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...... War?
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Posts: 690
(3/25/2004 11:37:26 PM)

IggyPop from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
hello? Posted 12-20-2002 05:44

can anyone hear me?
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Yep! Posted 12-21-2002 01:26

Howdy! I can, and happy holidays to you and all the rest hereabouts.
I am waiting for the "Cy"borg to pop in; like the Grinch extoling the "virtues" of the Baby Boooshe administration meanwhile with his parrot on one shoulder sitting in his Jeep and singing "God Bless America" at the top of his lungs.

cyberdonia from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Bush is great Posted 12-24-2002 01:15

Just got home in my Jeep...Now I think I'll put on my American flag shirt. Iraq is about to be liberated. Sadam is about to be stopped dead in his tracks. North about to possibly do something unwise....I'm sure we will deal with them as well in their own time.

God Bless America. God bless the soldiers about to engage in this war. GW is on the correct path...This must be done because the other choice is to let Sadam develop and use a WMD on us, and control the entire output of OPEC and therefore western and European economies dependent on Arab oil. There is no choice. Sadam alive is an intolerable situation. It's obvious to anyone with the slightest inkling of common sense what must be done.
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Gotta love it! Posted 12-24-2002 14:28

Thanks Cy, I have had my morning laugh now. A great Christmas gift.
To the rest of you Folks out there, I think it is fairly obvious that anyone with an iota of common sense would never take any of the above diatribe seriously. The absolute idiocy of it boggles my already much boggled mind.
One other neat Christmas gift I have gotten this year is seeing Dubya do exactly what I had predicted he would, back before he was "elected"- and NONE of it is in any way good for America or the rest of humanity either. Hardly a surprise. You all think things are rough now? Sit back and watch the next few months, you have't seen anything yet...

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Scary Stuff Posted 12-29-2002 01:56

Hi guys. Glad to see things haven't changed much...lololol

Cy your post really puts the chill-bumps on my back... to think that there are people out there that actually think this way. I know you are really into this facade, but the public is not... and we all know, you can't have a war unless you coax the public into it and gain their support. I think Bush and Co. is going to push their luck and try the sheeple route...Go foward with this war and hope that we are too numb to say no



Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Yep! Posted 12-29-2002 02:21

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

That is EXACTLY what Boooshe Baby will do, he has no choice whatsoever. He took an oath to the Order as a Bonesman and he WILL fulfill that, even unto death. Remember his neophyte "code name" was "Temporary"...
You folks can expect "war" before the end of January at this rate unless things greatly change. Watch for North Korea to be the next focus, except they won't roll over as Iraq will.
More to come...

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Any country will do Posted 12-29-2002 03:22

Well, I'm starting to think that the country or the issue doesn't matter...that it has something to do with having to send out troops and equipment.

Reminds me of the story about a smuggler that crossed the US/Mexican border daily with boxes and baskets stacked on his bicycle. Patrol officers would check each basket certain he was up to something illegal, however they never found a thing and had to let him pass. The man was a bicycle smuggler.

We need to start looking under our noses.

JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Grid points Posted 12-29-2002 03:32

Under our noses will do just fine. The rest is stage props, as you very well know.
The "bad guys" are scared BIG TIME, and well they should be.

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Which is Up? Posted 12-30-2002 04:26

...but the $100,000 question is...who's the bad guy?

IggyPop from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
everyone Posted 1-1-2003 19:23

Everyone is the bad guy. There are no good guys. There is not one righteous government on this planet.
garflorida from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Who's the bad guy? Posted 1-5-2003 03:38

US foreign policy helps to build up these "boogie men" and then our leaders suddenly act surprised and tell us "Watch out, the boogie man is after us!" Are we HONESTLY supposed to believe that during all those years before 1990 (when Saddam was on "our side"), we couldn't have known that he would later become a so called "threat" to us? Hello sheeple!!!! Oh yeah, sorry how I keep forgetting the fact that most Americans are clueless to the history of the US and Saddam for all those years before the Gulf War. Much like the "War on Drugs" and the "War on Terror", the war we're about to enter with Iraq is also full of hype but lacking in substance. Pat Buchanan said it best when he was asked why we are so focused on Iraq instead of North Korea. He said "That's because North Korea DOES have weapons of mass destruction."
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Oh Korea! Posted 1-5-2003 20:37

Hi Gar!

