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...... US Now Arming & Training Afghani Terrorists
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(3/26/2004 1:46:37 AM)

 US Now Arming & Training Afghani Terrorists
US Now Arming & Training Afghani Terrorists
shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
US Now Arming & Training Afghani Terrorists Posted 10-13-2001 05:06


The following 2 articles confirm that the US "SECRET" plan for Afghanistan is proceeding right on schedule.

The US is now working to put the governing group in place that will be amenable to their plans, foremost of which is to tap into the Caspian Sea oil and gas fields.

The US is arming, attempting to bribe and ready to train "resistance or freedom" fighters. The "resistance fighters" of today are the "terrorists" of tomorrow.

Remember, the US, through the CIA and Pakistani ISI, trained and armed the Taliban.


The pipeline to go from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan and Pakistan to the Indian Ocean is to get OIL & GAS TO CHINA & JAPAN!

See Parts 1 & 2 if the Silk Road Series for more details.




From the UK News Telegraph

CIA tries to bribe Taliban to swap sides By Ben Fenton in Washington

(Filed: 11/10/2001)

CIA agents were reported yesterday to be trying to bribe and cajole Taliban commanders to turn against the regime in the south and east of Afghanistan.

With the provision of arms and ammunition to Northern Alliance leaders in the north, the covert actions of American and Pakistani intelligence agents are seen in Washington as having at least as much chance of displacing the Taliban as the use of American aircraft or ground troops.

"There's the message to the Taliban: 'time to quake in your boots'," a former CIA official told the Washington Post. "Then there's the message to the Taliban moderates, which is: `now's the time to change sides'.

"Clan commanders in the south and east are Pathans, and the CIA believes it can shake the allegiance of some of them to the Taliban. "These are rented relationships," the former official said.

US intelligence services believe that they and their Pakistani allies can persuade Pathan commanders that the Taliban will lose.

The strategy discernible in Washington is that if the Pathan leaders in the south and east see gains for the Northern Alliance in the north and west, they will change sides to ensure that northerners do not dominate the next government.


"Special Forces troops will be ready to fight, but their primary mission may be something quite different. These troops are trained to show up in unfamiliar, sometimes hostile cultures, make friends quickly and teach resistance pockets or opposition leaders how best to fight for themselves. Thus, their focus may be working with the Northern Alliance or some of the other Afghan forces already trying to oust the Taliban in a grinding civil war. "They train to train others," says Anna Simons, who teaches special-operations officers at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif. "All the Rambo stuff is a gross exaggeration."

Before dropping, they will have combed lists of resistance fighters who worked with U.S. operatives in the 1980s during the Afghan resistance movement against the Soviet Union. "I would guess that in the last several weeks, they've been tapping into the old boys' network," says retired Col. Henry G. Gole, a former Special Forces soldier."

FROM: October 11, 2001 Page One Feature

After Bombing Ends, Green Berets May Lead the Fight in Afghanistan


When American pilots finish the bombing phase of the campaign in Afghanistan, the next wave of the war will be fought on the mountainous nation's rocky terrain. And that, many expect, will set the stage for the Army's Special Forces commandos -- the Green Berets of military lore.

They won't talk about any plans in Afghanistan, but based on interviews with veterans, military experts and unclassified documents, a picture of how they might work emerges.

After sliding down helicopter lines or parachuting from low-flying Air Force transport planes, they'll hit the ground running with the latest high-tech gear. Each soldier is likely to be carrying a custom-tailored rifle along with a kit of attachments, including grenade launchers and nighttime sights. Many will be outfitted with a full set of Kevlar body armor and a helmet that weighs only three pounds. They'll bring in water in bladders strapped to their bodies and prepackaged, ready-to-eat meals. Dangling from belts or packed into rucksacks will be other gadgets: night-vision goggles and digital cameras, hand-held global-positioning-system receivers and maybe a laptop computer to send after-action reports to satellites overhead.

The Green Berets are just one part of the so-called special-operations troops now widely expected to play a crucial role in the fight against Osama bin Laden's terrorist network and the Taliban regime that hosts it in Afghanistan.

These troops are trained to drop behind enemy lines, where they could secure usable airstrips or search for Taliban outposts and terrorist sites that this week's strikes missed. Many are also trained to help in humanitarian relief efforts, and some could be assigned to hunt down specific targets such as Mr. bin Laden and his associates.

Special-ops troops aren't used to being the center of U.S. military campaigns. In past conflicts, they've been used to support larger, more conventional forces. Relying on these elite units may make sense against the unconventional threats presented in Afghanistan, but it has its pitfalls. Intelligence efforts before and during special operations are crucial to keep commandos out of harm's way, and past setbacks have shown that being able to pull out units quickly is also key.

Soldiers volunteer for these jobs, often attracted by the adventure of the force's high-risk, clandestine missions. Getting in isn't easy: Each service -- the Army, Navy and Air Force -- vets recruits with intense physical and psychological testing. The Green Berets generally prefer more mature officers and enlisted personnel, with five to 10 years in the military already. Combat experience helps and so does an outgoing personality: The troops are as likely to teach others how to fight as to do the work themselves.

Life has changed in recent years for the 43,000 active duty and reserve special-operations soldiers and sailors, and not just because of the high-tech gear they've picked up. After a massive reorganization in the late 1980s, soldiers from the three separate service branches came together under one command for the first time.

That means Army Green Berets, Navy Seals and Air Force special-operations pilots and commandos all work together. The Pentagon is spending $3.7 billion this year on outfitting these fighters, according to the U.S. Special Operations Command, the unified headquarters located at McDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla.

Current special-ops plans are cloaked in secrecy, and commanders won't even discuss options they may be considering in Afghanistan. But military experts suggest that scores -- possibly hundreds -- of gadget-laden troops could be involved.

The Army's Special Forces probably will be the first to enter the region. They are likely to fly to the area aboard cargo planes landing at secure airfields outside Afghanistan. Indeed, some Special Forces landings have already been reported in Uzbekistan, on Afghanistan's northern border.

From there, they could move into less-secure areas aboard Chinook helicopters flown by the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. Those choppers, which carry 20 commandos each, can be launched from the airfields in Uzbekistan, or perhaps from fields captured in northern Afghanistan itself.

'We Own the Nights'
Navy helicopters also could be used to ferry troops from aircraft carriers operating nearby. These missions are usually carried out in darkness, giving night-trained U.S. forces a big advantage over most threats -- including anywhere from 200 to 500 Stinger missiles still believed to be in the hands of Afghanistan's Taliban forces. "We own the nights," says retired Maj. Gen. David L. Grange, a former Special Forces commander.

Special Forces troops will be ready to fight, but their primary mission may be something quite different. These troops are trained to show up in unfamiliar, sometimes hostile cultures, make friends quickly and teach resistance pockets or opposition leaders how best to fight for themselves. Thus, their focus may be working with the Northern Alliance or some of the other Afghan forces already trying to oust the Taliban in a grinding civil war. "They train to train others," says Anna Simons, who teaches special-operations officers at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif. "All the Rambo stuff is a gross exaggeration."

Before dropping, they will have combed lists of resistance fighters who worked with U.S. operatives in the 1980s during the Afghan resistance movement against the Soviet Union. "I would guess that in the last several weeks, they've been tapping into the old boys' network," says retired Col. Henry G. Gole, a former Special Forces soldier.

Special Forces soldiers jump in with packs that weigh up to 200 pounds. Some carry a newly designed M-4 Carbine rifle -- a modification of the trusty but clunky M-16 -- and a selection of special fittings for the gun, including powerful scopes, a grenade launcher and laser and infrared aiming devices. They may also carry claymore mines, rectangular plates resembling football shinpads that can be detonated remotely to release a deadly spray of steel balls.

For the cold weather of the looming Central Asian winter, troops bundle up in camouflage Gore-Tex outerwear and heavy parkas and hoods. Soldiers working together will often sleep two in a sleeping bag to retain body heat.

