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...... Plum Island West Nile by DayStar
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 Plum Island West Nile by DayStar
Plum Island West Nile by DayStar
Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Plum Island West Nile by DayStar Posted 9-8-2001 17:54

Awesome post by DayStar at CTTUSA

I feel there is something definitely off with the West Nile Virus. I'm not sure if it is a real intentional event or whether it's all made up for the purpose of profit making and spraying us with pesticides. They may be killing several birds with one stone. Oravax was a vaccine company located in Cambridge, Mass. They were going bankrupt a couple of years ago and needed a sure market for a vaccine in order to pull out of their debt. They had a Japanese encephalitis vaccine already in the making a half or year or so before the West Nile Virus outbreak. Japanese encephalitis is a VERY close relative of West Nile. The big wigs in this company were involved with the mayor of New York city concerning the decision to spray etc. These pesticides they are using were originally formulated by I.G. Farben , a German chemical company who made the zyclon B gas for the concentration camps. Organophosphate pesticides were originally intended to kill humans. They cause infertility, hormone disruption, miscarriage among other things. I feel it could be a method of population control. First it was New York City, then a Crow just happened to land in Roxbury, Mass. They sprayed massively in both areas....densely populated, racially diverse areas. Last year a mosquito called Ades Japonicus, which the media announced ..just happens to be the most efficient strain of mosquito for spreading WNV ,just happened to fly over the ocean because it must of heard that West Nile Virus was over here and the disease needed an efficient vector. The mosquito is not native to the area. Also ( I live across from Plum Island) 2 days before the first outbreak occurred, Plum Island announced that it needed 75 million to upgrade their lab to a level 4 so they could study the most dangerous diseases known to man. We sold West Nile Virus to Iraq before and during the war, it has been studied at Rockefeller U. for years ( middle of NYC where the outbreak occurred), at Yale and in the 1940s a Joseph Smadel was working at Walter Reed hospital trying to discern if mosquitoes would make an efficient vector for WNV. I was at a public meeting with Plum Island officials. I stood up and told the audience what I just said here. When I mentioned Joseph Smadel they shut off my microphone and the moderator from the Dept of Agriculture, said "this is not the place to discuss not trusting the government! The audience of about 200 yelled back with me "Yes this is the plave and YOU ARE THE GOVERNMENT. So I'm not sure of the exact scenerio but there is definitely more to this than meets the eye
Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
West Nile Cases in CT Posted 9-8-2001 17:59

Three human cases of West Nile virus confirmed in Connecticut

By Matthew Daly, Associated Press, 9/7/2001 19:17


cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Population control Posted 9-8-2001 19:09

You are right Christy, this is an excellent post. Sounds alot like Horowitz' work.

I admit that I was never one to really go for the idea that the government is engaged in active population control, but it's hard to avoid the conclusion that it may be.

When you look into the history of the Rockefellers, Litton Bionettics, Merck, the CDC (center for disease control), NIH (National Institute of Health), WHO (world health organization) begin to see a pattern in that the biological warefare research, drug industry profit base, and disease experimentation on live populations seem to go hand in hand. All these industries, including the Department of Defense seem to be working closely with each other.
garflorida from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
What is the real purpose? Posted 9-8-2001 23:32

The big question that bothers me is WHY are we not ever given the names of those who died from this disease??????? This is an animal disease. It is very rare for humans to even develop symptoms. Those who died (or so they say) are such a small % of the population, which sure doesn't justify all the extreme measures that are being taken. It's the SPRAYING that I am concerned about. The sheeple are more than happy that these mosquito trucks are spewing toxic chemicals in their neighborhoods.
Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
News Teaser Posted 9-9-2001 03:30

They've been showing a news teaser all day of a man prepping the front side of a horse to give him a shot, and the voice says, Not only humans are effected by West Nile.

Did I miss something, but are they giving out vaccines to this?


garflorida from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Vaccines Posted 9-9-2001 04:55

There is already a West Nile vaccine for horses (so they say). I saw the same news footage (over and over and over).
swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Over and Over Posted 9-9-2001 16:57

You're not kidding Gar, it was played over and over.

Trying to put the West Nile fear in us.

cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
West Nile....Most Probably Manufactured! Posted 9-9-2001 18:44

One thing to think about is: If they have developed a vaccine for this, that means they have already been working with it in labs, modifying it. You have to consider what a vaccine is......a modified strain of the actual virus.

Now if they've have one for horses, doesn't it make you suspicious that they would not have a vaccine for people? I mean, are horses a priority over people here?

