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...... The Big Blackout
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(3/25/2004 11:58:14 PM)

 The Big Blackout
The Big Blackout
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
The Big Blackout Posted 8-17-2003 03:03

What does everybody think about the big power failure on the East Coast? The largest in US history...

Robbie [guest] from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Chain reaction Posted 8-24-2003 06:36

Sounds like there was an overload at a power plant that caused problems and then a massive chain reaction power outage.

Why? What do you think?
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Blackout Posted 8-25-2003 03:47

To answer your question: I think you are looking at an application of the principals expounded in "Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars"- the same is true of the sudden spike in gasoline prices occuring nearly simultaneously...

Robbie [guest] from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Gas Prices Posted 8-25-2003 23:13

I think the gas prices are due to the end of the summer coming and the oil companies want to stick it to us. I bet they'll be down after 9/7.
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Gas Prices Posted 8-27-2003 02:56

That doesn't explain why they have hit the highest level in history, much higher than any "normal" seasonal variable would produce.

Anne Knonimus [guest] from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
come on... Posted 8-31-2003 18:15

Get real. Do you honestly believe that the government/elite would use a power outage to spike gas prices to try to use that as a way to control the lower class?

There's many things that you could make the same argument for - such as computer viruses. What's to say that the government/elite isn't behind computer viruses? The trojan horse payloads could themselves be a 'trojan horse' in that the masses then purchase virus software that sends who knows what information when updating virus patterens!
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Ahem... Posted 9-1-2003 03:15

Get real yourself, and go read "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars", since you obviously haven't already.


BTW: for those of us who actually can read, I never once made any such absurd statement as you claim: that is a product of your own fantasy.

[ This message was edited by: JAK on: 9-1-2003 03:03 ]
Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Faux Hikes Posted 9-1-2003 04:10

Hi Guys. Nice to read your posts. My take on the gas prices is that it will only last about a week after the long weekend holiday...around the 7th, like Al said. Do you remember about a year ago or so, Jason (Cy) would post on how gas is bought months in advance. Prices don't go up on whim, it's totally controlled. Personally, I don't feel the blackout had anything to do with gas prices. I think they just took advantage of good timing...especially with people taking road trips over Labor Day. If I was greedy sob in the gas business, I'd hike the prices too. As far as the blackout goes...well, something was not right there. Sure, I could see where the grids could chain-react...but being the physicist I am not, wouldn't ya think in our age of technology, things would be different? I mean, the water treatment plants, gas pumps, cell towers and on and on, all down due to connecting power grids? Sounds like poor planning to me. No one can find the "source" either. What's with that? Here's what's weird....everyones power went off at 4:14. If it was "chain reaction" why wasn't it spaced out a few minutes apart? Talked to a girlfriend of mine tonight that "camped out" in her house during the blackout and she has, or I should say had, a battery laptop and hooked up to the phoneline during the blackout. While she was using it, all of her programs were sucked out and disappeared from her computer. What's with that? All of her programs were gone. Talk about reformating. Weird. Stuff like that makes my mind wonder. Now, I don't care if you guys think I'm a bit wacko, but regardless of what caused the blackout in the north, I guarentee you, Think Tanks were abound! They live for this stuff...and even create alot of it.