Besides standard-issue equipment, Special Forces troops supplement their equipment with the latest wrist watches or hand-held computers they may have picked up at the local electronics store. And Army outfitters are always testing out new electronics. "We're gadget freaks," says one former Special Forces officer.

After-action and intelligence reports require laptop computers on some missions. Hewlett-Packard 300 and 600 series have been especially popular because of their rugged construction and the ease with which they connect to the military's satellite-communications equipment, according to "Special Forces," a nonfiction guide to the community written by military novelist Tom Clancy.

On the other hand, some Special Forces troops might shed all this equipment and adopt local dress to blend in to populated areas.

Close on the Special Forces' heels may be more conventional troops -- Army Rangers or the Marine Corps. Thousands of Marines are stationed on Navy ships in the vicinity of the Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf, and they could be dropped in or around Afghanistan from ship-based helicopters. Rangers, especially the elite 75th Ranger Regiment, are trained to take out and secure airstrips and ports. When they go in, they can be expected to stay a while -- from weeks to months -- in order to establish support bases for smaller missions of special-ops troops.

Critical Support
The bases these troops set up would also provide critical search-and-rescue support for smaller attack teams that would follow. They would likely be Green Berets or maybe even Navy Seals with regional expertise or language skills. These teams would search out targets that may be obscured from bombers or cruise-missile platforms -- moving columns of troops or vehicles, hidden command bunkers or bridges and tortuous roadways tucked along mountainsides.

The teams, working in small groups of about a dozen, don't need to get too close to their targets. With a "ground laser target designator," commandos can illuminate targets with laser beams while Navy or Air Force bombers or Army attack helicopters aim their guided bombs and missiles where the laser points. By attaching the system to GPS and radio equipment, ground forces also can beam up precise targeting coordinates to incoming strike aircraft.
Write to Chip Cummins at chip.cummins@wsj.com1 URL for this Article:

[ This message was edited by: shield on: 10-13-2001 05:04 ]

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Green Beret Posted 10-15-2001 01:40

This is the first article that I read about the Green Beret being involved. See, now this to me makes sense. It's the only thing about this whole War on Terrorist that does make sense. Speaking of which...I watched Bush the other day...ummm, the last time he was on live...Tuesday?...anyway, he refered to this war as the "New War". He didn't say, this is a new kind of war, or, this war of terrorism is new to us...He called it the NEW WAR as if it was it's title! Now, in that link that Jason gave talking about Masons, Ya gotta read what the authors last line reads. Gave me chills!


[ This message was edited by: Swedishoo on: 10-15-2001 01:35 ]
cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
The article is aware of the true enemy here (unlike Rumormill News) Posted 10-15-2001 02:32

Take care, Mr. President. The game's afoot, and you may not know as yet all the rules of this "new" (but, in fact, very ancient) war ....

But it's obvious you're learning.

It is indeed an ancient war as old as mankind itself. It is a war between the forces of good and the forces of evil, and we are on the right side.

Bush is the right leader in this "Holy war" because he is steely in his resolve and resolute in his determination. He sees the bigger picture. You do not negotiate with the devil.

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Not a Jihad Posted 10-16-2001 04:17

I have to admit, he has been steely..more so that I expected. Regardless if I agree with a political issue or not, I'm still a firm believer that you have to finish what you involve yourself in, and do it right. If Bush would've taken the offer of turning over Laden to a third nation, I would have lost all respect for him. However, he did the right thing..even thought I'm not liking any of this due to that I believe there's a bigger picture not being shown.

But I have put a lot of heavy thought into this....

...It is to our best interest, if the United States does NOT allow the Taliban to think that this could be a Holy War. Let this be a war of terrorism and be done with it. If they think that we are fighting a Jihad, then we can expect to lose a lot of men and support from neighboring countries. It would downright foolish to have it come to that.

ts from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
sniff...sniff... Posted 10-16-2001 07:23

brings a tear to my eye to see all of you guys posting...

I must admit...I was mad no action was taken quickly, but it is clear bush and co. know what there doing....

looks to me like some of the focus will be shifted to iraq again and things will start being bombed over there to...

I hope the anthrax in the "meat" rumor is hearsay...

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Hey Stranger Posted 10-17-2001 02:40

Greg good to see you! I've been thinking of you. You must have sensed it.



Pop in more often.
cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Russia Warns Top Officials Not To Go To USA....... Posted 10-18-2001 03:09

Do they know something? Here's a very scary "must read"...(Bush's timing for going to China is interesting)
cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
The Bigger Picture... Posted 10-18-2001 03:54

Christy, I am starting to look into your theory somewhat, into the area that there are bigger, more well financed and powerful groups behind the 911 attacks. (And no Shield, I don't mean groups in the US, or groups that GW Bush is a part of). According to several articles (in Newsmax) these groups have their roots in Russia, as ultimately all terrorist nations are financed and armed by Russia. Russia has much to gain by the financial collapse of the United States, as pointed out here:

Russia "elite" groups may just be using terrorist organizations (whom they finance and supply) to execute the attacks. In this way, they could attempt to accomplish their objectives of world wide domination while remaining in the shadows, and not easily traceable as the source of the attack (thereby avoiding US nuclear retaliatory response). Russia, if you'll remember, also has an marriage of convenience, so-to-speak with China (which also has a great interest in the financial and infrastructure collapse of the United States, without the nuclear response) China may very well be involved with this as well. I can't help but feel there is a deeper, more important reason (such as this) for Bush's trip to China at this time.

Just suppose that Bush really does know (by way of intelligence) the true source of these attacks. And let's say it was ultimately Russia and China that were behind it, by way of alliance. If we were to acknowledge this, then we would be obligated to respond militarily and risk nuclear war. Think about it. To bomb Russia as we are doing Afghanistan would invite our own nuclear annihilation at this point. Maybe that's why the United States realizes it can only go after the "hands and fingers of the beast" (nations like Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria).....and not take out the "heart of the beast" itself (Russia). To do so would to risk global nuclear/biological war and the destruction of the human race.
ts from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Occam's razor... Posted 10-18-2001 06:22

...a cigar is just a cigar...

let me expound abit, it, since the beginning of the event has been discussed as a mossad/jew planned ordeal...that "true followers of islam" would never visit nudie bars...and the reports were comming in on the terrorists activities before the last days...what has to be remembered is this, they as suicide students are promised 50 virgins in tell me friends, what does a desire for a biological function have to do with heaven and the spiritual side... ~0~ if indeed islam is in this line of thinking it is a flawed religion to start with...

and as far as the "complexity" of planning this out, bin-laden and specificly palestinian terrorists have been planning assassination's for 40 years...anwar sadat...comes to mind...that took planning...

I don't think russia or china were in on any part of the event...noone wants war with us...except those who are insane...

there's one man propagating this and he is a egyptian islamic extremist.

cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Cy's Razor Posted 10-18-2001 22:50

While I hope you are right Seeker, I do realize however that Osama Yomamma is not the only head on this multi-headed snake.......(and so does Bush). I think of him basically as a hired hit man for various states such as Iraq, Iran, etc. These states use Islam to rationalize their cause and gain support among the poverty stricken, starving masses whom they oppress. But they know their real cause is simple hatred for a free and prosperous people. They want to impose their oppression and point of view on the world....and with the USA out of the way, they would be able to do that. They want us dead.

But after we get done with Afghanistan, where do you think we'll be headed next? I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts we are going to Iraq to finish the job Daddy Bush started. We are going after Sadam, because he is the one most likely funding the Taliban. He is also the one most likely to use a weapon of mass destruction next and spark off WWIII.

And who funds and supports Saddam?

If you guessed mother'd be right. Follow the money. Follow the labels on the weapons, and all roads lead to Russia. We have financed some of these monsters as well, but it was to play these countries against each other, and to help them defeat each other, so that they would be less of a world menace. But Russia?

