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...... National ID and your Driver's License ~ Here We Go, Buckle Your Seatbelts
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(3/26/2004 12:06:48 AM)

 National ID and your Driver's License ~ Here We Go, Buckle Your Seatbelts
National ID and your Driver's License ~ Here We Go, Buckle Your Seatbelts
Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
National ID and your Driver's License ~ Here We Go, Buckle Your Seatbelts Posted 11-4-2001 20:10

Driver's license may be national ID

©Washington Post,
published November 4, 2001

State motor vehicle authorities are working on a plan to create a national identification system for residents that would link all driver databases and employ high-tech cards with a fingerprint, computer chip or other unique identifier.

The effort by the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, which would take several years to implement if approved by state and federal authorities, follows disclosures that some of the Sept. 11 hijackers used false identities or obtained driver's licenses fraudulently.

Association leaders asserted at a recent meeting that driver's licenses have become the "de facto' national identification card used by law enforcement, retailers, banks and other establishments requiring proof of identification.

The group pledged to work closely with the new Office of Homeland Security, the Justice Department and federal authorities. The motor vehicle officials have proposed standardizing the driver's license process and linking databases before, but voluntarily.

The new proposal would seek to make such changes mandatory, the Washington Post reported.

Under the proposal, every state would continue to issue driver IDs. But every license and non-driver identity card would contain the same basic information and a similar set of security features to prevent tampering and fraud, association officials said Friday.

"There's no need to create a new national ID card," said Jason King, the group's spokesman. "Let's just make what we have better."

The idea of a national ID card arouses fierce opposition among civil libertarians, both conservative and liberal, who believe a card would be used by government authorities to track individuals without their permission.

But public sentiment shifted after the terror attacks. One survey found that 70 percent of those questioned favored requiring citizens to carry a national identification card of the sort used in other countries.

The supporters do not include President Bush who, an aide said, is not seriously considering the creation of such a card, according to the Washington Post. But some lawmakers, technology specialists and others have begun promoting the idea as a way to identify terrorists and cut down on identity crimes.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., who leads the Senate Judiciary Committee's panel on technology, terrorism and government information, also has expressed interest in a national ID card.

Friday she announced the introduction of legislation that would require foreign nationals to use high-tech visa cards containing a fingerprint, retinal scan or other unique identifier. It also would create a centralized "lookout database" containing information about known terrorists and other U.S. visitors deemed threatening.

Larry Ellison, chief executive of Oracle Corp., the world's largest database software maker, said last month that he would donate software to make it possible for the government to create a national ID card system to improve airport security.

I remember about 2 years ago there was a petition to the state here in Florida about how the state sells our information from our Driver's Licenses. It got swept under the media carpet because they were afraid that the public would have a fit. I'll look to see if I can find anything on-line.
