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...... Follow the Money ~ Art of War
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Posts: 690
(3/26/2004 3:31:33 AM)

 Follow the Money ~ Art of War
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
The Imperium Posted 3-16-2002 14:36

"Those who ignore History are forever condemned
to relive it".  Pliny the Roman

Read History.
We are now treading the same path Rome
followed, the citizens of that time abandoned the
Republic and embraced the Empire, the results
were in the end absolute disaster, and 1000 years
of the "Dark Ages".
And my question to you is how do you know that
what is happening in Afganistan has anything at all
to do with the events of Sept 11?
WHERE has it been proven that any Moslem, or
Afgani had anything to do with the Sept. 11

Follow the money...

So how can you justify killing people in one of the
poorest countries on earth in response to an event
that we DON'T even know as yet whom the actual
perpetrators were? This is real simple stuff.


Psychological warfare Posted 3-14-2002 23:59

Straight out of "The Art of War", or "The Prince".
Very simple, it is a psy-ops trick. It makes the
majority of Americans (who are unaware of what is
being done) stay in a constant state of anxiety. A
mind in this state is easily conditioned and
manipulated, witness the media blitz of flag
waviing just post Sept. 11. People today have such
a short attention span, and have become such
dumbed-down sheep, that it is necessary to deliver
repeated "shocks" to their "reality tunnels" in this
way to keep the "war fervor" and fear up, otherwise,
they simply lose interest, and Uncle Sugar's "war"
suddenly is not being supported by public
"opinion" anymore.
Cy really has no clue about this, or the so-called
"war", he is likely more of a "mole", as in
someone's operative.