Russia has a different motivation altogether. They want to see the collapse and downfall of America and the American way of life. Read the links I gave. Russia seemed to know in advance that the attacks on 911 would take place. The pieces of the puzzle come together.

Cy's razor: If it walks like a duck and quacks like a's probably a duck.....

Here's a link that might answer some questions Seeker:

[ This message was edited by: cydoniaquest on: 10-18-2001 17:31 ]
ts from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
cy's razor stubble Posted 10-19-2001 05:51

I understand the implication, but proper ettiquette would not be to start dropping bombs all over the place...yes I feel too saddam is next but first things first...

To me is is more plausible that bin laden is acting and pulling his own strings...muslims have been elevated in the world theater due to the event...they are players and the bad one's must be delt with...

russia and china as well as the rest of the world needs our money...a broken and chaotic U.S would cripple the world economy and start the beginning events unthinkable globally...

I'll read the links later, presently I have another "foreigner" trying to tell me about the election sham again....

later gator


Posts: 690
(3/26/2004 1:49:21 AM)

 Re: US Now Arming & Training Afghani Terrorists
cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Retards Posted 10-19-2001 21:25

Razor stubble? Heck, I'm smooth as a baby's buttocks.

Don't tell me they're still arguing that Bush wasn't rightfully elected! Anybody that moronic isn't even worth the words. 5 re-counts, and each time Bush won. They wouldn't even allow the millitary to vote in Florida, and each time Bush won. The Demoncraps cheated every way they possible could, knocking out chads left and right, acting too stupid to read a butterfly ballot....and still Bush won. And these people would've preferred Gore in office now?

Whoever these "foreigners" are they are completely retarded Seeker, they're not worth the typing effort. I suppose they think Tom Daschle is legitimate.

PS.....When you get a chance, I think you will find those links interesting.
Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Razor Stubble Over Here...Growing Leg Warmers for Winter Posted 10-20-2001 03:59

I read your links and a bunch other's too. The one (of many) things that bothers me is, I was shocked to see just how many countries have their grubby paws out and all have a bite of the pipeline pie. Now I'm sure some is out of necessity, but just who is making the buck here? ...Cause Lord knows, there is a mint to be made...and let's just say for humor sake, there is no money to be made but the need to distribute oil through parts of Asia. Too many people are involved. There's going to be fighting regardless. Now as crazy as this may seem...but has anyone ever thought that maybe we are disliked by other countries because we meddle in deals that they don't want us to be in?

cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Backasswards stubble Posted 10-20-2001 07:08

Name some deals where we didn't have legitimate business Christy. Personally, I see it as just the opposite. We have countries out there who simply hate America because of our lifestyle, and the fact that we are prosperous and free, while the majority of the rest of the world is not, because their own governments are basically corrupt and evil. Simple as that.

It is not we who are meddling in their affairs, it is they who are trying to impose their suffering and self-oppression and destruction upon us. "They" attacked the World Trade Center, simply because they want to attack the symbolism of American prosperity and capitalism, and try to take out as many innocent lives as possible, while potentially instigating the collapse of the American economy to boot.

They are imposing their hatred on us in no uncertain terms; It is not us imposing our hatred on them. America seeks to help nations become free and prosperous, and keep the world stable so that people can be free to live their lives in peace. Save perhaps the Klintoon bombings of Kosovo, we do not impose ourselves upon other nations. We are happy to live and let live so long as another country does not interfere with our interests. Our only crime is living our lives in prosperity and freedom and seeking peace. There are those evil bastards in the world however who disagree with our desire for freedom and a capitalistic society, because by simply living our lives, we interfere with their plans of world domination and oppression.

I'm sorry Christy but you've got it is they who have interfered in our affairs in the most vile and evil of ways....that much should be obvious. It should also be obvious to you that this war is not about is about justice, it is about destroying terrorist groups, it is about seeking world stability so that there may be peace for the free peoples of the world. To do nothing is to let the evil win. This may be the most important war for world stability and the continued survival of free nations in the history of mankind.

[ This message was edited by: cydoniaquest on: 10-20-2001 07:04 ]
shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
I think you guys are missing the picture here..... Posted 10-20-2001 17:12

Homeland Defense and the Anti-Terrorism Bill....does this not send shock waves and chills through you sheople yet!! If these actions would have been taken by the former administration, we would have all gone into orbit. Have republicans become a bunch of idiots and a bunch of stupid lap dogs?

On top of that, wasn't there a committee meeting in Congress about a year ago, that recommended a new government be installed in Afghanistan so the oil/gas pipeline could proceed?


cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Trust is the difference Posted 10-20-2001 21:22

If Clinton was in power now Sheild, and Janet Reno was still head of the Justice department, I would be up in arms about the anti-terrorism bill and the new homeland security office.

There is a big difference however, and that difference is that Clinton and Reno were/are the most corrupt individuals ever to take US office.

The difference is that I trust GW Bush and I trust John Ashcroft. It's really that simple. I do not think their intentions are to take away the rights of US citicens but rather, to insure the protection of US citizen's liberties, freedoms and rights....and I trust their judgement. I knew Clinton's motivations were just the opposite.

This new office and legislation is worth watching closely however, as is any expansion of government powers, to see that they are not abused.

[ This message was edited by: cydoniaquest on: 10-20-2001 21:21 ]
IggyPop from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Ha Ha Ha Posted 10-21-2001 17:45

It is truly funny to me how easily people like Cy are fooled, even after being exposed to so much independent info and research. When Illuminatti & CO want a bill or to be passed or a course of action to be taken, it WILL happen. Of course they make sure to take all the necessary actions (such as OKC, Columbine, and yes, I truly hate and am utterly disgusted and horrified to say it, the WTC bombing. It matters nothing who is in the White House. Republican vs. Democrat is just a sideshow for the common fools...I mean get caught up in. This past election was a sham alright, but what people don't realize is that so were all the ones before it! I suggest going to and taking a look. The first five chapters are free and to get the whole book is relatively cheap last time I checked. It is really hard to accept things as horrible as this to be true. I don't want to believe it. I never wanted to think about these things, how monstrous and deceitful people can be. It just shows you should never put your trust in mankind.
shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
OH PLEASE!!! Posted 10-21-2001 18:06

The difference is that I trust GW Bush and I trust John Ashcroft. It's really that simple. I do not think their intentions are to take away the rights of US citicens but rather, to insure the protection of US citizen's liberties, freedoms and rights....and I trust their judgement. I knew Clinton's motivations were just the opposite.

HA! HA! HA! On my are certainly NAIVE or is it STUPID. First off, politicans can not be TRUSTED.

I guess you support Ashcroft and Bush on the decision NOT TO investigate the clintoons'.... doesn't that set off some alarms for you? No matter how much a person wants to support an administration, when the RED LIGHTS start going OFF because you see the American Republic and her rights getting chopped into pieces as both Homeland Defense and the anti-terrorism bill have done ... you better step up to the plate too defend her~America and not some slimy politicans' moves to strip, rape and kill her!!!

[ This message was edited by: shield on: 10-21-2001 18:02 ]

cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Please What? Posted 10-21-2001 23:13

Shield, I do think your stance is extremely stupid myself, but I was too polite to say it directly. Actually, I don't think stupid is really the right word, because I don't think you are stupid. It's just...I don't know....paranoid or something. I can't quite put my finger on it....I just think you are wrong as can be, and jumping to extreme, unfounded conclusions. But since you were the first to tell me how you feel about my opinion....well now you know what I think of yours. I think you're nuts basically. :~)

Prior to the 911 attacks I was questioning Bush's blocking of the Clinton investigations and prosecutions however, but I suspect there are deeper reasons behind it, perhaps even blackmail (as Clinton has been known to employ). Since then I have observed decisions GW has made that reveal his true political nature......extremely conservative. It is obvious that he lives and thinks with that ideology. Before, he was not able to express it because we had a divided congress with a new majority (by default) of Democrats in the Senate. Part of what a president has to do is compromise, in order that any part of his agenda may be met. The war however has given him political leverage over the liberals, and now that he is free to govern as he wants, we see that his true colors are very conservative. I think he has far more guts than his father.

