Radio ~ Blocked
A Little Civil Disobedience

A essay concerning electronic voting and the steps that voters might take to protest on election day if they feel that their vote may not count. In order to frame my argument, let me take you back to Election Day, November 2002. I went to the polls that day thinking, "Wow, the Democrats are gonna win big time today. We're sick and tired of Bush and company and we're gonna throw them out!" Later that evening, I sat in front of the television set watching CNN announce that my Democrats had been thoroughly trounced, not only in my home state of Texas, but also all across America. I simply could not believe what I was hearing and yet there seemed to be a very simple explanation for this huge Republican landslide. As most political pundits put it: "The Democrats did not pose any opposition to Bush's agenda because Bush was such a popular wartime president". I was sick at heart and I'm not going to kid you either, I was ashamed of my Democratic party. I couldn't believe that we didn't have the intestinal fortitude to stand up to what I had seen happening since George W. Bush took office in 2001.

And the more I thought about how angry I was about the political atmosphere, the more I realized that I couldn't be the only one who felt that way. But I had to sit and listen to all the pundits talk about that amazing wartime president named George W. Bush. Then last year I started reading stories about electronic voting machines and how many of them were used for the first time in the 2002 elections. In particular, the Diebold voting machines appear to have played an extremely important role in the voting results in Georgia. Senator Max Cleland was voted out of office, despite being ahead in the polls prior to the election. Georgia also voted in a Republican governor for the first time in over 100 years. In my home state of Texas, despite very close polling, Republicans cleaned up in the elections for Governor, Lt. Governor and U. S. Senate. [ READ MORE ]

[ The 2004 Election Has Already Been Rigged ] [ MORE ON DIEBOLD ]

Allen at 5

Posts: 313
(3/28/2004 3:34:28 PM)

 Re: Re: Alex Jones on Coast to Coast Radio ~ Blocked
Prison Camps. Christy, I often wondered what happened to her also- haven’t heard a word from her since the last post she made on C&C II. Harris County which encloses Houston is huge place. Katy is about 30 miles West of where I live and although the corridor along I-10 is really growing up and being built up, it is still largly rural. No telling what is out there. There is a lot of strange stuff going on lately- it is hard to tell what is “normal” activity and what isn’t so on the up and up. Heck as stupidified as the American people have become, the bad guys probably hide in plain sight and nobody knows or cares. Al
Allen at 5

Posts: 313
(3/28/2004 4:05:19 PM)

 Re: Re: Alex Jones on Coast to Coast Radio ~ Blocked
Swedishoo wrote on 3/27/2004 5:12:24 PM:

Prison Camps

Hell, who knows, there could be prison camps all over the US and we just don't know about it. There is a lot of government land out there. Do you guys remember Amanda? I miss her. She was one tough cookie. She made me nervous with one of her discoveries. Around Katy, Texas area where she lives, she discovered a bunch of military trucks back in a secluded area. She was following them to check things out. Soon after she stop posting at Chemtrail and Company II's board and I was never sure what happened. I wrote her a few times, but she never replied. Al, you live in that area too. Do you ever see odd military trucks or anything? Have you ever heard of Mandy since C & C II days?


Christy, I often wondered what happened to her also- haven’t heard a word from her since the last post she made on C&C II. Harris County which encloses Houston is huge place. Katy is about 30 miles West of where I live and although the corridor along I-10 is really growing up and being built up, it is still largly rural. No telling what is out there. There is a lot of strange stuff going on lately- it is hard to tell what is “normal” activity and what isn’t so on the up and up. Heck as stupidified as the American people have become, the bad guys probably hide in plain sight and nobody knows or cares. Al

Posts: 690
(3/28/2004 11:35:42 PM)

Hmmm, my bad.
I noticed when I was transfering over the polital posts from the 3rd board (which isn't at Aimoo) I noticed that Amanda posted at the 3rd board until after the 9-11 incident. She posted about NESARA then was no more. She used to say what you the area was growing but still lots of rural areas fenced off.
