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...... M-16 rifle ~ Oh, they NEVER do that!
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 M-16 rifle ~ Oh, they NEVER do that!
Oh, they NEVER do that! and the M-16 rifle
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Oh, they NEVER do that! and the M-16 rifle Posted 4-6-2002 02:12

According to one of our "highly" esteemed posters
here, Israelis NEVER do what the wicked, EVIL
Palestinians do:

"The fact is that one side is targeting innocent men
women and children."

I am sure that will be a comfort to the family of the
21 year old Palestinian-American woman (an
American citizen by the way) who was shot to death
by IDF troops while holding her 9 month old baby
in her arms. I am sure the CHRISTIAN Palestinian
(yes, NOT all of them are Muslims!) who rang the
bells at the Church of the Nativity and was shot
dead by an Israeli sniper will also agree with our
"expert" (hee yuk, hee yuk). I am also positive that
the 65 year old Catholic priest who was
machine-gunned by Israeli Apache helicopter
gunships (U.S. supplied) while trying to say Mass
in his church will also agree with him. The nuns
who were injured in the attack will certainly support
his position also.
As to the M-16 rifle, think about this one Folks: The
Israelis make an EXCELLENT assault rifle; the
Galil, yet a high percentage of their military is
equipped with U.S. made and supplied M-16s of
various models, WHY?
I can tell you easily, they get the U.S. made product
either as a freebie via foreign aid, or else at a
discount rate from Colt, which they buy with money
WE handed them as "foreign aid". They then turn
around and sell Galils on the world arms market
and make a profit, because they don't have to worry
about producing enough to supply their domestic
needs! It is a SCAM Folks, and WE foot the bill for
The weapon which killed the young woman was
most likely a U.S. made and supplied M-16, so in
other words, we helped kill her, a fellow American.
I DON'T like that, and neither should ANY of you.
The last year for which I have figures handy is 1993
(from Rifles Of The World), but you can be assured
it is a lot more today:

Israeli M-16 rifle usage:

97,000 M-16A1
65,000 Colt Model 613
45,000 Colt Model 653

Above supplied 1970-1985

This nonsense is getting REALLY old, Folks...
Then we wonder why the Arabs hate the United


cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message wrong Posted 5-10-2002 12:55

Al the way it works is that for the foreign aid we give Israel, we require a certain percentage of that aid be spent on buying arms from American manufacturers. There is an important reason for this. Israel presents our one strategic ally in the Middle East. In fact they are the only friend in that region that we have. Let Israel die, and you create a massive coalition of a million radical Islamic fundamentalists aligned with China against the remaining enemy in the west (the US). Sadam may already have the bomb...He and these countries will use it if they get it. Israel represents a diplomatic buffer of sorts for the US to break up alliances between Arabic countries.

This need to prevent cohesive alliances is among our enemies is why Bush is so concerned with Saudi Arabia now, and seems to be going a bit negative on Israel. He wants to make sure that Sadam is not successful in creating a strong alliance with other Muslim nations, because it would be better to go to war with just Iraq, not the whole Muslim world. And the bases we built in Saudi Arabia may present more of a strategic asset than the average US citizen even realizes. AFTER we win the war in Iraq....THEN we'll kick Saudi ass. It's just better not to have to do it now.
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Cy... SO WRONG (like that is new!) Posted 5-11-2002 18:24

Junior, your drivel is amazing sometimes. There is
NO "united front" between America and Israel as
you seem to believe.
America has NO business supporting the Zionist
Israeli government and if you don't like that,
This bit is marvelous in it's stupidity:

"Israel presents our one strategic ally in the Middle
East. In fact they are the only friend in that region
that we have. Let Israel die, and you create a
massive coalition of a million radical Islamic
fundamentalists aligned with China against the
remaining enemy in the west (the US). ".

WHAT strategic ally???? Junior, our so called "ally"
in the Middle East is the same country that got
caught running the largest spy operation ever
uncovered operating INSIDE the U.S. (spying on
America, NOT the Arabs), sold advanced
technology to our enemies the Red Chinese
(whom YOU link with the Muslims), murdered
American sailors on the
U.S.S. Liberty, receives some 3 billion $s in U.S.
handouts yearly while our schools and
infrastructure are falling apart. Shall I go on?
What a bunch of garbage!
And say, where did you get this asinine BLEEP that
a certain percentage of "foreign aid" MUST be
spent on American weapons???? That is an
outright lie.
Would you like to produce the documentation of the
laws passed by Congress implementing that, to
back up your absurd claim so that we all here can
read it?
America's concern is America, NOT Israel. If the
Zionists stand or fall, they should do it on their
own, NOT on the backs of the American taxpayers.
Israel is NOT Judaism, anymore than the current
fascist "government" in D.C. is America. Got it?


