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...... We have found the enemy, and they are us!
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(3/26/2004 12:26:49 AM)

 We have found the enemy, and they are us!
We have found the enemy, and they are us!
IggyPop from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
We have found the enemy, and they are us! Posted 11-22-2001 05:41

This is taken from, and is by far the best series of observations I have read so far concerning this huge mess we are in. It also expands a little bit on what Al was saying earlier about the importance of remembering history. Long but well worth the read.

Also check out the "NWO" section of this forum where I recently posted.

JK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Pogo's pronouncement Posted 11-22-2001 13:24

That is one one favorites. Cooper had an
appreciation of things like that that is hard to find
It is dead on accurate as well.
There was a piece that I read somewhere recently
on the numerology (another interest of mine) and
the possible occultic significance of his death, I'll
have to see if I can find it again, and post the link.

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Coop Posted 11-23-2001 04:54

I've read alot of the links at Coopers site. Scroll down a bit to the Coop record cover. I know we all saw it when the WTC act first happened...but think logically about it. This is not a coincidence llike they told us. The one kid with the remote control bomb, with the other one orchestrating; as the WTC blows up...which I might add, in the same manner as we witnessed it. The reference to socialism is clear as well as the music being labled Party Music. Yeah it's a COOP alright.

cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Re: Cooper Scooper Posted 11-23-2001 18:39

1. Israel has told its Citizens to prepare for a real war and has asked for a call-up of all reserves.

Well with Sadam free to develop whatever weapons of mass destruction and free to rebuild his army (thanks to Clinton)...with the Arabs making constant terrorist attacks, Israel should prepare for real war. Duh!

2. Arab States have entered into a mutual defense pact.

Well this would be a good idea, given they know when THEY want to start a war.

3. Palestinian/Israeli/Arab relations are at the lowest point since the 6 Day War.

Thanks to Clinton's liberal meddling with Israeli affairs.

4. President Clinton's Middle East interference increased tensions and destroyed what peace had existed.

He got THAT right!

5. Price of oil at this time is fluctuating around $29 per barrel and predicted to plunge.

It actually went up after this prediction. Although I was somewhat unsure of myself at the time, I predicted the point that it would plunge within a week (if you'll recall)

6. Although the present price of oil is not high enough to be profitable for American drillers, and the experts are predicting a price plunge, Texas and Oklahoma insiders are drilling like crazy. They are spending money on oil drilling equipment and new exploration like the old "Burkburnett field" had just been discovered.

And well they should. They probably realized that after Bush was elected, he would want to make us more dependent on domestic oil...rather than foreign. They probably realized he would lift Clinton imposed government restrictions (and costs) on drilling for domestic oil (which would make it profitable).

7. The only place the drillers could have obtained inside information that would make such ventures profitable is from the mouth of George W. Bush himself, a seasoned oil business professional who is now President.

Or they could just simply have observed basic and obvious logic I just did. (the same logic that always evades liberals)

8. The only information that Bush could give them that would make them believe that the price of oil is going to go up instead of down is that he will engage the United States in a major war in the Middle East.

Uh....we're at war (maybe not technically IN the Middle East) and oil prices are going down... Hardly accurate.

9. Bush has a score to settle on behalf of his father ex-President George H. W. Bush the man who engaged us in the Gulf War but failed to take down Saddam Hussein... a failure for which he has been severely criticized.

The dumbass makes this sound like it's personal (only George Jr's petty desire for revenge). Well I've got news for this clown, it is in the world's best interest to get Sadam Hussein, before he uses a nuclear weapon and sparks of WWIII. What moronic reasoning this guy must have!

10. The economy is in trouble with a recession predicted.

Duh, I suppose this jerk-off wants to blame this on Bush too. Who caused the recession again? Duh.... Bill Clinton was in office when it began. The stock market and economic decline began long before Bush was able to get his budget in place. The WTC attack then sparked off a decline in many industries. Daschle then effectively killed Bush's economic stimulus package, and in spite of that, the economy is re-bounding. The Dow is near 10000... Higher than it was prior to the attack.

11. Every time in the last 30 years the economy has been in trouble there has been an oil crisis, or an oil shortage with accompanying inflation. The problem was always blamed on the oil crisis that always proved later to have been a lie.

At present there is an oil surplus. Nobody's blaming anything on an oil crisis.

12. If there is a major war in the Middle East you can expect to see oil to soar to a bare minimum of $80 per barrel, possibly much higher.

Oil will probably go higher as we go to war with Iraq, but we can basically control OPEC with a little leverage (that Bush knows how to use so well). We own Saudi Arabian oil....we just let the people live there.

13. The US military is gearing up for a war in the Middle East.

No shitake mushrooms? This is the part of the world most likely to cause a war. What does the dufus expect?

14. All US forces in Europe and the Middle East have been placed on alert.

With inspectors booted out of Iraq thanks to the Clinton administration....they SHOULD be on alert!

