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...... (Bush) Damned if he does...Damned if he doesn't?
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Posts: 690
(3/26/2004 4:24:26 AM)

 (Bush) Damned if he does...Damned if he doesn't?
Damned if he does...Damned if he doesn't
Cyclone from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Damned if he does...Damned if he doesn't Posted 2-21-2004 21:49

One thing that bugs me about Bush is his turning his back on his conservative base to bend over backwards to leftists who will be out to destroy him no matter what. He's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't...That's why Bush just needs to be a conservative and forget about catering to the conspiracy types on the left, and concentrate on what the people (like me) who will be voting for him want....The left will always hate him no matter what he does....We can see it's a glimpse into the future;

Bhang of CTC writes; "What is the possibility of this happening? Say right about a few months before election time. With the U.S. having been in Iraq now going on a year soon, there seems to have been plenty of time. Was there opportunity? Motive?
What can the American and World Public expect from those within the administration that would go to lengths such as outing a CIA operative as in the case of Ambassador Wilson's wife? Would those responsible be equally capable of planting false weapons?

Finally will the Sheeple really believe that when that "long buried cache" of weapons turns up in some remote unguarded area or Iraq and the Spin Machine kicks into high gear, that this attack on another nation for it's resources, markets, and military objectives, will some how have been "justifed"? Using the old bait and switch routine of first an IMMEDIATE threat to the U. S., to a desperate search to find ANYTHING now to support a "having weapons" claim, America has been NEO _CONNED!

JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Long ago Posted 2-23-2004 01:06

No, Boooshe damned himself long before he ever became "President". He did it at the moment he took the oath to become a member of "The Brotherhood of Death", aka Skull and Bones, aka "the Russell Trust", aka "the Order", etc...

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Show-Me Truth Posted 2-23-2004 14:32

Jason your post was somewhat twisted and hard to understand, until I went over to Chemtrail Central and read what the post was written about. That post you quoted was not by Bhang. It was written by Show-Me Truth asking the question, "Are WMD's going to be planted in Iraq?"

I certainly hope that Bush and Co. don't go that route cause it would make me totally sick with disgust. But I wouldn't put it past them. I have this gutt feeling that something is going to happen soon. Only because we have been primed so many times in the past that our psyches are recognizing the patterns.

Cyclone from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
You could be a Kerry spokesperson... Posted 2-23-2004 18:00

How would you know Bush planted something? See, that's the point. If they come up with WMDs or Ossama before the election, you'll cry "he planted WMDs"......"he knew where Ossama was all along"!

If they don't find WMDs, you claim that the war was an empty facade (despite a thousand facts to the contrary)...

If Bush says the sky is blue, you'll claim it's a Skull and Bones brainwashing scheme to convince the billions of Earth inhabitants that the sky is blue when it's really pink...

Like I said, damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. Thankfully, people who think like this are generally on the fringe, and doesn`t present much of a threat. But if you were honest with yourself, you'd realize that you really have nothing more than a dangerous belief that could get someone like Kerry elected at a critical time in history, that COULD destroy this country. The lunatic fringe always works in the Democrat's favor, because people with views like these represent the majority of their base.

[ This message was edited by: Cyclone on: 2-23-2004 17:59 ]
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Dem Bones Posted 2-23-2004 18:17

Once again, it won't matter in the slightest if Boooshe Baby or Kerry is "elected" in November. BOTH these men are Bonesmen.
There aren't a thousand vaild reasons why the so-called "war" was legitimate- there isn't even one. It was done for several reasons, none of which have a single thing thing to do with those stated by the mass media.
The only "lunatic fringe" that exists is anyone who would believe or help to perpetuate the absurd idea that Boooshe and Co and the rest of the "mainstream" (BOTH Democrats and Republicans) political machinery are in any way different from each other, or have anything other than their own self interests in mind. It simply is not so and that can be demonstrated to be correct.

JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Usama Posted 2-23-2004 19:21

I would really like to see them pop up with their Usama puppet just like they did with their Saddam one- it would be just as big a farce. Nobody with an iota of common sense is buying into any of this Punch and Judy nonsense.
It is strictly an entertainment value distraction for the sheeple.

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Deep Freeze Posted 2-23-2004 21:21

LOL, like a poster said over at Chemtrail Central...Bush might win the election if they roll out Osama's frozen body. LOL
Cyclone from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Lunatic fringe....not an election issue... Posted 2-23-2004 22:53

Like I said, luckily there are more people that see the truth as I do, and people with viewpoints such as yours are on the fringe and a very small minority at that. That's why Bush will be re-elected and your beliefs don't present much of a threat. (By threat I mean, threat to the country). If you were in the mainstream, I might be worried. I also said that the vast majority of conspiracy theorists who erroneously share these beliefs (erroneously, meaning that the beliefs are illogical, unproven and false) constitute the Democrat base, another true statement. There just aren't enough of you to get Kerry elected, but I don't take it for granted that it's not going to be close, when your votes or lack thereof, are added to the DemocRat hard core. Thank God, the majority of Americans understand that terrorism is a real threat and that national security and defense is the main issue that matters.
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Inversion Posted 2-24-2004 01:13

You have it backwards- more and more Americans don't believe the government lies anymore- Bushco is in serious trouble and they know it. I don't want Kerry any more than I do Bushco.

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Hmmm, Is that Coffee I Smell? Posted 2-24-2004 01:15

I could give a rats ass about Kerry. And you're right, your little Bonesman Bushyboy will be president again, sad to say. Why? Because TPTB have allowed Thing 1 to run against Thing 2.

Wake up and smell the coffee Cy.

JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Yep! Posted 2-24-2004 01:33

Couldn't be better said.



Posts: 690
(3/26/2004 4:25:49 AM)

 Re: (Bush) Damned if he does...Damned if he doesn't?
Cyclone from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
The Powers that Be? Posted 2-24-2004 01:49

Do you think you can answer an honest question Christy?

If's the challenge. Tell me who you THINK these powers that be who you say control Bush's strings are. If you don't know, then what you have is an unproven belief and allegation, nothing more. You are banking the future of American safety and even it's existence on this unproven belief and allegation, that flies in the face of common sense.

Bush will go down in defeat to Kerry, if enough people think like you do Christy, because, as I said, the majority of people who think like you do constitute the Democratic base.
Swedishoo [guest] from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Federal Reserve ~ The Feds Posted 2-24-2004 03:20

TPTB are the same who opperate the Federal Reserve. However, in the past most presidents and cabinet members have been puppets, no so with the Bush/Cheney clan...they are more like partners. You can take that to the bank.

JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Bushco Posted 2-24-2004 03:35

Yep. I was amazed to learn recently that the Bushco "family" has the major controlling interest in running most of the prison system here in Texas. I found it most interesting also that Halliburton started a major rework on their local facility [Halliburton is headquartered here] including lots of additional building space several months prior to the start of the Iraq mess. It is still going on. That place was almost dead before, now they have to hire police for traffic control during rush hour when vehicles are entering or leaving the facility. Gotta have some place to put them new thieves you just hired...

JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Nov. "election" Posted 2-24-2004 04:15

Don't sweat Cy, Kerry hasn't got a chance of being elected. Bushco and the rest of the clan have far too much tied up in Boooshe Baby for it to be otherwise. Even if Kerry did "win" you'd still get just a different variation of the same mess.

garflorida from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Who are TPTB? Posted 2-24-2004 05:01

A good question deserves a good answer. All you have to do is follow the $$$$. And a good example could be an organization such as the Trilateral Commission. When was the last time we've heard the term "Trilateral Commission" mentioned in our mass media? One would assume such a thing doesn't exist but it does. Dick Cheney is a current member and George Bush Sr. was a former well known member. click here
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Follow the money Posted 2-24-2004 05:29

The only recent President that I am aware of that wasn't a member of either the trilateral commission or the CFR (council on foreign relations) was JFK- and you all know what happend to him.
Interesting that the former was founded a decade after Kennedy's death. I have read one reason it was done was because the CFR had developed such a dubious reputation that another organization was created to carry on the same function without having so much of the stigma attached to it. Again the two horses- one owner- same race deal...