Think about this Folks:
The Japanese hold a very large share of US bonds. Their economy, which 20 years ago was a powerhouse and one of the strongest in the world, is now teetering on the brink of total collapse.
The North Koreans have nuclear weapons, and the capability to hit targets within the Far Eastern theater. Now if Uncle Sugar tries to really "get tough" with them, and they are up against the wall fighting for their lives and country, who do you think they will nuke?
The Japanese know this very well it will include them as well as other US allies in the area.
The Arabs are already starting to pull their money out of the US, if the Japanese decide to also, say bye to the US economy (such as it is).
Why aren't we threating Israel (they have "weapons of mass destruction", ARE threating their neighbors, ARE a threat to world peace, ARE a nation which practices racist policies towards it's own citizens. Why don't we attack them?
Answer: They own the US Congress, and they don't have any oil...

cyberdonia from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Ok Posted 1-6-2003 05:55

What would JAK do? Let Sadam get a nuke so he would be in the same position to threaten and bargain as N. Korea?
cyberdonia from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
If there is no war Posted 1-6-2003 06:05

If we let Sadam violate his resolutions, build his Nuke program and threaten the Middle East, what kind of danger do you suppose we'd face then Christy? Why do people who think like me give you the chills?

Here's a scenario; We do Clinton did. Sadam builds his nukes....and puts the delivery systems in place to threaten the United States...He hides a nuke in every US city, through terrorist networks like Al-Qaeda (As we are finding out now there are ties) or his own terrorist network. Suppose he threatens and blackmails Saudi Arabia with total nuclear annihilation in return for control of Saudi oil. Suppose he finds a window to launch a devastating first strike nuclear attack on Israel?

What kind of world would it be if we do nothing Christy? Would we be placing a million US citizens in certain jeopardy if we don't take this opportunity to remove Sadam from power now, when things are relatively safe? We the only Democracy in the middle east (Israel) be wiped from the face of the Earth?

What would be your solution to deal with this problem if war isn`t the answer Christy?
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Bull.... Posted 1-6-2003 12:19

I doubt anyone who reads this fourm would buy any of this drivel. The ONLY reason for the "war" against Iraq is one word- OIL. The US Government is bankrupt, control of the oil supplies is vital to reverse the ever increasing balance of trade deficet, since we no longer make anything in this country anybody else wants to buy.
What would a world without this "war" be? A BETTER one in every aspect.
By the way Cyster, have you run down to enlist yet? Somehow like the rest of the chickenhawks, I can't really see you or Booshe or the others strapping on a pack and a rifle. You're real good at telling other people to go kill and be killed, but not real good at doing it yourselves.
If this phoney war gets kicked off, and I expect it will and the transfer caskets with the US dead start coming home in numbers (and they will), watch the last tiny wisps of support for this farce evaporate. There is darn little anywhere now as it is.

Cyberdonia from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
There are only 3 people who read this board Posted 1-10-2003 21:39


I'm going to answer your questions, I hope you will answer mine.

First off, no I haven't run down to enlist. For one reason, I'm too old...and secondly, I don't have any desire to destroy my life now that it seems to just be getting started...(I've already been to hell and back...never had what could be called a life) but I would serve, if called. I have no desire to see ONE American get so much as a scratch from that murderous insane bastard in the Middle East....because he is worth less than a shit in a swimming pool...but war is a price of freedom.

Freedom from terror is another type of freedom....and there's been a heavy price already paid. War, is so that a bigger price is not paid, because history shows that strength and immediate action prevents aggression from enemies, not conciliation and weakness. Conciliation and weakness of the Clinton administration is what made 9/11 possible as well as North Korea a nuclear power and current threat, and conciliation, weakness and downright neglect and corruption of the Clinton administration certainly gave Sadam the ability to do what he's doing now. The only prevention from future aggression, nuclear aggression by Sadam, or North Korean sponsored and supplied terrorists, is elimination of those regimes. Sanctions do not work. Diplomacy does not work. Nothing but threat of war and action of war works as a deterrent to war within US borders and terrorist attack, and it must be aggressive and thorough. History, truth and reality is on my side on this one JAK...