As for IggyPop's statement, I have some simple questions that all you NWO conspiracy theorist types are never able to answer....

How do you back your statements up? In other words, what is your source of information? How do you know that what you believe is anything more than rumor?

Answer those questions and prove me wrong, but until then, it is obvious that you are jumping to baseless and unfounded conclusions.....based solely on your personal belief (not necessarily reality)... What's new?....I've come to expect that from the chemtrail crowd.
ts from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
whoa ! Posted 10-22-2001 07:40 was pretty loyal to the Bush camp...what happened...???

things have to be done to protect the U.S, and until a way is devised to track folks comming into the U.S, domestic awareness and governmental inconviences on certain freedoms are justified...

I still have my gun...ok ?

IggyPop from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Fair enough..... Posted 10-22-2001 16:50

Your questions are certainly reasonable Cy. But so are those of us "conspiracy theorists". They are never answered and when they are it is usually in the form of lies. In this day where the all forms of media are completely monopolized you should always look at the source of the information. I am sure everyone stayed up on election night right? Well, if I remember correctly there was a bit of uncertainty regarding a little state called Florida...If you did a bit of channel surfing you would notice that all the news stations said the same thing. Gore won Florida. Than later...Bush wins it...And so on... They were all getting their information from the same exact source. Every major newspaper is given their stories from the "AP" Every about our elections are a sham right down to the polls that are given that are supposed to represent the majority of Americans. There are several places to find out about this. That Rense Radio show occasionally, and I do stress occasionally, has some amazing guests on it and I remeber hearing one a few days after the election that spoke in detail about this. If you go to the Rense site it is archived and you can still hear it....

I think it is important to read between the lines the stuff that is fed to you in the media, and ask questions. Independent sources are the only ones I will lend some credence to, and even then I do it with caution. I don't put my 100% trust and belief into anything,and yes that includes chemtrails, Illuminatti, and NWO subject matter. The best that one can do is gather information from a variety of sources and form your own opinions and conclusions. You say I am blindly believing in these things. But you are DEAD wrong Cy. There is plenty of evidence that you can witness first-hand concerning everything that is talked about. Every day I wake up I see or hear some evidence somewhere. It is everywhere And I am not just talking about chemtrails. It is your beliefs and trust that is blind Cy. You REFUSE to consider anything contrary to your strict viewpoints and yet you are accusing others of doing the same. We all want to know the truth but if your judgment is clouded with a false reality and you do not not look for truth you will never find it.


Posts: 690
(3/26/2004 1:53:14 AM)

 Re: Re: US Now Arming & Training Afghani Terrorists
Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
I Assure You My Ass Is Going In The Right Direction Posted 10-23-2001 02:16

Cy, I'm not assbackwards in my thinking. You are so loyal to GW you actually think this war is about terrorism don't you.

Well hold on to your hat, cause I'm gonna say something that will give you a stroke....

$100.00 bucks says Osama bin Laden had NOTHING to do with the WTC on Sept 11th.

Wars are planned Cy, whether you like believing that or not. Evil people, No matter Who or Where they are, that have an agenda, could give a rat's ass if 6000 die and a couple of buildings are destroyed.

"[The war in Iraq is] a rare opportunity to move
toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these
troubled times...a New World Order can emerge."

George H. W. Bush
September 11, 1990

[ This message was edited by: Swedishoo on: 10-23-2001 02:14 ]
ts from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Jesus must be coming.... Posted 10-23-2001 05:47 too christy ?!?!?!

the only thing I find interesting is the date comparison of senior's speech...

have you seen this garbage from the completely impressionable, and quite insane mr. larry lawson ?

I think if you or anyone else is to put up a line of thinking , you should provide some proof...

man...I need a drink !

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Lordy Lordy Posted 10-23-2001 20:40

I'm glad you noticed the date. That is why I posted it. Also take note that not only was it on September 11th, but it was also 11 years ago. Very symbolic. I remember Papa Bush saying this as if it was yesterday. I also remember his Points of Light speech too.

>>>>I think if you or anyone else is to put up a line of thinking , you should provide some proof...

I'll do you one better. Here's the entire speech and the link for all of Public Papers

Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the Persian Gulf Crisis
and the Federal Budget Deficit
September 11, 1990

Mr. President and Mr. Speaker and Members of the United States Congress, distinguished guests, fellow Americans, thank you very much for that warm welcome. We gather tonight, witness to events in the Persian Gulf as significant as they are tragic. In the early morning hours of August 2d, following negotiations and promises by Iraq's dictator Saddam Hussein not to use force, a powerful Iraqi army invaded its trusting and much weaker neighbor, Kuwait. Within 3 days, 120,000 Iraqi troops with 850 tanks had poured into Kuwait and moved south to threaten Saudi Arabia. It was then that I decided to act to check that aggression.

At this moment, our brave servicemen and women stand watch in that distant desert and on distant seas, side by side with the forces of more than 20 other nations. They are some of the finest men and women of the United States of America. And they're doing one terrific job. These valiant Americans were ready at a moment's notice to leave their spouses and their children, to serve on the front line halfway around the world. They remind us who keeps America strong: they do. In the trying circumstances of the Gulf, the morale of our service men and women is excellent. In the face of danger, they're brave, they're well-trained, and dedicated.

A soldier, Private First Class Wade Merritt of Knoxville, Tennessee, now stationed in Saudi Arabia, wrote his parents of his worries, his love of family, and his hope for peace. But Wade also wrote, ``I am proud of my country and its firm stance against inhumane aggression. I am proud of my army and its men. I am proud to serve my country.'' Well, let me just say, Wade, America is proud of you and is grateful to every soldier, sailor, marine, and airman serving the cause of peace in the Persian Gulf. I also want to thank the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Powell; the Chiefs here tonight; our commander in the Persian Gulf, General Schwartzkopf; and the men and women of the Department of Defense. What a magnificent job you all are doing. And thank you very, very much from a grateful people. I wish I could say that their work is done. But we all know it's not.

So, if there ever was a time to put country before self and patriotism before party, the time is now. And let me thank all Americans, especially those here in this Chamber tonight, for your support for our armed forces and for their mission. That support will be even more important in the days to come. So, tonight I want to talk to you about what's at stake -- what we must do together to defend civilized values around the world and maintain our economic strength at home.

Our objectives in the Persian Gulf are clear, our goals defined and familiar: Iraq must withdraw from Kuwait completely, immediately, and without condition. Kuwait's legitimate government must be restored. The security and stability of the Persian Gulf must be assured. And American citizens abroad must be protected. These goals are not ours alone. They've been endorsed by the United Nations Security Council five times in as many weeks. Most countries share our concern for principle. And many have a stake in the stability of the Persian Gulf. This is not, as Saddam Hussein would have it, the United States against Iraq. It is Iraq against the world.

As you know, I've just returned from a very productive meeting with Soviet President Gorbachev. And I am pleased that we are working together to build a new relationship. In Helsinki, our joint statement affirmed to the world our shared resolve to counter Iraq's threat to peace. Let me quote: ``We are united in the belief that Iraq's aggression must not be tolerated. No peaceful international order is possible if larger states can devour their smaller neighbors.'' Clearly, no longer can a dictator count on East-West confrontation to stymie concerted United Nations action against aggression. A new partnership of nations has begun.

We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective -- a new world order -- can emerge: a new era -- freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony. A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor. Today that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we've known. A world where the rule of law supplants the rule of the jungle. A world in which nations recognize the shared responsibility for freedom and justice. A world where the strong respect the rights of the weak. This is the vision that I shared with President Gorbachev in Helsinki. He and other leaders from Europe, the Gulf, and around the world understand that how we manage this crisis today could shape the future for generations to come.