Swedishoo [guest] from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
The Power of Money Posted 2-24-2004 05:33

The Feds have unstoppable powers and control much of the world's monetary systems now. It's truly a monster out of control...or I should say, in control. But this control stems from the handling of money. And these guys got it to spend too. The Feds give those in their circle the opportunity to even make MORE money. For example, after the Gulf War, Billions of dollars were issued to "clean up and rebuild" Iraq. The rebuilding in Iraq didn't actually happen but the money was put in someone's pocket. Take a guess who? Sons of King George (George W. Bush and brother Jeb Bush) were commissioned to rebuild Iraq. Let me tell you, these people within the Fed circle, like Bush and Cheney btw, are so wealthy they are not even listed in the Fortune 500. And to throw out some food for thought...why do you suppose a man who has Billions of dollars, who spends Millions of dollars on campaigning, would want a job that pays 500,000 ?(which was half that prior Bush, btw)

Swedishoo [guest] from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Foreign Affairs Posted 2-24-2004 05:43

I believe that the Council of Foreign Relations was once known as Foreign Affairs. Foreign Affairs was on a downward spiral and needed to be recouped so they changed the name. That is done with alot of organizations. Give it a new name and it has a new life.

JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Follow the moneybrick road Posted 2-24-2004 05:47

Yep. I have seen this same factor in local politics too many times. Why would anybody spend two million dollars campaigning for a job like the Mayor of Houston that only paid $30,000 a year? It makes no sense unless there is MUCH more to it than that. The level of corruption in politics on all levels is so vast that most people haven't the faintest notion of how bad it really is. If they really understood it, they'd probably faint dead away.

garflorida from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Another Non-Trilateralist.... Posted 2-24-2004 06:08

... was Ronald Reagan. He was the last of the TRUE conservatives, other than congressman Ron Paul (who the mass media ignores, so it's as if he doesn't exist anyway). It's said though that some in his administration were Trilateral members. Question: If this organization is supposed to have good intent, why are it and it's members not commom knowledge to the general public?


Posts: 690
(3/26/2004 4:27:43 AM)

 Re: (Bush) Damned if he does...Damned if he doesn't?
JAK [guest] from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Birds of a feather Posted 2-24-2004 10:05

To be honest, I never trusted him either. He was after all an actor and carried his own highly questionable baggage in with him. The very fact that he had Bushco Sr. as a VP should have had warning flags going up poles all over the place.

garflorida from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Iraq/Cheney/Halliburton/and TPTB Posted 2-24-2004 15:30

The dots are so simple to connect, but many Americans would rather fool themselves and pretend the purpose of the war is to free the Iraqi people. Who has had the most benefit from this war? click here
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Yep! Posted 2-24-2004 17:43

It is much easier for them to live in denial than accept the fact they were played for suckers.

Cyclone from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Keeping you honest Posted 2-24-2004 23:18

Christy wrote; "For example, after the Gulf War, Billions of dollars were issued to "clean up and rebuild" Iraq. The rebuilding in Iraq didn't actually happen but the money was put in someone's pocket. Take a guess who? Sons of King George (George W. Bush and brother Jeb Bush) were commissioned to rebuild Iraq."

What is your source of information for this Christy? Once we know the source, what is the credibility of the source, and are there any political motivations and agendas behind the person or persons putting this information "out there". Is this factual information that can be verified and validated by neutral or independent sources?

And Gar, you ignore the fact that Halliburton is the most qualified, perhaps the ONLY qualified company in the word, to deal with the unique problems associated with re-building Iraqi infrastructure, especially true given that the main national product essential in converting Iraq to a capitalistic democracy is it's natural resource of Oil. Halliburton is UNIQUELY qualified in dealing with this issue.....It's history dates back to WWII and Gulf War one. GW Bush would be negligent if he didn't use the best company in the world for the job.

