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...... What is Aether?
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(3/26/2004 4:57:49 AM)

 What is Aether?
What is Aether?
swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
What is Aether? Posted 7-18-2001 02:21

There has been much controversy of whether Aether exists. Pythagoras (570-490BC) believed in "the fifth element" - which he called the aether or the aither. A gas that is all around us that travels faster than the speed of light. So what is so special about this gas? According to Nikola Tesla, the universe is as a kinetic system filled with energy which could be harnessed at any location. Quote:

"There manifests itself in the fully developed being ,Man, a desire mysterious, inscrutable and irresistible: to imitate nature, to create, to work himself the wonders he perceives.... Long ago he recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the Akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles all things and phenomena. The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance." - Nikola Tesla, 1907



jallen from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
breath Posted 1-16-2003 16:00

excellent combination of symbolgy
the fifth element

Space has only one property. It is called sound. I shall now tell thee the different kinds of sound. They are the seven original notes called Shadja, Rishabha, Gandhara, Madhyama, Panchama, Dhaivata and Nishada.
These are the seven kinds of property that appertains to space. Sound inheres like the Supreme Being in all space though attached especially to drums and other instruments. Whatever sound is heard from drums small and large, and conchs, and clouds, and cars, and animate and inanimate creatures, are all included in these seven kinds of sound already enumerated. Thus sound, which is the property of space, is of various kinds. The learned have said sound to be born of space. When raised by the different kinds of touch, which is the property of the wind, it may be heard. It cannot however, be heard, when the different kinds of touch are inceptive. The elements, mingling with their counterparts in the body , increase and grow. Water, fire, wind are always awake in the bodies of living creatures. They are the roots of the body. Pervading the five life-breaths they reside in the body.
jallen from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
spaced out Posted 1-21-2003 22:24

love the internet
can bounce around and find arguments about empty space

Finally - if as you say above, the ether (space) is not homogeneous, how then
do you explain how the parts of the ether interact with one another?
sound. our air is not homogenous either. Sound.
What are the parts made of?
aether all the way down.
What is the space between the parts made of?
aether more finely divided.
In fact, the geometry of the resonance of our entire universe is identical to
the geometry of resonance of a single electron. So not only is it logical, it
is expected, as a spherical resonance is the ideal geometry and it works for an electron just as it works for our entire universe.

I am not a philosopher. I am a dumb engineer who figured out how to make the thing work, in a manner that isn't much more difficult intuitively than Copernicus' replacement of retrograde motions with a single organized structure of rotation around the sun. I simply showed that you can replace the 5 forces of nature with a single force, that of aether repulsing aether, and then you work with aether standing waves and wave interactions as the pseudo forces we use in today's theories. All five force mechanisms are anticipated by the aether models, all 5 force interactions are observed in nature, but only 4 of these force interactions are known in todays (and yours and Milo's) physics.

Nature has the 5th one and anyone who has a theory that doesn't include that force of interaction in their theory, somehow, as a result of exothermic and or endothermic reactions, well, their theory doesn't conform to observation.