The test we face is great, and so are the stakes. This is the first assault on the new world that we seek, the first test of our mettle. Had we not responded to this first provocation with clarity of purpose, if we do not continue to demonstrate our determination, it would be a signal to actual and potential despots around the world. America and the world must defend common vital interests -- and we will. America and the world must support the rule of law -- and we will. America and the world must stand up to aggression -- and we will. And one thing more: In the pursuit of these goals America will not be intimidated.

Vital issues of principle are at stake. Saddam Hussein is literally trying to wipe a country off the face of the Earth. We do not exaggerate. Nor do we exaggerate when we say Saddam Hussein will fail. Vital economic interests are at risk as well. Iraq itself controls some 10 percent of the world's proven oil reserves. Iraq plus Kuwait controls twice that. An Iraq permitted to swallow Kuwait would have the economic and military power, as well as the arrogance, to intimidate and coerce its neighbors -- neighbors who control the lion's share of the world's remaining oil reserves. We cannot permit a resource so vital to be dominated by one so ruthless. And we won't.

Recent events have surely proven that there is no substitute for American leadership. In the face of tyranny, let no one doubt American credibility and reliability. Let no one doubt our staying power. We will stand by our friends. One way or another, the leader of Iraq must learn this fundamental truth. From the outset, acting hand in hand with others, we've sought to fashion the broadest possible international response to Iraq's aggression. The level of world cooperation and condemnation of Iraq is unprecedented. Armed forces from countries spanning four continents are there at the request of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia to deter and, if need be, to defend against attack. Moslems and non-Moslems, Arabs and non-Arabs, soldiers from many nations stand shoulder to shoulder, resolute against Saddam Hussein's ambitions.

We can now point to five United Nations Security Council resolutions that condemn Iraq's aggression. They call for Iraq's immediate and unconditional withdrawal, the restoration of Kuwait's legitimate government, and categorically reject Iraq's cynical and self-serving attempt to annex Kuwait. Finally, the United Nations has demanded the release of all foreign nationals held hostage against their will and in contravention of international law. It is a mockery of human decency to call these people ``guests.'' They are hostages, and the whole world knows it.

Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, a dependable ally, said it all: ``We do not bargain over hostages. We will not stoop to the level of using human beings as bargaining chips ever.'' Of course, of course, our hearts go out to the hostages and to their families. But our policy cannot change, and it will not change. America and the world will not be blackmailed by this ruthless policy.

We're now in sight of a United Nations that performs as envisioned by its founders. We owe much to the outstanding leadership of Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar. The United Nations is backing up its words with action. The Security Council has imposed mandatory economic sanctions on Iraq, designed to force Iraq to relinquish the spoils of its illegal conquest. The Security Council has also taken the decisive step of authorizing the use of all means necessary to ensure compliance with these sanctions. Together with our friends and allies, ships of the United States Navy are today patrolling Mideast waters. They've already intercepted more than 700 ships to enforce the sanctions. Three regional leaders I spoke with just yesterday told me that these sanctions are working. Iraq is feeling the heat. We continue to hope that Iraq's leaders will recalculate just what their aggression has cost them. They are cut off from world trade, unable to sell their oil. And only a tiny fraction of goods gets through.

The communique with President Gorbachev made mention of what happens when the embargo is so effective that children of Iraq literally need milk or the sick truly need medicine. Then, under strict international supervision that guarantees the proper destination, then food will be permitted.

At home, the material cost of our leadership can be steep. That's why Secretary of State Baker and Treasury Secretary Brady have met with many world leaders to underscore that the burden of this collective effort must be shared. We are prepared to do our share and more to help carry that load; we insist that others do their share as well.

The response of most of our friends and allies has been good. To help defray costs, the leaders of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the UAE -- the United Arab Emirates -- have pledged to provide our deployed troops with all the food and fuel they need. Generous assistance will also be provided to stalwart front-line nations, such as Turkey and Egypt. I am also heartened to report that this international response extends to the neediest victims of this conflict -- those refugees. For our part, we've contributed $28 million for relief efforts. This is but a portion of what is needed. I commend, in particular, Saudi Arabia, Japan, and several European nations who have joined us in this purely humanitarian effort.

There's an energy-related cost to be borne as well. Oil-producing nations are already replacing lost Iraqi and Kuwaiti output. More than half of what was lost has been made up. And we're getting superb cooperation. If producers, including the United States, continue steps to expand oil and gas production, we can stabilize prices and guarantee against hardship. Additionally, we and several of our allies always have the option to extract oil from our strategic petroleum reserves if conditions warrant. As I've pointed out before, conservation efforts are essential to keep our energy needs as low as possible. And we must then take advantage of our energy sources across the board: coal, natural gas, hydro, and nuclear. Our failure to do these things has made us more dependent on foreign oil than ever before. Finally, let no one even contemplate profiteering from this crisis. We will not have it.

I cannot predict just how long it will take to convince Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait. Sanctions will take time to have their full intended effect. We will continue to review all options with our allies, but let it be clear: we will not let this aggression stand.

Our interest, our involvement in the Gulf is not transitory. It predated Saddam Hussein's aggression and will survive it. Long after all our troops come home -- and we all hope it's soon, very soon -- there will be a lasting role for the United States in assisting the nations of the Persian Gulf. Our role then: to deter future aggression. Our role is to help our friends in their own self-defense. And something else: to curb the proliferation of chemical, biological, ballistic missile and, above all, nuclear technologies.

Let me also make clear that the United States has no quarrel with the Iraqi people. Our quarrel is with Iraq's dictator and with his aggression. Iraq will not be permitted to annex Kuwait. That's not a threat, that's not a boast, that's just the way it's going to be.

Our ability to function effectively as a great power abroad depends on how we conduct ourselves at home. Our economy, our Armed Forces, our energy dependence, and our cohesion all determine whether we can help our friends and stand up to our foes. For America to lead, America must remain strong and vital. Our world leadership and domestic strength are mutual and reinforcing; a woven piece, strongly bound as Old Glory. To revitalize our leadership, our leadership capacity, we must address our budget deficit -- not after election day, or next year, but now.

Higher oil prices slow our growth, and higher defense costs would only make our fiscal deficit problem worse. That deficit was already greater than it should have been -- a projected $232 billion for the coming year. It must -- it will -- be reduced.

To my friends in Congress, together we must act this very month -- before the next fiscal year begins on October 1st -- to get America's economic house in order. The Gulf situation helps us realize we are more economically vulnerable than we ever should be. Americans must never again enter any crisis, economic or military, with an excessive dependence on foreign oil and an excessive burden of Federal debt.

Most Americans are sick and tired of endless battles in the Congress and between the branches over budget matters. It is high time we pulled together and get the job done right. It's up to us to straighten this out. This job has four basic parts. First, the Congress should, this month, within a budget agreement, enact growth-oriented tax measures -- to help avoid recession in the short term and to increase savings, investment, productivity, and competitiveness for the longer term. These measures include extending incentives for research and experimentation; expanding the use of IRA's for new homeowners; establishing tax-deferred family savings accounts; creating incentives for the creation of enterprise zones and initiatives to encourage more domestic drilling; and, yes, reducing the tax rate on capital gains.

And second, the Congress should, this month, enact a prudent multiyear defense program, one that reflects not only the improvement in East-West relations but our broader responsibilities to deal with the continuing risks of outlaw action and regional conflict. Even with our obligations in the Gulf, a sound defense budget can have some reduction in real terms; and we're prepared to accept that. But to go beyond such levels, where cutting defense would threaten our vital margin of safety, is something I will never accept. The world is still dangerous. And surely, that is now clear. Stability's not secure. American interests are far reaching. Interdependence has increased. The consequences of regional instability can be global. This is no time to risk America's capacity to protect her vital interests.