[ This message was edited by: Cyclone on: 2-24-2004 23:17 ]
Cyclone from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
URL wouldn't post Posted 2-24-2004 23:15"><History of Halliburton/ major achievements
Cyclone from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Strategic Reasons Posted 2-24-2004 23:50

Why would a rich man sacrifice his privacy and "ordinary life" for a life in politics? Well in GW Bush's case, it's because he believes he has a profound obligation and unique qualifications to protect the United States and humanity itself against the greatest threat facing humanity. I'm not saying you need to agree. I'm saying this is what Bush believes. He has what he believes is a God given commandment to serve humanity and preserve civilization itself. I happen to agree with him...that he is uniquely qualified for the job. This is a war against the terrorist threat, not for oil profits. If Bush is as rich as Christy claims, it should be self evident that oil profits are not a motivation and this is a very weak conspiracy theory.

The strategic reasons for setting up a Capitalistic Democratic Republic in the heart of Islamic terrorist country should be self-evident as well...But I guess those strategic reasons need to be spelled out for you.

Imagine, that Iraq was the hub of the terrorist wheel, with spokes extending out to satellite terrorist countries. Well, the most effective way of neutralizing the terrorist threat is to create a Democracy. It is fact that Democratic nations do not produce terrorists.

With this in mind, it should be evident to anyone with basic powers of reasoning that a Democratic Iraq puts a MAJOR obstacle in the ability for terrorist countries and groups to organize and find funding. We now have a base of operations in the center of that to diffuse the Islamic terrorist bomb. Iraq was the queen in the chessboard (if one analogy isn`t enough). The US doesn't control the oil, just as consumers don't control the product a major corporation produces.

The US will however, undoubtedly be a major consumer and purchaser of Iraqi sweet crude. This has many faceted benefits on hundreds of strategic levels. For one thing, it diverts our dependence from OPEC, and in so doing, takes away a huge market from terrorist supporting countries like Saudi Arabia, and Iran....because the US is the world's biggest consumer of oil. When we buy the cheaper Iraqi crude, we break the back of the Saudi economy, and can actually threaten the government structure there without actual war. OPEC no longer possesses the ability to black-mail countries with price manipulation (as they are doing now as I type...Regular gas being close to 2.00 bucks a gallon where I'm parked right now, and rising). Simply put, we create a capitalistic competitor by freeing Iraq, and at the same time, build Iraq's economy by being their major purchaser of Iraqi crude. This builds and insures a democratic government there, and in doing so, eliminates the chances that terrorist organizations can find safe haven. We effectively take out the hub of the terrorist wheel...then the spokes fall away. It's absolutely brilliant from a strategic level. The war in Iraq was critical and essential to winning the war on terrorism....

[ This message was edited by: Cyclone on: 2-24-2004 23:47 ]
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Total crock Posted 2-25-2004 00:03

There is no "war on terrorism". You can't force a government on people at gunpoint- it is time for the US to hand the Iraqis the keys and go home. We created the entire mess in Iraq in the first place, and then Halliburton sucks in uncounted millions to clean it up- a real sweet deal. Just not for the Iraqis or the average American.

JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Wrong again Posted 2-25-2004 00:13

"Imagine, that Iraq was the hub of the terrorist wheel, with spokes extending
out to satellite terrorist countries. Well, the most effective way of neutralizing
the terrorist threat is to create a Democracy. It is fact that Democratic nations
do not produce terrorists."

Another false statement. Ever hear of the Japanese Red Army or the Italian Red Brigades. Who do you think it was that shot up the airport in Rome in 1985 Cy?
It has already been proven that Iraq had no links to the so called terror network. Saddam was a secularist and they hated him for that.
As far as Bushco Jr. goes, he is a long way from being out to save the world. Oil profits are the least of his motivations. The mother of all conspiricy theories is that there are no conspiricies. Bushco is on a mission from god allright, just the one he follows has nothing to do with the one you think he is folowing.