Now to my questions of you. Instead of saying something is bull, I want you to tell me WHY you think the scenario I've presented is bull. Can you do it? If your position was truthful and honest, it would be easy to back up with logic and common sense. If I was I gambler, I'd bet you will evade my question and make even more generalized, unfounded statements, sprinkled with a few more personal insults without giving any reason behind those opinions....because I know you well. I hope you'll surprise me here.
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Chickenhawk out on a limb... Posted 1-10-2003 23:17

Cy, to be real polite to you, your drivel is not even worth a reply. The majority of the American people (the ones who aren't IsraeLIE shills such as yourself) DO NOT want a war with Iraq. Neither do the majority of the British people, to say nothing of the rest of the world. Saddam is many things, but he is FAR less a threat to world Peace (now or in future) than the other madman in the "White House".
And Cy, it WASN'T Clinton that set up and installed Saddam when it suited Uncle Sugar- it was Reagan/Bush.
I don't need to be called- I'm doing everything I can to oppose this "war" before it gets started, so is everyone else with any intelligence and sense of human compassion and decency.
You don't know History, or much of anything else, and I see you haven't changed a bit.

JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Checkmate... Posted 1-10-2003 23:29

"For one reason, I'm too old...and secondly, I don't have any desire to destroy my life now that it seems to just be getting started...(I've already been to hell and back...never had what could be called a life) but I would serve, if called. I have no desire to see ONE
American get so much as a scratch from that murderous insane bastard in the Middle East....because he is worth less than a shit in a swimming
pool...but war is a price of freedom."

Join the club goofball.
You just proved every single thing I said about you was true.
You don't want to destroy YOUR life, but you don't mind sending other Americans and Iraqis to their deaths?
What kind of sorry piece of human filth are you? Don't answer, I already know. I hope Christy will excuse this, but I get REALLY sick and tired of hearing jerks like this mouth off about war is the price of freedom.
Eternal vigilance is the price of Freedom, NOT war.
You don't need war to solve problems, you need intelligence and compassion, two traits you might learn to actually use sometime.
And how in the heck do YOU know how many people read this website.
Ball is in your court Junior.

cyberdonia from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Go to hell, John Posted 1-11-2003 07:08

I'm compassionate with others John, but if you were on fire, I wouldn't piss on you to put you out...No point in trying to have a rational conversation with you, I see....(When will I learn that lesson?) Nothing but insults, hate....mischaracterizations of what I said, and no answer to my questions....Exactly as I expected....What was I thinking?
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Rational conversation? Posted 1-11-2003 14:22

Blow it out your ear Cy, I don't even think THAT highly of you.
The ONLY hate around here is on YOUR end.
Your idea of a rational conversation is the same as it's always been: spreading Republicrat propaganda (now warmongering can be added to that list) and attacking anyone who doesn't like that agenda. I have spent too much time working in the local VA hospital to ever agree with anyone that war is anything but a very LAST resort to solving any problem between peoples. In this case, it's not nor is it going to be.
The problem with you is that you AREN'T thinking.


[ This message was edited by: JAK on: 1-11-2003 13:25 ]
garflorida from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
There's something so ironic about Bush's war.... Posted 1-11-2003 16:15

.... that's never addressed in the media (and how convenient). The one who is so willing to send our youth off to war with Iraq is the same person who managed to avoid military service in Vietnam. I wonder if his rich daddy's influence had anything to do with that. So, while many of GW's peers had no choice but to be shipped off and fight a REAL war, HE took the EASY way out. GW was quite the "party animal" in those days. It's nice to know GW was able to enjoy his youth even if his actions will result in thousands of others from enjoying theirs. But hey, we sure wouldn't want the fucking sheeple of this country to pay TOO much attention to details.


Posts: 690
(3/25/2004 11:38:25 PM)

 Re: War?
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Oh Korea! Posted 1-5-2003 20:37

Hi Gar!