I don't know anything about West Nile, what it does, or how long it has been around, but it would also raise some red flags with me if we discover that they quickly developed this vaccine for horses soon after the virus appeared. That would probably indicate that they had actually been working on the vaccine for a much longer period of time....meaning...that it was already being studied (or created) in the labs!

Since a vaccine is a preventative measure, this would mean that if plans were for it to be given to humans, it would have to be administered before an outbreak. Now why would a population of US citizens be motivated to want such a vaccine? Well they might want a West Nile vaccine if they were scared enough. This requires the hype that you are seeing in the media. People might want a vaccine if they saw that it was successful in horses. The FDA might approve it more quickly for human use, if it appeared that a major outbreak was imminent.

And who might profit from this?

Well, the drug company that holds the rights of production and patents on the West Nile Vaccine....wouldn't they? Let's say you were a major Drug company like Merck for instance. You are in the business of selling vaccines, therefore it is extremely profitable for you to keep the virus alive isn't it? If you eradicated it.....well there goes your market for vaccines...and your business. Ironically enough, it's the vaccines themselves that keep the viruses alive because they are created from the virus! Let that thought sink in a second and you realize what a great money machine this is.

Remember how Coca~Cola used to have cocaine in it (where the name Coca Cola was derived)? Well, just so happens that people get quickly addicted to cocaine, and hence they require the product. Do you think this was any accident then that Coca~Cola happened to put this substance in their drink? Coca Cola new exactly what they were doing when they introduced cocaine into their soft drink. They were trying to keep people addicted to their product so they had a permanent market!

Do you think this mentality is dead in big business? I don't....In fact, I believe if it can happen in a family product as "American" as can happen and is happening in any product. It's just good business as long as ethics don't get in the way.

Notice how Bill Clinton was trying to get an AIDS vaccination mandated by government. Most of us who don't buy what the mainstream media is trying to sell know that a normal heterosexual is statistically at very low risk for AIDS, almost to the point of it being a non-occurrence....yet the government wanted an AIDS vaccine mandated for children. You can bet there was some big business behind that, because we all know that Bill Clinton doesn't do anything for personal conviction....but only if there is some personal profit to be had. He probably realized he could work a deal with a major drug corporation that would give him a percentage of the profit if he could get the vaccination mandated by government. On the other hand, the drug company wins because they now have a guaranteed market as mandated by the government...and the virus would always be alive because it is constantly being re-produced in labs for vaccine production! Thus insuring the company's market and prosperity forever!

Now here's the thing.....what if you're a major drug company and you know that viruses can not only be kept alive in labs....but new ones can also be created in labs! Well, heck...that means you can create your own vaccine market any time you want! But in order to pull this off, you need to team up with some big government types and people who own the media. You play on the motivations of the Department of Defense, because they are extremely motivated to develop new biological weapons and counter-agents to them (like vaccines).

Remember, by the way, that no biological weapon is created without there being an antidote to that agent. If we realize then that AIDS was actually created as a biological weapon by Robert Gallo at the CDC, funded by the DOD (with tax payer dollars) to the tune of ten million dollars (no small pocket change at the time), we realize that they probably made an antidote as well. In other words the cure for AIDS already exists.


The DOD, the CDC and all the major drug companies have motivations to keep it alive, in the hopes that someday the government might mandate a vaccine for it. The government might mandate a vaccine, in return for kickbacks from the major drug companies.

The point is....I'd be very suspicious of any emerging virus and extremely observant as to how it is introduced. There are many powerful people who have powerful incentives for wanting this to take off like wildfire.....after a proper vaccine exists for it, of course.....So if you see signs that this seems to happen in a controlled and orderly manner, then in all likelihood, it probably is being intentionally controlled and you are seeing what THEY want you to see.
swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
My Suspicions Posted 9-9-2001 19:43

Okay follow me for a second...

Have you ever heard the phrase "As Healthy As A Horse"?

The West Nile virus has been known with the few fatal cases and with studies, that is it most dangerous to the young, the elderly, the sick or to people who have low immunities ie AIDS etc.

Healthy adults with West Nile, seeking professional care is not considered fatal.

I think you can get where I'm going with this...

I've never heard of any horses dying of West Nile and they are big creatures...far larger than a human. If West Nile does not kill a healthy adult human, then why have a vaccine horse strength?

...unless, instead of the phrase being: As Healthy As A Horse, it could be:

So Toxic, It Could Kill A Horse!