Cyclone from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Can't reason with Al... Posted 2-25-2004 00:20

No war on terrorism? That is nothing but a ridiculous belief that ignores all evidence to the contrary. The Iraqi people are now free and not living under the rule of a brutal dictator. (Who are you to say they are not better off...try telling that whopper to the Iraqis). A capitalistic Democracy is not something that needs to be enforced. Iraqis will accept it once the country is running efficiently. It took 6 years for Japan. I'd say we need to AT LEAST maintain our presence for that time, and INDEFINATELY maintain a military base and presence there....or all strategic objectives are lost and a terrorist dictator can just move back in. You have absolutely no basis in reasoning whatsoever for your statement, Al.

[ This message was edited by: Cyclone on: 2-25-2004 00:18 ]
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Shuurre they are Posted 2-25-2004 00:43

Oh yeah. They're free. Their country is devastated, they are invested with an occupation force they neither want nor need, and Americans are now viewed (correctly) in the eyes of the world as a bully nation and a possible threat. Great deal.
The "war on terror" is as phoney and contrived as the "War on Drugs" is. The terrorists are as mythical as Immanuel Goldstein in "1984".



Posts: 690
(3/26/2004 4:29:18 AM)

 Re: (Bush) Damned if he does...Damned if he doesn't?
garflorida from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
What a load of White House brain washing! Posted 2-25-2004 01:00

It's been a miserable rainy day, so I needed a good laugh. Cy, at least if any WMD had been found, your argument would have SOME basis. From the tone of your little speech, justification for starting the war in Iraq is based on the events of 911. Any such connection is unfounded. Bush and Co. have done a good job in establishing the association between Saddam and 911 in the minds of Americans. What's frightening is the reference to his war as a "God given" obligation. What this says is that God takes sides when it comes to one nation or race over another. I don't have to remind you how this kind of self centered belief system has been responsible for endless numbers of deaths through out history. If Bush does see this as a religious war, any American with an ounce of reason and common sense should be frightened by this man. As to your claim that the goal for control of Iraq's oil is just conspiracy theory. I'm sorry but the evidence has been there in plain sight since the war started. It's hardly limited to simple made up conspiracy nut claims, such that you would find on Jeff Rense's site. WHY do you think Halliburton got the big grab of Iraq's oil reserves? You don't think it has anything to do with our vice president's ties to Halliburton? click here
Cyclone from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
For not being a war on sure is an effective war on terror! Posted 2-25-2004 01:17

Everything about the statement you just made is completely false. Iraq was devastated by Saddam Hussein.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh yeah. They're free. Their country is devastated, they are invested with an occupation force they neither want nor need, and Americans are now viewed (correctly) in the eyes of the world as a bully nation and a possible threat.

Correction, their country is currently being rebuilt in record time by a country they NEED in order to maintain democracy and freedom. It is not a question of what Iraqis want. Human beings universally want freedom. This is a founding philosophy behind the US constitution. That being said, it's still not a question of what Iraqis want. For the safety of the world, what they CAN'T allow is a mass murduring terrorist dictator who kills and tortures them by the thousands even millions. It wouldn't matter if they wanted this demon from hell back. The US can't allow this evil to grow and fester. Saddam served as a unifying force for the entire fundamental Islamic movement, regardless whether he was a secularist or not. He unified countries in their hatred against the west, and thus formed a supporting base for terrorism on many levels. He not only presented a threat as a unifying force but a supplier for terrorist groups with financing and potentially materials for WMDs. This was not an acceptible situation, and the US had every legitimate and legal reason in the world to remove him from power. Now the US has a strategic base of operations to take on other terrorist threats in the nearby region. The fact that he had ties to terrorist groups is evidenced by who is currently attacking US troops and the new Iraqi police there now. These attacks are not coming from Iraqi "rebels"...they are coming from hold-outs of the Saddam's baathist party and outside terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda

Great deal.

Quote The "war on terror" is as phoney and contrived as the "War on Drugs" is. The terrorists are as mythical as Immanuel Goldstein in "1984".

