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...... Another Bush Blunder... LOL
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(3/26/2004 2:47:48 AM)

 Another Bush Blunder... LOL
Another Bush Blunder... LOL
garflorida from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Another Bush Blunder... LOL Posted 3-10-2002 15:45

This is too funny. At the Presidential Gala, Bush is seen waving at Stevie Wonder. Scroll down to the end of the article for the story..... click here
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Not so funny... Posted 3-10-2002 16:18

The Bushster, Jr. IS after all a Bonesman, his
plebe codename was "Temporary" remember.
He is not as stupid as he seems, nor is the
Look at photos of him making the Elder Sign, in
public, NONE of this is by accident, nor does the
Brotherhood maintain absolute control over ALL on
the material plane (yet).


cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
President Bush...our first black president Posted 3-11-2002 00:51

Maybe Bush was making the secret brotherhood sign when he was "waving" at Mr Wonder......Maybe it wasn't an embarrasing faux pas...maybe it's just a black thing.
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Doubtful Posted 3-11-2002 01:11

Maybe he's just laughing up his sleeve at you
Junior, and anyone else stupid enough to take him
at face value.


cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Re: Doubtful Posted 3-11-2002 01:32

America's enemies take him at face value. They know when he indicates an intention to use nuclear weapons...he means it. His actions reflect his words. I'd say it would therefore be wise to take a person like that at face value.

Such a person often elicits fear and respect in his enemies. In a president, these are valuable qualities.
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Nonsense Posted 3-11-2002 01:41

Even America's allies realize he is playing the fool,
and badly at that.
Nuclear "weapons" are an idiot's game Junior, as
you might realize, had you ever studied the work of
Bruce Cathie.
This is like threatening someone with a hand
puppet. Why do you think conventional weapons
and armies have played (and continue to) such a
major role in world affairs?
Bush is an administrator for the NWO, nothing
more or less, and he will last as long as he is
fated to, and then exit the stage, just as Clinton and
his father Bush Sr. did before him.