Think about this Folks:
The Japanese hold a very large share of US bonds. Their economy, which 20 years ago was a powerhouse and one of the strongest in the world, is now teetering on the brink of total collapse.
The North Koreans have nuclear weapons, and the capability to hit targets within the Far Eastern theater. Now if Uncle Sugar tries to really "get tough" with them, and they are up against the wall fighting for their lives and country, who do you think they will nuke?
The Japanese know this very well it will include them as well as other US allies in the area.
The Arabs are already starting to pull their money out of the US, if the Japanese decide to also, say bye to the US economy (such as it is).
Why aren't we threating Israel (they have "weapons of mass destruction", ARE threating their neighbors, ARE a threat to world peace, ARE a nation which practices racist policies towards it's own citizens. Why don't we attack them?
Answer: They own the US Congress, and they don't have any oil...

cyberdonia from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Ok Posted 1-6-2003 05:55

What would JAK do? Let Sadam get a nuke so he would be in the same position to threaten and bargain as N. Korea?
cyberdonia from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
If there is no war Posted 1-6-2003 06:05

If we let Sadam violate his resolutions, build his Nuke program and threaten the Middle East, what kind of danger do you suppose we'd face then Christy? Why do people who think like me give you the chills?

Here's a scenario; We do Clinton did. Sadam builds his nukes....and puts the delivery systems in place to threaten the United States...He hides a nuke in every US city, through terrorist networks like Al-Qaeda (As we are finding out now there are ties) or his own terrorist network. Suppose he threatens and blackmails Saudi Arabia with total nuclear annihilation in return for control of Saudi oil. Suppose he finds a window to launch a devastating first strike nuclear attack on Israel?

What kind of world would it be if we do nothing Christy? Would we be placing a million US citizens in certain jeopardy if we don't take this opportunity to remove Sadam from power now, when things are relatively safe? We the only Democracy in the middle east (Israel) be wiped from the face of the Earth?

What would be your solution to deal with this problem if war isn`t the answer Christy?
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Bull.... Posted 1-6-2003 12:19

I doubt anyone who reads this fourm would buy any of this drivel. The ONLY reason for the "war" against Iraq is one word- OIL. The US Government is bankrupt, control of the oil supplies is vital to reverse the ever increasing balance of trade deficet, since we no longer make anything in this country anybody else wants to buy.
What would a world without this "war" be? A BETTER one in every aspect.
By the way Cyster, have you run down to enlist yet? Somehow like the rest of the chickenhawks, I can't really see you or Booshe or the others strapping on a pack and a rifle. You're real good at telling other people to go kill and be killed, but not real good at doing it yourselves.
If this phoney war gets kicked off, and I expect it will and the transfer caskets with the US dead start coming home in numbers (and they will), watch the last tiny wisps of support for this farce evaporate. There is darn little anywhere now as it is.

Cyberdonia from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
There are only 3 people who read this board Posted 1-10-2003 21:39


I'm going to answer your questions, I hope you will answer mine.

First off, no I haven't run down to enlist. For one reason, I'm too old...and secondly, I don't have any desire to destroy my life now that it seems to just be getting started...(I've already been to hell and back...never had what could be called a life) but I would serve, if called. I have no desire to see ONE American get so much as a scratch from that murderous insane bastard in the Middle East....because he is worth less than a shit in a swimming pool...but war is a price of freedom.

Freedom from terror is another type of freedom....and there's been a heavy price already paid. War, is so that a bigger price is not paid, because history shows that strength and immediate action prevents aggression from enemies, not conciliation and weakness. Conciliation and weakness of the Clinton administration is what made 9/11 possible as well as North Korea a nuclear power and current threat, and conciliation, weakness and downright neglect and corruption of the Clinton administration certainly gave Sadam the ability to do what he's doing now. The only prevention from future aggression, nuclear aggression by Sadam, or North Korean sponsored and supplied terrorists, is elimination of those regimes. Sanctions do not work. Diplomacy does not work. Nothing but threat of war and action of war works as a deterrent to war within US borders and terrorist attack, and it must be aggressive and thorough. History, truth and reality is on my side on this one JAK...

Now to my questions of you. Instead of saying something is bull, I want you to tell me WHY you think the scenario I've presented is bull. Can you do it? If your position was truthful and honest, it would be easy to back up with logic and common sense. If I was I gambler, I'd bet you will evade my question and make even more generalized, unfounded statements, sprinkled with a few more personal insults without giving any reason behind those opinions....because I know you well. I hope you'll surprise me here.
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Chickenhawk out on a limb... Posted 1-10-2003 23:17

Cy, to be real polite to you, your drivel is not even worth a reply. The majority of the American people (the ones who aren't IsraeLIE shills such as yourself) DO NOT want a war with Iraq. Neither do the majority of the British people, to say nothing of the rest of the world. Saddam is many things, but he is FAR less a threat to world Peace (now or in future) than the other madman in the "White House".
And Cy, it WASN'T Clinton that set up and installed Saddam when it suited Uncle Sugar- it was Reagan/Bush.
I don't need to be called- I'm doing everything I can to oppose this "war" before it gets started, so is everyone else with any intelligence and sense of human compassion and decency.
You don't know History, or much of anything else, and I see you haven't changed a bit.

JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Checkmate... Posted 1-10-2003 23:29

"For one reason, I'm too old...and secondly, I don't have any desire to destroy my life now that it seems to just be getting started...(I've already been to hell and back...never had what could be called a life) but I would serve, if called. I have no desire to see ONE
American get so much as a scratch from that murderous insane bastard in the Middle East....because he is worth less than a shit in a swimming
pool...but war is a price of freedom."

Join the club goofball.
You just proved every single thing I said about you was true.
You don't want to destroy YOUR life, but you don't mind sending other Americans and Iraqis to their deaths?
What kind of sorry piece of human filth are you? Don't answer, I already know. I hope Christy will excuse this, but I get REALLY sick and tired of hearing jerks like this mouth off about war is the price of freedom.
Eternal vigilance is the price of Freedom, NOT war.
You don't need war to solve problems, you need intelligence and compassion, two traits you might learn to actually use sometime.
And how in the heck do YOU know how many people read this website.
Ball is in your court Junior.

cyberdonia from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Go to hell, John Posted 1-11-2003 07:08

I'm compassionate with others John, but if you were on fire, I wouldn't piss on you to put you out...No point in trying to have a rational conversation with you, I see....(When will I learn that lesson?) Nothing but insults, hate....mischaracterizations of what I said, and no answer to my questions....Exactly as I expected....What was I thinking?
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Rational conversation? Posted 1-11-2003 14:22

Blow it out your ear Cy, I don't even think THAT highly of you.
The ONLY hate around here is on YOUR end.
Your idea of a rational conversation is the same as it's always been: spreading Republicrat propaganda (now warmongering can be added to that list) and attacking anyone who doesn't like that agenda. I have spent too much time working in the local VA hospital to ever agree with anyone that war is anything but a very LAST resort to solving any problem between peoples. In this case, it's not nor is it going to be.
The problem with you is that you AREN'T thinking.


[ This message was edited by: JAK on: 1-11-2003 13:25 ]
garflorida from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
There's something so ironic about Bush's war.... Posted 1-11-2003 16:15

.... that's never addressed in the media (and how convenient). The one who is so willing to send our youth off to war with Iraq is the same person who managed to avoid military service in Vietnam. I wonder if his rich daddy's influence had anything to do with that. So, while many of GW's peers had no choice but to be shipped off and fight a REAL war, HE took the EASY way out. GW was quite the "party animal" in those days. It's nice to know GW was able to enjoy his youth even if his actions will result in thousands of others from enjoying theirs. But hey, we sure wouldn't want the f*cking sheeple of this country to pay TOO much attention to details.


Posts: 690
(3/25/2004 11:46:43 PM)

 Re: Re: War?
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
BINGO!!!!!!! Posted 1-11-2003 16:41

My late father went out and sweated inside an old C-119 (no ac) on the runway waiting for the order to take off and drop the troops they had on board over Cuba in 1962.
He flew into the airfield at Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) under Rebel gunfire in a fully loaded C-119 (ammo and grenades and gas for the NG troops) in 1965.
Nobody gave him any medals or gave a damn- this was while he was also working a regular civilan job and supporting a wife and child.
My heart really just bleeds for the Boooshe Baby. He couldn't even pass the physical with the flight surgeon to keep his flight status- my dad had high blood pressure, drank like a fish, worked a 40 hour week and flew 2-3 nights a week, plus weekends, plus active duty. he was still flying when he retired in 1980 as a Lt. Colonel.
I don't take the Cyster seriously, never have- or anything he says either.

Cyberdonia from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Still haven't answered my questions JAKoff Posted 1-11-2003 17:31


I'm going to answer your questions, I hope you will answer mine.

