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...... Extremely interesting photos of the WTC op
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(3/26/2004 12:30:34 AM)

 Extremely interesting photos of the WTC op
Extremely interesting photos of the WTC op
shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Extremely interesting photos of the WTC op Posted 12-7-2001 01:45

This is a japanese web site so the us gov can't take this one down. Give it sometime to download is rather slow. Go back through the photos several of them have the object(s) moving.
cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Objet D'art Posted 12-8-2001 00:30

You may have already seen the animation of this object that Christy provided on this board Shield. I'm wondering if we aren't seeing a genuine UFO here (not ours)....or something along the lines of the "rod" phenomenon. If it was our technology, you'd think we would be using it in war against Afghanistan or elsewhere.

I think I'll post something about this on the de-bunker board. It will be interesting to get their explanations. People can get very creative when they attempt to explain the unexplainable.
JK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Phenomenon Posted 12-8-2001 17:08

Probably an "intrusion" into our "reality" system
from elsewhere, I have seen these several times
They respond to energies (spiritual or otherwise)
being released on certain levels or "frequences" if
you will. Sept. 11, certainly did that, which was one
of the main purposes of the operation, if not the
only true one. See Keel and Reich for more data.
As for Afganistan, we have no interest in using
really advanced technology to prosecute a
campaign there. The intent is on several levels, but
it has nothing to do with "winning" a so called
Creating human misery and suffering on a grand
scale is one of the main reasons hidden behind
the curtain. Why? Simple; it generates more
energies on levels outside the physical which can
then be directed and used in any of several ways
for different purposes by those who understand
The Grid, and how to manipulate it.
Again, See Reich, Keel, and Bruce Cathie among
others for more info.

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
It's a Bird, It's a Plane...It's MantaMan Posted 12-9-2001 06:31

Yeah, I thought this was really weird before. At first I thought when the first video came out that it was just some flying debris coming from the crash, but then when I was looking for it to post and found the other one, it creeped me out. The second one almost looks like a flapping bird, but if you compare it to the frames of the second impact, you can see that it's going VERY VERY fast. Too fast for any creature.

Don't laugh, but I've said this before...but I think it was some sort of high tech craft that flaps like a mantaray.

cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Re: It's a Bird, It's a Plane...It's MantaMan Posted 12-9-2001 15:27

Here's a discussion I started about this at the debunker's board. It is interesting to see the reaction to this from different perspectives:;start=1&stop=20
swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Black Streak Posted 12-9-2001 23:19

It most likely is a bird, but a fast traveling one. I went to your link. I notice Jay has been popping in. I've always wondered his thoughts about Cooper's death.