And third, the Congress should, this month, enact measures to increase domestic energy production and energy conservation in order to reduce dependence on foreign oil. These measures should include my proposals to increase incentives for domestic oil and gas exploration, fuel-switching, and to accelerate the development of the Alaskan energy resources without damage to wildlife. As you know, when the oil embargo was imposed in the early 1970's, the United States imported almost 6 million barrels of oil a day. This year, before the Iraqi invasion, U.S. imports had risen to nearly 8 million barrels per day. And we'd moved in the wrong direction. And now we must act to correct that trend.

And fourth, the Congress should, this month, enact a 5-year program to reduce the projected debt and deficits by $500 billion -- that's by half a trillion dollars. And if, with the Congress, we can develop a satisfactory program by the end of the month, we can avoid the ax of sequester -- deep across-the-board cuts that would threaten our military capacity and risk substantial domestic disruption. I want to be able to tell the American people that we have truly solved the deficit problem. And for me to do that, a budget agreement must meet these tests: It must include the measures I've recommended to increase economic growth and reduce dependence on foreign oil. It must be fair. All should contribute, but the burden should not be excessive for any one group of programs or people. It must address the growth of government's hidden liabilities. It must reform the budget process and, further, it must be real.

I urge Congress to provide a comprehensive 5-year deficit reduction program to me as a complete legislative package, with measures to assure that it can be fully enforced. America is tired of phony deficit reduction or promise-now, save-later plans. It is time for a program that is credible and real. And finally, to the extent that the deficit reduction program includes new revenue measures, it must avoid any measure that would threaten economic growth or turn us back toward the days of punishing income tax rates. That is one path we should not head down again.

I have been pleased with recent progress, although it has not always seemed so smooth. But now it's time to produce. I hope we can work out a responsible plan. But with or without agreement from the budget summit, I ask both Houses of the Congress to allow a straight up-or-down vote on a complete $500-billion deficit reduction package not later than September 28. If the Congress cannot get me a budget, then Americans will have to face a tough, mandated sequester. I'm hopeful, in fact, I'm confident that the Congress will do what it should. And I can assure you that we in them executive branch will do our part.

In the final analysis, our ability to meet our responsibilities abroad depends upon political will and consensus at home. This is never easy in democracies, for we govern only with the consent of the governed. And although free people in a free society are bound to have their differences, Americans traditionally come together in times of adversity and challenge.

Once again, Americans have stepped forward to share a tearful goodbye with their families before leaving for a strange and distant shore. At this very moment, they serve together with Arabs, Europeans, Asians, and Africans in defense of principle and the dream of a new world order. That's why they sweat and toil in the sand and the heat and the sun. If they can come together under such adversity, if old adversaries like the Soviet Union and the United States can work in common cause, then surely we who are so fortunate to be in this great Chamber -- Democrats, Republicans, liberals, conservatives -- can come together to fulfill our responsibilities here. Thank you. Good night. And God bless the United States of America.

Note: The President spoke at 9:09 p.m. in the House Chamber at the Capitol. He was introduced by Thomas S. Foley, Speaker of the House of Representatives. The address was broadcast live on nationwide television and radio.

Gregg, I want to point out that I fully support G.W. Bush and his decisions as the President. Just because I can see the World Order written on the wall doesn't mean I don't support him. Yes, his father and he belong to some Satanic organizations and rub elbows with the top elitist, but that doesn't mean GW is working for the other to speak.

Regardless of Bush's role, a wise fighter in enemy territory, or wolf in sheep's clothing...God is always and upmost in full control over ALL things. We are in good hands.

Yes, Gregg, Jesus is coming.


[ This message was edited by: Swedishoo on: 10-23-2001 20:38 ]
cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Read the Writing.... Posted 10-24-2001 02:15

This IS a war about terrorism Christy! DUH......

I double DUH ya. We will find (as we are finding now) that the source of the terrorism is ultimately Iraq where much of the biological weapons are manufactured, and Russia who intentionally sells weapons of mass destruction to terrorist enemies of the United States.

New World Order was a phrase coined by Bush Sr....but conspiracy theorists have screwed it around to mean something completely different. George Sr. meant NWO in terms of free nations of the world unified against a threat to world stability and unified against oppressors such as Iraq's Sadam Hussein. He did not mean it in terms of a one world government. George Bush Sr. was a coalition builder, and he realized the importance of free nations unifying against a common threat to world stability and peace. That was his definition of the New World Order, later to be twisted and distorted by conspiracy theorists and political enemies of Bush.

Terrorists bombed the World Trade Center. Terrorists are now sending anthrax through the mail and threatening the use of weapons of mass destruction such as small pox or suitcase nukes on a major US city. These are terrorists in every sense of the definition Christy. They do want war. They are willing to die to start one. They have declared a holy Jihad on the free "Christian" world (in case you haven't heard). They want the United States to die. We know who these people are. We know who supplies and finances them. We know their countries of origin (such as Saudi Arabia)....We know the source of the anthrax strains used in the mail, and ultimately we can see ties back in part to the Russian mafia.

Communist countries also want America case you hadn't heard that either. No need to speculate about mystery people behind the scenes, when we have the culprits shouting loudly, with great pride that they are the ones responsible. Osama bin Laden's organization al-Qaeda, took down the WTC Christy....he's practically shouted it. This point of view has nothing to do with loyalty to Bush, and everything to do with reading the writing on the wall!
ts from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
dramatic theme Posted 10-24-2001 05:32

I'll do you one better

mmmm...nice thought...

I wish Al still posted, his thoughts on this ordeal would be of value....but I'll stay on jason's side of how things are at the momment...

I cannot accept that our leaders knew of this war, although I do not accept what is put forth as truth in the OKC bombing...but I don't let that guide my view of this event....

and yes I can hear bush senior too when I read that



garflorida from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
War on terrorism or on our freedom? Posted 10-24-2001 14:40

I hate to say this, but it now appears too obvious that these hyped up terrorist fears are going to result in the loss of any freedoms we have left. Remember, this saga is being brought to you by the same folks who gave you Ellian, Monica, and O.J. And what is with this new term they are conditioning us with - the "Homeland"? Maybe I'm crazy, but I still thought this was the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.
shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Unfortunately....Bush changed that... Posted 10-24-2001 18:22 was pretty loyal to the Bush camp...what happened...???

Sept. 11th....I felt since clintoon was no longer in office this stuff would cease. Boy Oh Boy was I wrong. I had hoped GB was actually a leader who cared about America and its citizens, but he proved me wrong. There is another agenda here other than a 'war on terrorism.'

As you will remember, I was NOT always a Bush supporter. I jumped on the band wagon hoping we would see a true patriot leading this country. OPPS!! Was I ever wrong.

shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
I'll take freedom..... Posted 10-24-2001 18:29

'War on Terrorism'... me think we are looking in the wrong place for the true terrorist ... me think its the US blk ops that committed this attack along with the anthrax mail.


Posts: 690
(3/26/2004 1:58:01 AM)

 Re: US Now Arming & Training Afghani Terrorists
IggyPop from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Albert Posted 10-24-2001 19:38

"I wish Al still posted, his thoughts on this ordeal would be of value"

Yeah I do too. Hey, this could be a good omen. When you mentions someones name that is usually the time that they come back and revisit.
ts from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
hmmm Posted 10-24-2001 23:30

I hate to say this, but it now appears too obvious that these hyped up terrorist fears are going to result in the loss of any freedoms we have left.

I seen this discussion at brents, and frankly showing my id, and a little frisking does not bothe me especially if the frisker looked like ann coulter !

also, brent really has a hot head these daze...banning 3 people in the space of a'd think he would want folks to talk at such a small board...instead of pi_neer post after post after post...sure looks like nsa sucks has reappeared...*boring*

I would like to see Al again...last I heard he was too tired and busy...