P.S. BTW Junior, IF the Jews really were God's
"chosen people" then they DON'T NEED American
(or anyone else's) aid.
THINK about this Folks!
IF Bush really wanted to end the conflict in the
Middle East, all he has to do is phone Sharon and
tell him the checks stop right now, PERIOD. He
won't, and he doesn't give a tinker's damn about
what happens to either the Jews or Muslims, or the

[ This message was edited by: JAK on: 5-11-2002 18:08 ]
Cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Al, wrong as always Posted 5-11-2002 23:56

Al, keep watching. Current events will prove me right as they always do. Remember Enron? Where is the so called smoking gun that ties Enron to the Republican party that you said would soon be revealed? That aspect has died from the news, just as I said it would. Now they're just talking about Enron...NOT Republicans AND Enron. Each time I am proven correct you ignore it. So it will be with this subject as well.

Just watch as events unfold, and watch as I am proven correct once again.

We need Israel...and GW is currently insuring Sadam doesn't create an alliance with Saudi Arabia against a common western enemy. The Muslim world does see Israel and the United States as their common enemy, therefore, if we were seen coming to the immediate defense of Israel, it would do more to unify the Muslim world against us than anything else. That's why GW walks a very sensitive line. He must maintain our friendship with the only democracy in the region, while at the same time, not be seen in the world eyes to obviously be jumping to their defense. A knee-jerk reaction by the United States in the defense of Israel would be playing directly into Sadam's hands in his efforts to cement a coalition among the Islamic world.

We need to reduce as much organized opposition as possible, before we begin a campaign against Iraq in order to reduce casualties of US forces, so GW needs to diffuse some of this powder keg, to better insure our success and dismantle some of the barriers towards that goal.

He would rather play Saudi Arabia against Iraq, in order that we can at least not have them allied with Sadam against us, let alone prevent us from using the air-bases there. This is an important strategy for the reasons I illustrated and which you do not have the intelligence to comprehend.

Fact: Whether in Fall or Winter or Spring or Next summer, there is one unavoidable fact; We are about to go to war with Iraq in the relatively near future. The handling of the Israeli/Palestinian events plays into this reality, because the escalation of violence by the Palestinian homicide bomber is no accident. This escalation of Palestinian terrorism was purposely planned to coincide with this point of time to complicate the situation and divert our attention from Iraq. I know this by observing the fact that Sadam and Saudi Arabia have directly increased their funding of the homicide bomber's families. This is the Muslim world's common thread. They want Israel to die, and Sadam knows he can use this desire to unify Muslims against the west....especially if we are seen siding with Israel. It's his way of attempting to build a unified Arab coalition beyond their own squabbles among each other, and at the same time, achieve his personal goal of being the one to vanquish Israel himself. Sadam is power drunk with the thought of the glory that the destruction of Israel would give him. That's why he is acting now. He sees a window of opportunity to kill many birds with one stone, unify the Muslim world to his side, and destroy Israel, with the knowledge that a US attack is imminent and inevitable.

He also knows now that our specific goal this time is to take him out personally, so he is doubly desperate. This is why NOW is the time he must act, and the first step was to help escalate the homicide bombing attacks in Israel. There are strong ties between Sadam and Arafat, given that Arafat's headquarters were used to funnel Iraqi gold to fund assaults against Israel.

An attack on Israel is an attack on the United States and we therefore need to back Israel with all the resources we have. We are about to find out why....stay tuned.
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Cy wrong as always... Posted 5-12-2002 21:12

Stay tuned yourself...
NONSENSE to ALL your garbage above Junior,
America does NOT need Israel, they need us. They
owe the American people everything, NOT the
other way around, I'd suggest you remember that
on Memorial Day, for the men who died defending
U.S.S. Liberty against an Israeli attack. Think of
them and other AMERICANS, not the damn Israelis
for a change...
The ONLY reason to invade Iraq is for the oil,
nothing more. And the ONLY friend and ally Israel
cares about is Israel.
The vile stench of your Zionism reeks clear down
here to Texas.
It is funny that Bush is doing EXACTLY what I had
predicted he would do, long BEFORE he was
"elected" (check the old messages Folks). Ain't it
One day when you actually wake up, grow up, and
realize you have been had by the Bush clan & etc.,
I hope you think back and remember I told you so,
because I did, and don't think I won't rub your sorry
nose in it too, because I will.
