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...... "Operation Dead Snake" (Whoops!, Anaconda)
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(3/26/2004 3:10:28 AM)

 "Operation Dead Snake" (Whoops!, Anaconda)
"Operation Dead Snake" (Whoops!, Anaconda)
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
"Operation Dead Snake" (Whoops!, Anaconda) Posted 3-15-2002 01:09

Good bit from TiM (Truth in Media):

Seems the U.S. is finding out the SAME thing the
Russians did about Afganistan back in the '80s:
just when you say you got 'em beat, you wind up
with your tail in a sling. Just sit back and watch
folks, it is happening just as I said it would.

cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Al stop being a coward and answer a question for once... Posted 3-15-2002 02:21

Al....No war was ever fought without casualties. Do you think it is called operation Anaconda by accident? They purposely drove the Taliban into this location to surround them and cut them off from supplies, slowly strangle the life out of them. It's working. But just as Bush said, it's going to be a long war. In fact, this war on terrorism may never end....It may lead to nuclear war. As I said, this is the beginning of WWIII, but there is no other choice.

I disagree with Bush on the domestic front, and quite honestly I could not be more angry about several of his decisions. I was the first to mention, this frustration on ChickieDeb's board before Rush even mentioned them. I talked about my irritation with Bush's capitulation on amnesty for illegals long before 911 on the political section on my board.

Gar remembers a long series of posts where I basically called him an idiot for siding with campaign finance reform on this board. I posted about fifteen links pointing out why this was a bad idea, and he said I was brainwashed by the media. Well we all know where the mainstream media stands on this don't we? And given that my position is the opposite to theirs (as it usually is) bears testimony to the utter ignorance of Gar's remarks.

I've never supported giving one cent to the Christy may remember from her other board. In fact I said that they owe the US money...(which they do) and that we should be telling them what to do...not visa versa. I was the first to post on her board my opposition to the Kyoto treaty (which would have given the UN almost unlimited power over our domestic energy policy) before most people even knew what the Kyoto treaty was.

I'm irritated with Bush for not standing up for Judge Pickering and letting the Democrats get away with an absolute outrage and unprecedented act of demagoguery. I've been relentless on my opinions of Tom Daschle and how the guy is nothing but an evil bastard who is putting America at risk for his own political carreer.

I am against the Bush administration's admonition of Israel for attacking the Palestinian's when it is exactly what his administration would do/ is doing in Afghanistan. I find that to be the height of hypocrisy.

My views have remained solid and consistent on everything but chemtrails from the day I first started posting....because I am a true conservative and subscribe to that philosophy before I have allegiance to any one party. I have said from day one, I will support Bush as long as he stays consistent with conservative views, but I will be the first to criticize him if he does not. But you wouldn't know that because you've been to busy with your head up your rectum.

Still, when it comes to the current war situation, I can't think of a better team to have in charge. Like I said, with any other president (especially Gore or Clinton) this country would be lost right about now. When you are under attack there are only two choices:

1. Give into the enemy

2. Counter attack and beat him, destroy him, conquer him.

There is only failure or victory....or otherwise there can be no peace.

Just seem to be promoting choice number one. But don't let me put words in your keyboard. Why don't you tell us all how you would handle the current world situation better than Rumsfield and Bush. If you say you choose number one...then I'm sorry; That's suicide. You may want this country to die, because you feel it's already dead, and cheated your ancestors...and you're free to kill yourself, but I'll be damned if you take my family and myself with you. To do nothing is to face the inevitable further attacks without a fight (and, rest assured, there will be further attacks, possibly even nuclear on a city like Los Angeles next time)...regardless if we fight the enemy or choose to do nothing. I prefer to fight. If your choice is number one (as I assume it is) this is the coward's way out......

But don't let me assume what you think Al (as if it mattered). Please feel free to tell us all how you would handle this war, given that you claim to have such vastly superior wisdom. It's easy to be a critic...but what would you do? I'm sure others on this board are curious as well. You are President Al....What is the first item on President Al's agenda when it comes to dealing with the current terrorist threat and killing of over 3000 innocent US citizens with a very real threat of a nuclear terrorist attack hovering over our heads in the not too distant future. What does President Al do? Inquiring minds want to know.....
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
You protest too much Posted 3-15-2002 02:29

Junior, this is NOT a war.
ONLY Congress can declare war, and they have
NOT done so since December 8, 1941, PERIOD.
This is about grabbing the brass ring, and
establishing the NWO, nothing more.
You can type until sheol freezes over, and the more
you do, the more you prove you are nothing but a
Federal Government shill.



PS: by the way Junior, the official death toll last I
looked, was under 2900, and still dropping. And
for your information, NOT all of them were U.S.
citizens, so can the "our people" nonsense.
cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Re: You protest too much Posted 3-15-2002 02:57

Al just because the Congress doesn't have the backbone to declare an official war doesn't mean this is not one