Bush is a patriot shield, and it still surprises me the new perspective you out with the bath-water ?

garflorida from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
new perspective Posted 10-25-2001 02:05

You got that right. During the first couple of weeks or so, I was in so much shock about what happened, that my only reaction (like most people) was the feeling for revenge. As time went on, there was something strange about how this unfolding crisis was being presented in the media, as if it was almost a made for tv mini series. What started to also bother me was all the talk of giving up freedom for security.... "DING DONG", that's when the bell of reality finally woke me up!
Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
re: new perspective Posted 10-25-2001 02:28

Gar, I too can relate with having to deal with my reactions. I never felt the revenge feeling, but instead this overall sick feeling that our own better not be behind this. I was noticing really odd situations that didn't add up but I didn't want to talk out loud to anyone about it (at first) because I didn't want to come across as not be patriotic. Then I started thinking, Hey, it's my duty as an American to question anything and anyone who jeopardizes our rights and freedoms. It would be unpatriotic to not question.

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
re: Albert Posted 10-25-2001 02:38

I miss Al too. A wise old soul. We write e-mail. Speaking of which, I need to type him a note. Cy I'm sorry, but I have to admit, I couldn't help but see the humor in how Al's posts would baffle you. LOL

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Frisked...A Little to the Right, A Little To The Left Posted 10-25-2001 02:56

Ahpt, and what is this Citizen GreensKeeper? A Toenail Clipper and No National ID Card??? We'll have to ruin your day/week/ follow us, we have a nice little holding cell with your name on it. Comply comply comply...we are DEVO D E V O

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Swampland For Sale Posted 10-25-2001 03:12

New World Order was a phrase coined by Bush Sr....but conspiracy theorists have screwed it around to mean something completely different. George Sr. meant NWO in terms of free nations of the world unified against a threat to world stability and unified against oppressors such as Iraq's Sadam Hussein. He did not mean it in terms of a one world government. George Bush Sr. was a coalition builder, and he realized the importance of free nations unifying against a common threat to world stability and peace. That was his definition of the New World Order, later to be twisted and distorted by conspiracy theorists and political enemies of Bush.

Anyone who believes this, I've got some choice land in the Everglades to sell.

Cy...just thinking out loud here, but, Are you Babs? His grandmother? Servant? ...but as said, in Alice in Wonderland, blowing smoke rings, "Whoooo Are Youuu?"

ts from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
a little frisking can be fun... Posted 10-25-2001 05:44

actually Christy it was hemostats and my voter id card, republican...naturally...and they let me pass with a smile and a "tip" of the hat...

we are not losing freedom nor will we ever, but for the next 4 or 5 years there is a risk of invasion of privacy...until they repeal the law, or the law expires, I mean...

cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Wake up and smell the coffee Posted 10-25-2001 06:52

Christy....sorry if I seem less than polite, but you've provoked me and you are certainly in the minority in your beliefs on this one. You seem to be under the impression that others are thinking like you. I haven't even seen this outrageous stretch of irrational thought on the Carnicom board. You are definitely in a world unto yourself, and you are buying into the exact propaganda the Taliban is selling. Your theory and their propaganda seem remarkably similar. I think you would be selling a lot of Florida real-estate, because the majority of Americans see the truth on this one....thank God....and you are not in that number!

At the same time, Shield is making the exact same arguments as Sadam Hussien...Did you hear his recent comments? He says the United States is behind the anthrax scare. Excuse me can go put your faith and trust in Sadam (what a wonderful truthful guy he is).....I'll stick with Bush, America and the power of reasoning and common sense. I personally put Bush right up there with Reagan. We couldn't ask for a better president at this time. Now I don't care if you voted for Bush or not, but you are certainly not a true conservative, or you would be focusing on why Daschle is blocking us from seeking our own domestic oil during a time of national emergency when we might be on the verge of going to war against the very countries that we depend on for oil. You'd be focusing on the way the Demoncraps are trying to block Bush's economic stimulus package in a time of near recession and war. Instead you go off half cocked on some bizarre completely irrational theory that completely agrees with everything the Taliban and Sadam would want you to believe, and has absolutely no basis in any fact or reality.

By the way Christy......your assessment of my take on Al is completely wrong. If you want to know what I truly think, I think Al is a lonely old guy, who kept repeating the same tired old lines over and over again ad naseum because he was shallow and had no more material. I believe he had absolutely no substance, and could not answer questions, simply because he didn't know what the hell he was saying in the first place. He thrives on obscurity for the purpose of drawing attention to himself. He was negative, and pessimistic about life...and a complete downer. That's what I truly think of Al. Sorry....I wish I had more positive thoughts about him...but I don't, and I'm being honest. I wouldn't have said anything about it, because I try not to talk about people when they are not there to respond, had you not accused me of having other thoughts.

[ This message was edited by: cydoniaquest on: 10-25-2001 06:50 ]
Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Alice in Wonderland Posted 10-26-2001 01:28

No Jason, the truth is, is that America is fed hype and crap 90% of the time and people are finally seeing the patterns and waking up.

You've got your socialist brothers Rather, Brokow, Daschle, dirty media sources and politicians receiving envelopes of anthanx? Give me a break. Is this the mark of a terrorist? I think not. I guess you can toss me in the box with Amamda and Hussein too Jason. This anthrax stunt (that's right, I said stunt) is coming from within, going to selected offices. Twenty bucks says the Taliban doesn't even know the name of the Vice President. The scarey part is, if you think about it...[oops, that's right, I'm in my own little world right Cy, I guess my thoughts don't count], these envelopes are going to crooked socialist CFR politicains and media personalities. Next are they going to say NWO conspiracy theorist and christian zealots are backing bin Laden and doing his dirty work in the States?? I'm sure it would be tried if it was thought to be believed.

Well, let's see, I'm a buyer of the Taliban and in a world of my own, and Amanda and Hussein are two peas in a pod, and Al is shallow and has no substance? My my my all this pertinacious information coming from a back stabbing, "chemmie" mocking Grand Masonic Potente wannabee.



Posts: 690
(3/26/2004 2:06:39 AM)

 Re: US Now Arming & Training Afghani Terrorists
shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
He's NO Patriot..... Posted 11-1-2001 20:32

Bush is a patriot shield, and it still surprises me the new perspective you out with the bath-water ?

No he's not. He can tell us all day long how patriotic he is, but the proof is in the pudding. The bills he has gotten passed before and especially after 911, tells the real story. There are parts of the anti-terrorism, unless renewed will no longer be law in 4 years...this is pretty much SOP on bills like this. Now guess who faught to keep this out of the bill? The WH...hello folks doesn't this send out a message who this administration is working for. The NWO gangsters. He has deceived most patriots (I say most, cuz' many never got pulled into his political bullshit) and conservatives. His true colors are showing very brightly. Just as the clintoon supporters did with him, finding a way to justify his actions, most republicans are doing the same. Not looking at the real picture. Thank God, the truth will be brought forward soon.

If you are looking for a true do not have to look too far...take a look at Dr./Rep. Ron Paul. Now there's a true patriot. GWB talks the talk but does NOT walk the walk. I did not like or trust GWB, but I was taken in by his bullshit like others.

Ya'll keep wondering what's Al's take on all this is. My God how quick you forget. We went around a few times on the fact that GWB was a 'Skull & Bones' guy. I told Al that it was kid stuff and GWB had seen the light. I would have none of it or listen to none of it. Oh my how wrong I was. He would tell all of us "He told us so." He always knew GWB was a NWO guy, never was taken in by him, and thought he was NOT what he appeared to convey to all us idiots. He is/was right. GWB can go suck eggs as far as I am concerned. He duped us all...and is still dupping many of ya'll.