15. Patriot Missiles are being readied for deployment to Israel.


16. The Federal Reserve has shifted back to Keynesian economics according to Greenspan's last speech.

Hey....whatever works to offset a declining economy.

17. Bush has pledged to rebuild the military and the best way to do it is to create a need i.e. WAR.

True...glad he pledged to re-build the decimation to the military due to the Clinton years. But the war was created by Islamic fundamentalist terrorist bastards (also thanks to the Clinton years).....The guy seems to think that repairing the military is not a good idea. WRONG! Liberal, dork comment alert!

18. I have been informed by several military officers that we will be involved in a major war in the Middle East within one year of Bush taking office as President of the United States

Well if I was an Islamic fundamentalist terrorist bastard I'd probably make my move when US defenses are at their weakest too. Wait any longer than one year, and Bush might have that military built back up. That gives the Islamic fundamentalist terrorist bastards a smaller window of time to make their move. Had Gore been elected, I'm sure they would've waited for Gore to further weaken America before attacking. It's good to see that these "several military officers" were aware of that threat, left to the Bush administration by Clinton.

19. The goal of the war will be to solve the Palestinian/Israel problem with finality, completely destroy the Arab capability to make war upon Israel, and to capture or kill Saddam Hussein.

Wrong we can see, the war is about eliminating the terrorist threat and the government and organizations who harbor them, feed them and supply them. If that involves Sadam, then so be it. But I doubt it will end with Sadam........Oh, and WHO doesn't want to stop the Israel/Palestinian problem? What idiot could not predict that this would be a desired objective?

Get rid of Arafat, de-program the brainwashed children (future terrorists) of Palestine, and destroy terrorist organizations...then and only then they might be able to have their own state and there can be peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Until the terrorist government (Arafat) is eliminated, giving Palestinians and Arafat their own state is like giving Poland to Hitler.

20. Raw materials and defense industry stocks will replace tech stocks as the big money makers on the stock exchange for the next few years

With the fall of the "dot bombs" in the tech industry.....who couldn't predict this? In addition, who couldn't predict the fall of the "dot bombs"? And as long as we are at war, the defense industry might be a good investment......I agree...Let's invest in America and replenish our cluster bomb and cruise missile arsenals....the tools of freedom!

JK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Damn shame Posted 11-23-2001 19:05

We are NOT at war Cy...
Read it, it is the truth, no matter if you like that or

As for the rest of your drivel...
The gutless sheepole speaks.
Baa, Baa...
You NEVER did call in on his talk show, did you
Cy? Even though I gave you the number. Now you
have the asinine, juvenile gall to mouth off about
someone who is deceased. Talk about a lack of
both class and guts, you have neither one. You
also haven't disproven anything he said either, just
acted like the twit you always have been and
always will be.
Have fun Junior, while you still can.



PS: Cruise missiles and cluster bombs are the
tools of Freedom?

NOTHING could be further from the Truth, if
anything I have ever read is sick and debased, that
statement is it. But of course, that is typical of those
of the dark path... You Folks judge which of us is

[ This message was edited by: JK on: 11-23-2001 19:04 ]
cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Re: Damn shame Posted 11-23-2001 19:39

I haven't called Rush either..what does that mean?

I thought this name sounded familliar. I've been reading his website, since his death....before that, I had no idea who he was, and what I see is one paranoid individual.

It does sound like he was "taken out" by someone, but they are cautioning not to leap to that conclusion. I don't speak ill of the dead, and I do wish he was still alive and not harrassed by the police...I make comments on his comments in the paragraph above and only on the paragraph, which you provided through the link. I have no idea what the man was like as a person....and never met him. I'm commenting on the screwy ideas, which unfortunantly live on in unstable individuals such as yourself.
JK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Tsk ,tsk... Posted 11-23-2001 19:53

A shame Junior, all mouth and nothing else.
You are exactly as I said you were, long ago, a
gutless coward, and a follower of the dark path.
You have yet to do anything to disprove either
statement, and I strongly suspect you never will.
Again, that is typical of your kind.

JK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Missed again Posted 11-23-2001 21:47

Yes, you are a coward Cy. You're not trying to help
anybody out, save yourself, and those of the same
path you follow.

As to the rest:
Damn, Junior, you are wasting a lot of ammo. and
you are STILL a liar. Oh, and I forgot a juvenile twit
also. There, that pretty well covers you and yours'.
To any interested outsiders, go read (if still
available) Cy's posts from those days (of Christy's
first board), and mine.
See which of us is on which path.
Cy, you damn well knew way back there who
Cooper was; I told you that, and I gave you his
phone # and website address, at least a year plus
gone on Christy's old board, and you were there.
So don't try to push this "I didn't know 'till just
recently" garbage off, it won't work. You are lying
again, and I just proved it.
