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...... War Draft and Needed Nurses
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Posts: 690
(3/27/2004 10:35:43 PM)

 War Draft and Needed Nurses

After I read this article, I had a thought. So MANY people I know are nurses, or are in nursing school. An abnormal ratio. They say the demand is high and the pay is good too. The nursing schools have so many students enrolled here that there is not enough teachers and people are on waiting lists to get in. It's crazy. Why is there this rash of demand all of the sudden? Then after reading this article, it dawned on me. Are we going to have a war and nurses are going to be "drafted", so to speak?


US Military to Begin a "Special Skills" Draft!

The USA is beginning a military draft of people with "specialized skills" involving computers and foreign languages. Make no mistake, this is the first step in the reimplementation of a full blown military draft. As the usual, "politically sensitive" issues like this always occur in "stealth mode." It is always better to boil a frog slowly after all. And as people like Mike Ruppert and Stan Goff have suggested, The Draft is closer than you think, much closer. Perhaps as early as Spring 2005--right after the next phony election.

For the rest of the article:

'Special skills draft' on drawing board
Computer experts, foreign language specialists lead list of military's needs

Eric Rosenberg, Hearst Newspapers
Saturday, March 13, 2004




Posts: 48
(6/2/2004 12:24:48 AM)

 Re: War Draft and Needed Nurses
From the articles I have been reading the Draft will include women and men and they will be especially looking for nurses and technicians.  Giving up our children, relatives and friends for an eternal war for the powerful brotherhood is blood chilling.. And no running to Canada this time, gang.  Its all being locked up.  Mary  
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Posts: 690
(6/2/2004 3:20:44 AM)

 Re: Re: War Draft and Needed Nurses
If that Michael Moore movie ever gets out, maybe people will have a new understanding about this "war" and will protest.

Allen at 5

Posts: 313
(6/2/2004 5:10:46 AM)

 Re: Re: Re: War Draft and Needed Nurses
Swedishoo wrote on 6/1/2004 9:20:44 PM:
If that Michael Moore movie ever gets out, maybe people will have a new understanding about this "war" and will protest.


Moore isn't saying anything that people like Alex Jones weren't saying over two years ago long before he came on the scene with his little movie. He just happens to be a darling of the leftist elite in Hollyweird. He adored Bill Clintooner too from what I understand. Allen

Posts: 690
(6/2/2004 7:48:41 AM)

It'll be interesting to see if it even get out inot the public. First he had the disney mess, and today I heard on the radio that now the government is trying to step in to prevent it. I don't know how Uncle Geo could do that, but the DJ said, 'if the Boys are trying to prevent this movie, then there must be something in it...he (moore) interviewed a lot of inside people...who knows who said what."


Posts: 48
(6/3/2004 7:30:49 PM)

 Re: Moore
Cant' remember which of the famous PROVERB specialists said this but it was something like "nothing happens in politics by accident".  I never forgot that remark and have become a cynical, one-raised-eyebrow person.  I think that if the media brings attention to a movie, good or bad, it will SELL.  Everything is about tricking the public into doing what they want for their own greed and possible kicks.  Have you ever imagined having THAT much power over people?  How would you get the masses to do something without brutal force.?  Make THEM want to do it..  Right now I feel we are being ping-ponged with the asteriods, the terrorism thingy, the dust cloud, the Planet X, the prophesy of doom and the ascension... so much to think about... got my water and cat carrier ready..    Mary

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Posts: 48
(6/3/2004 7:32:30 PM)

 Re: Re: Moore
Allen did you see my other post... NUMBER 11? HA HA HA...Mary
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