Again, this is a stupid, baseless and absolutely unqualified statement that has no bering on reality.

Terrorism is quite real. The war on terrorism is quite real. Even if you wanted to say there was no war on terrorism, you can't argue against the fact that GW Bush is doing EXACTLY what is required to fight this "ficticious" war. Taking out the hub in Iraq was one of the most effective moves possible in defeating the terrorist threat. For not being a war on terror, GW Bush is sure using the American military to efficiently do what it takes to defeat a potential terrorist threat at it's souce. Hey, maybe this really is a war on terrorism!....

JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Pathetic Posted 2-25-2004 04:23

And just who was it that caused the devastation in the first place Cy? Saddam? No.

"Everything about the statement you just made completely false. Iraq was devastated by Saddam Hussein."

I'm sorry, but you are absolutely wrong.
It was the US and UK and 12 odd years of sanctions and two wars- both unecessary.
The country is being rebuilt in record time? What a farce, most of the people don't even have basic utilities anymore- they did before the US invasion. They didn't need to be rebuilt, they needed to be let alone. And the US action was in violation of international law- whether you like that or not- so tough.
And once again the "terror" threat is as big a hoax as the drug war is, much larger in fact.

JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Hypocrisy Posted 2-25-2004 04:50

This is an absolute masterpiece of it. I can't believe any sensible adult would write something like this:

"Correction, their country is currently being rebuilt in record time by a country
they NEED in order to maintain democracy and freedom. It is not a question of
what Iraqis want. Human beings universally want freedom. This is a founding
philosophy behind the US constitution. That being said, it's still not a question of
what Iraqis want. For the safety of the world, what they CAN'T allow is a mass
murduring terrorist dictator who kills and tortures them by the thousands even
millions. It wouldn't matter if they wanted this demon from hell back. The US
can't allow this evil to grow and fester."

Folks, read this carefully. This is absolutely insane.
You want people to have freedom but you can't trust them with it and it doesn't matter what they want anyway!
What kind of inane nonsense is this?
The exact same standards can be applied to the USA. How would the Cyster feel if the rest of the world gets fed up with Uncle Satan and decides to push back? He has just demonstrated that he thinks you can force "democracy" and freedom onto people at gunpoint, but it has to be YOUR brand. If they don't like or want that, then they just have to stay occupied. What a nutball statement...

JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Terrorism Posted 2-25-2004 05:35

I love this one:

"Terrorism is quite real. The war on terrorism is quite real. Even if you wanted to
say there was no war on terrorism, you can't argue against the fact that GW
Bush is doing EXACTLY what is required to fight this "ficticious" war. Taking out
the hub in Iraq was one of the most effective moves possible in defeating the
terrorist threat. For not being a war on terror, GW Bush is sure using the
American military to efficiently do what it takes to defeat a potential terrorist
threat at it's souce. Hey, maybe this really is a war on terrorism!...."

I never said terrorism isn't real, I said the "terrorist threat" and the "War on Terror" are hoaxes- and they are.
Terrorism has ALWAYS existed in one form or another- the US government are masters of it. But the current concept of a world wide Islamic terror network bent on destroying the free world only because they hate us for our freedoms is a hoax and a lie- PERIOD.

"These attacks are not coming from
Iraqi "rebels"...they are coming from hold-outs of the Saddam's baathist party
and outside terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda".

This is another nonsensical statement- even the administration has had to admit that there is no evidence this is the case.

Yep, Dubya is indeed doing exactly what he is told to to fight this fictious war. That is the only correct statement you have so far made. Dielectic of Hegel:
1. Create the problem.
2. Demonstrate the problem.
3. Offer the solution.

