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...... NESARA
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(3/26/2004 2:32:54 AM)

NESARA to be announced very shortly
shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
NESARA to be announced very shortly Posted 1-10-2002 23:31

NESARA is to be announced very shortly. Now all must be prepared to record this announcement because there will be 3 hours of great information.

This is NOT THE NESARA that is at site is pure disinformation. This is better than any of us ever dreamed!!!!!

This could be the reason that congress is fessing up to chemtrails!!!

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Status of NESARA as of January 7, 2002 Posted 1-12-2002 21:03

Status of the Bill

January 7, 2002: The bill has not been enacted into law, has not been introduced into Congress, and has not yet been assigned a tracking number. Please contact the President, your representative and senators, and ask if they support the bill. Send them all a copy of the bill (further contact information is available on our Political Contacts page).

After the bill is assigned a number, the status of the bill also can be viewed at the Thomas locator registry. However, the bill will not appear in the Thomas registry until the bill has been assigned a number.

Introduced into Committee: We still need at least one representative to sponsor the bill, obtain a bill number, and enter the bill into the record. The two House committees that would be interested in the bill are the Financial Services and the Ways and Means Committees. The two Senate committees that would be interested in the bill are the Finance and the Banking, Housing, And Urban Affairs Committees. Please contact the representatives on those committees, especially if one of the members happens to be your representative (contact information is available on our Political Contacts page).

Representatives and senators are becoming aware of the bill. Please continue your phone calls, faxes, emails, personal contacts, etc. Grass roots pressure is beginning to work, so please continue applying pressure. See our Political Contacts page for more information. Please also continue spreading the word--see our Spread the Word page for ideas. If you wish to help financially, please see our What Can I Do? page for details.

Bill number: None

Congressional members publicly supporting the bill:


Congressional members who have been informed about NESARA:

House Senate


J.D. Hayworth

Bob Schaffer

Michael Bilirakis

Philip Crane

Richard Baker

Roy Blunt

North Carolina
Richard Burr

New Jersey
Frank Pallone

Steve Chabot
Michael G. Oxley
Tom Sawyer
Bill Thomas

Steve Largent

Jim Greenwood

Dick Armey
Ken Bentsen
Ron Paul

Adam Smith

Mark Green

John McCain
Bob Graham

Chuck Grassley

Debbie Stabenow

North Carolina
John Edwards
Jesse Helms

New Jersey
Jon Corzine
Robert Torricelli

Mike DeWine
George Voinovich

Rick Santorum
Arlen Specter

Phil Gramm
Kay Bailey Hutchison

Bob Bennett
Orrin Hatch

The Treasury Department is aware of the bill:

Other public people who have been informed or are aware of NESARA:

President George Bush
Secretary of State Colin Powell
U.S. Supreme Court
Constitution Party
Democratic Party
Green Party
Libertarian Party
Natural Law Party
Reform Party
Republican Party
Argentina Ambassador to the U.S.
National Retail Sales Tax Alliance
Alan Keyes
Lawrence Reed, Mackinac Center for Public Policy
Heritage Foundation
Bill O'Reilly, Fox News
Editor, Detroit Free Press
Lew Rockwell,
Tim Swanson,
Eric Englund,
David Dieteman,
Joseph Sobran,
Gary North,
Swiss America Corp. Coin Dealers
M. Hager, USA Today
Joseph Farah, WorldNetDaily News
Jane Chastain, WorldNetDaily News
Barbara Simpson, WorldNetDaily News
Linda Bowles, WorldNetDaily News
Julie Foster, WorldNetDaily News
Anne Williamson, WorldNetDaily News
Geoff Metcalf, WorldNetDaily News
Jude Wanniski, WorldNetDaily News
Jon Dougherty, WorldNetDaily News
Jeff Dantre, Sierra Times News
David Horowitz