I visited with a Prophet of God a couple of years ago. He talked about clintoon and talked about the next president of the usa...he said he would be riding a red what exactly does that mean...ok here goes "There went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword." The red horse signifies tyranny, misrule and bloodshed. The rider of the red horse is given a sword for he is to kill near at hand within the confines of the Empire/Country. At one time until 911, what this prophet told me puzzled me. I had learned long ago to put somethings on the shelf, so to speak. I waited to see if what he said was truth or was to be rated as a false prophet, well he looks to me like a true Prophet of God.

[ This message was edited by: shield on: 11-1-2001 20:02 ]

shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
We were all shocked.... Posted 11-2-2001 02:07

I was in so much shock about what happened

All of us were, geezzz go back to some of my post the first couple of weeks after the attack. You could see me walking through this thick chit...knowing somethin' was not right about it all. I bet I went back through this strange trip Bush made down to Florida out of the blue on 911 a million times. You know you just know when someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes, your brain.

When Bush gave his speech to congress....I watched him with one sick feeling...knowing we were all being duped again, different prez' same song.

And act of terrorism against a people, has been in the NWO playbook for 20 or more years. This has been planned that long if not longer. Bush, the stooge, is taking orders from the dark evil agenda. However we are in a different time, lots and lots of people have wised up to this bullshit....and this time they will NOT get away with it. Their days are numbered......tic-toc tic-toc

garflorida from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
relax? Posted 11-4-2001 16:03

You still have your gun. So what, all they have to do is pass legislation that would make your gun illegal. It's as easy as that.
Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
United States Marine Corp Band Posted 11-4-2001 19:46

I think Amanda saw the program a couple years ago now, but it was done by the NRA showing Austrailians and Canadians fighting and protesting over their guns being taken away. What a show. I couldn't believe my eyes. They were chanting by the thousands..."America, You Are Next, America, You Are Next".

What we say and what we do are two different things. What would you do if our United States government brought in the UN, went door to door of gunowners, and started confiscating our guns?...BUT let's say by now, it was socially acceptable, JUST like being frisked at every public funtion like we have now.

Would you fight if NO ONE ELSE was fighting? I doubt it. You'd be placed in a cozy cell somewhere if you did.

I went to a concert last night. It was the United States Marine Corp Band. Had to stand in line for an hour to have people search through my purse and have my body scanned by a handscanner.

My very liberal mother-in-law says, "Isn't it amazing how the young children being brought up today will think nothing of being scanned and checked at every public building. It will be an accepted mind-set for their entire life."

I almost slapped her. All I could mumble in return, was..."exactly, what a shame."

She continued to go on about how she felt safe with all the extra security and had no problem waiting in lines due to being checked. I never seen so many military gaurds in one place before. Personally I would have felt safer if I had a gun strapped to my thigh.

shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Gestapo America Posted 11-4-2001 20:13

Bet no one has heard about 100's of innocent Americans being arrested, once stooge Bush signed the anti-American Bill (Anti-Terrorism Bill).

If this is allowed to won't have your guns for long. Soon this madness will be stopped, and you can thank your lucky stars for that. When the truth is brought forward ... the gangster bush & co. will no longer be your fair haired lads. You'll be dragging your mouth will be so shocked your mouth will drop open so wide it will be hitting the floor.

[ This message was edited by: shield on: 11-4-2001 19:59 ]

shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Feeling Safer..... Posted 11-4-2001 20:09

She continued to go on about how she felt safe with all the extra security and had no problem waiting in lines due to being checked. I never seen so many military gaurds in one place before. Personally I would have felt safer if I had a gun strapped to my thigh.

Hey Christy...speaking of Florida...the only 2 states in the union under Martial Law are...Fla. & PA. That should tell a few people something. Florida's Governor is the brother of bush. Homeland Security (Fatherland Security [Nazi Germany]/Motherland Security/USSR [Russia]) Ridge was governor of PA. they know something no one else knows?

[ This message was edited by: shield on: 11-4-2001 20:07 ]

garflorida from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
increase in gun sales since 9/11 Posted 11-4-2001 21:56

We are hearing reports of a sudden rise in gun sales, but our media only gives us half the story. They never say exactly WHY so many more people are buying guns. They think we will just ass-u-me that folks are arming themselves because of a direct fear of terrorists. WE know the real reason, but THEY are afraid to let it be known. What a friggin joke!
shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
What's this small group of gangsters scared of? Posted 11-5-2001 03:15

Us...we citizens...our numbers...they know if and when we ever let loose...they are history....!!!

Everyone I've talked to since 911 (and most of them are not even on the internet, they get their info from the paper and TV), all have a really bad feeling about 911. Most of them don't believe whats being put out there by the media and especially our government. These folks just feel somethin' just ain't right. Thats why they are buying guns.....

ts from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
florida martial law Posted 11-5-2001 04:57

here's the only part of the excecutive order (262) that would bother me....

"H. The authority to seize and utilize any and all real or personal
property as needed to meet this emergency, subject always to the duty of the
State to compensate the owner;"

they may take your house but atleast they would pay you...
Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Eminent Domain Posted 11-5-2001 05:52

There's already Eminent Domain, which pays you a fraction of the value...not to mention to put something on your property like another MALL, or flop shopping plaza.

This EO could be used in a sinister way. With eminent domain they have to prove that your property would benefit the community and them, (the public), having a real need. With this EO, they could seize your property and say the state needs it for classified military purposes. Say nada and send you packing.

ts from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
izdsrgid.... Posted 11-5-2001 08:05

I'm still not worried..

in can have a firearm in a car not loaded...and not registered...and be legal....

certainly the disclosure of comes right after "yes here's my license"...
JK [guest] from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Correct Posted 11-17-2001 14:46

Indeed so.
Usama bin Laden is a Company asset, and has
been for many years now. He had no more to do
with the actual planning and execution of the
events of Sept 11, than I did.
This so called "war" is not even a legal war, as by
the Constitution, Congress has the sole power to
declare war, or else issue letters of marque and
reprisal. It has done neither. Why? Simple, this is
only another step in the march to the "one world
government", ardently wanted for so long no, by the
Christy is absolutely correct, as much as you might
not like that fact. These events were planned
LONG ago, They are carried out now, and carefully
stage managed to acheive a final goal. Nothing
more or less. It isn't about "terrorism", or guns, or
chemtrails, or anything else you can name. It is
about POWER, total, final absolute control of all in
the material sphere, and that in turn leads to the
keys to other, outside realities beyond this. THAT is
what these "people" really want, and are after. And
they will do ANYTHING to get it.

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Al !! Good to see you! Posted 11-17-2001 15:02

Good to see you Al!

There was this little old black man many years ago that has past on now, but he used to come into my shop and say, "Power and Greed, Power and Greed that's how the controllers of the world operate, with Power and Greed, nothing else, just Power and Greed". He came by most everyday for just a few minutes and pounded that into my head.

JK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
GREAT line!!! Posted 11-17-2001 17:12

Uh huh...

So far, this is one of the best lines I have heard
If you had bothered to read History, you would see
that is EXACTLY what the German people said
about Hitler, and the National Socialist Party when
they came first came to power. in 1933. Read the
history of Germany from 1930 on. You will find that
the Nazis themselves incited trouble and violence
within Germany, and then Hitler promised to cure
the "problem" IF only he were given sweeping
powers to do so, which the German constitution
forbade. The German people were only to glad to
cave in, and do anything to get rid of the thugs. The
rest as they say, is History.
By the by, the Germans also "still had their guns",
up until passage of the 1938 "weapons act", then it
was a different matter. The U.S. "Gun Control Act"
of 1968 is an almost word for word translation of
this Nazi "law". Don't believe it? Check with Jews
for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. They
can provide you with a copy of the translation of the
original 1938 Nazi version, compared side by side
to the 1968 U.S. one.
Please spare me any more of this drivel about how
Bush & Co. and most of the Congress are on the
side of Light and Good, and how what they are
doing is only for our own good in the long run.
NOTHING could be further from the Truth.

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