You made another false statement when you said terrorists are never bred in democratic countries. I already mentioned the Italian Red Brigades and the Japanese Red Army, what do you call the IRA?

garflorida from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
IRAQ: "A Hub for Terrorists" Posted 2-25-2004 16:07

Well, it sure is NOW! Now that we've gone in there and created absolute chaos. The "war on terrorism" has characteristics much the same as the "war on drugs" in the hypocrisy which seems to go along with it. But I guess it doesn't matter. We'll be made to ignore the contradictions and punp the sheeple with superficial hype. They wouldn't think of allowing the general public to be presented with any issue of actual substance. When you think of it, Bush and company should be thankful to the liberals at this time, as the Gay Marriage issue is now their big proiority and has pushed their Iraq disaster out of public conscience. Yeah, just coincidence, right?
Cyclone from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Pointless Posted 2-26-2004 13:55

Basically, Al, it all comes down to me stating facts and you denying facts and reality....We can't progress much further from there unless you want to start using reason, rationality, truth and facts to make your case. You never do make a case or back your counter argument, except to utter these completely unqualified statements. It just boils down to you denying everything I type without backing it with logic, reason and factual support. It just boils down to you making baseless, unqualified statements that are not supported by reality. And when challenged, you always change the subject, run away, ignore the case presented, or resort to personal insult. It is impossible to reason with the unreasonable or have a conversation with someone who is determined not to have a conversation. So I'll leave it at that. You never could have a conversation. I don't know of ANY liberals, leftists and America haters who I'll just let it rest.

And Gar, you have it partially correct (sometimes accidents do happen). The amendment to the constitution defining marriage will tend to shore up Bush's conservative base, so this is a good issue for him. But you're wrong about distraction from the war being a good thing for Bush. The last thing Bush needs is to take the issue off of the true danger of the terrorist threat, because that's his greatest purpose in office. He needs to remind people that the terrorist threat is still present and very real, and that we need him to stay in office for that reason, because someone like Kerry would be a disaster at this critical time in history. I suspect, we will soon see that Bush goes back to heavy emphasis of this situation, because it is the truth. Gay marriage is not the issue. Activist judges and liberal mayors flagrantly violating a law presents a true danger to this republic. That's the issue. Liberals do not deserve thanks, they deserve recognition for being the true enemy within, that they are, who are actively seeking to destroy America as we know it. Without law and respect for law, there is no United States. The fact that Bush has to even consider proposing an amendment to the constitution as a result of liberals and leftists legislating from the bench just goes to show the danger they present to the American system of government as we know it.
garflorida from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
The current situation in Iraq is just some LITTLE accident? Posted 2-26-2004 15:56

Quote: (sometimes accidents do happen) ........ You imply that Bush's war having resulted in A) ruin of what little structure that country had, B) a breeding ground for terrorists, and C) American boys coming back in body bags is just one of those minor "accidents" that happen???? You give this "accident" about the same value as Bush not saying a word correctly. Yeah, just pass a major disaster off as "(sometimes accidents do happen)". This kind of statement can only come from one who has been bought and sold.
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Shill alert Posted 2-26-2004 16:46


I sent the inane extract from the Cyster's rant to Mike Rivero. He put it up on his reader's letters page with the comment "Sounds like the shill is writing from a script doesn't it?" He had him pegged and I doubt he has ever had the misfortune to have to read any of Cy's stuff before that.
So, pay no attention to anything Cy writes- he is only a "Free Republic" camp follower.

JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Shill addendum Posted 2-26-2004 17:48

"It just boils down to you denying everything I type
without backing it with logic, reason and factual support. It just boils down to
you making baseless, unqualified statements that are not supported by reality.
And when challenged, you always change the subject, run away, ignore the
case presented, or resort to personal insult. It is impossible to reason with the
unreasonable or have a conversation with someone who is determined not to
have a conversation. So I'll leave it at that."

For you folks with a strong enough stomach to wade through his tripe, this is exactly what the Cyster himself does. He practices inversion. I have already pointed out statements he has made (as have others) that are totally false, yet he just sidesteps and goes on ranting. Now you know why I don't bother typing responses to him- he is nothing but a shill and his only intent is to waste your time and energies.
Nobody wants to play your game Cy, so just accept that and learn to deal with it.
