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...... World Trade Center Lights ~ Picture
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 World Trade Center Lights ~ Picture
World Trade Center Lights ~ Picture
Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
World Trade Center Lights ~ Picture Posted 3-14-2002 05:04

cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III  
Re: World Trade Center Lights ~ Picture  Posted 3-15-2002 03:52

That's nice Christy...being without a tv, I never saw this....
Interdimentional war [guest] from Chemtrail and Company III
hey you get around dont use cydonia...well, im gonna keep an EYE on you in here!  Posted 5-16-2002 18:32

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JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
OLD times Posted 5-19-2002 00:09

The times change, but the symbolism never does.
Go to Las Vegas sometime, you will see the same
thing at the Luxor hotel/casino.
Here, what is being recreated is the eternal union
between Osiris and Isis, depicted as pillars of
light. They are separate yet one (note how close
they are together, much closer than the "twin
towers" were in reality. They point to the heavens
from the Earth. The Illuminati symbolism is all over
this like white on snow.

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Yikes ~ Towers in a Twenty Posted 5-23-2002 03:11

While we're on the subject of towers and symbolism, check this out. It's freaky.

Get a twenty dollar bill (I used one of the new ones)

Fold it in half lengthwise with the back of the bill facing outward.

At the middle point, fold as if you are making a paper airplane. Should look like an arrow.

Now look at the building in the arrow. See the twin towers on fire?

Now re-fold the arrow to the other side in the same fashion.

See another tower on fire?

I wonder if this second tower is the one Cheney is FOREWARNING us of?

Freaky stuff huh?

garflorida from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Hummm.... Posted 5-23-2002 17:24

Well, the upside down hedge meeting the pillars does look like the WTC shortly after it was hit. Even more spooky, you have to fold it like a paper "airplane". However, I didn't see the other building you were talking about when folding it the other way. Also, what about the upside down letters? I'm not saying I believe there's anything to this, but it sure is freaky. This reminds me of a line from one of my favorite movies Dazed and Confused. "There's alot of wierd shit happening on a dollar bill, man!"