First off, no I haven't run down to enlist. For one reason, I'm too old...and secondly, I don't have any desire to destroy my life now that it seems to just be getting started...(I've already been to hell and back...never had what could be called a life) but I would serve, if called. I have no desire to see ONE American get so much as a scratch from that murderous insane bastard in the Middle East....because he is worth less than a shit in a swimming pool...but war is a price of freedom.

Freedom from terror is another type of freedom....and there's been a heavy price already paid. War, is so that a bigger price is not paid, because history shows that strength and immediate action prevents aggression from enemies, not conciliation and weakness. Conciliation and weakness of the Clinton administration is what made 9/11 possible as well as North Korea a nuclear power and current threat, and conciliation, weakness and downright neglect and corruption of the Clinton administration certainly gave Sadam the ability to do what he's doing now. The only prevention from future aggression, nuclear aggression by Sadam, or North Korean sponsored and supplied terrorists, is elimination of those regimes. Sanctions do not work. Diplomacy does not work. Nothing but threat of war and action of war works as a deterrent to war within US borders and terrorist attack, and it must be aggressive and thorough. History, truth and reality is on my side on this one JAK...

Now to my questions of you. Instead of saying something is bull, I want you to tell me WHY you think the scenario I've presented is bull. Can you do it? If your position was truthful and honest, it would be easy to back up with logic and common sense. If I was I gambler, I'd bet you will evade my question and make even more generalized, unfounded statements, sprinkled with a few more personal insults without giving any reason behind those opinions....because I know you well. I hope you'll surprise me here.

JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
ISRAELI SHILL, ISRAELI SHILL... Posted 1-11-2003 18:19

Folks, Uncle Sugar set up Saddam in Iraq as a CIA asset when it suited us to do so. We then turned around and stabbed him in the back (the US ambassador at the time under Sr. Boooshe gave him the green light to invade Kuwait), and we launched Gulf War I.
Saddam is nothing but a US puppet and Company asset, just as Usama Bin Laden was and is (if he is still alive) when it suited us to have him in Afganistan as a counter to the Russians.
Saddam has NO WMDs, nor does he posess the delivery systems to send them our way- he hasn't managed it in over 10 years now, nor will he.
Saddam is many things, stupid is not one of them. Cy, even you should be smart enough to understand that even if he did posssess ONE nuclear bomb and a delivery system to get it to say Israel, and he used it, what would happen to his country? It would be turned into a glass parking lot.He knows this. Israel doesn't give a flying flip about the United States, and we just keep on signing those aid checks- now who is stupid?


IggyPop from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
trying to stay objective about all this Posted 1-12-2003 03:27

IMO, we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. Whether we go to war or not we are totally screwed either way. I no longer think that this war is ONLY about oil. Bush and Co are concerned about a very REAL threat and they are scared. That is not to say that the American government is any more righteous than Iraq and other nations because we aren't. I do think Iraq, North Korea, and members of the Islamic confederation have ambitions to nuke the shit out of us. If we called off this war, would it cause our enemies to call off the war that they have already silently declared against America? NO! The fix is in, America will be defeated thanks to the help of traitors within the American government, thanks to militant ISLAM, thanks to our foreign policies, and thanks to the NWO crowd for orchestrating the whole thing.
IggyPop from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
... Posted 1-12-2003 04:05

Well, I must say that reply was rather disjointed and rambling.This one will be as well. First of all, let me say that although I don't support the war on Iraq, I don't think doing nothing is going to solve anything. I hate to be a downer but the mess we are in is unsolvable at this point.

To summarize, I believe 2003 is the year we see WWIII and afterwards the NWO miraculously saves the day with their one world goverment solution. I see no other alternative. This thing is infinitely more complicated than everyone realizes, including the conspiracy theorists. I don't feel like going into too many particulars about how everything plays out cause it would take too long. Perhaps some other time...

If I recall correctly something like 20 nuclear suitcases DISAPPEARED after fall of the Soviet Union. Where in the hell are they and who is going to use them and who is going to get blamed when and if they are used?! I'm not concerned about our troops safety I'm worried about the safety of Americans at home. When nuclear war occurs, the entire planet most certainly will not be wiped out not even most or half of the world's population. But certainly more than those killed in WW2 which was somewhere around 100 million I think. Keeping in mind that the Illuminatti/NWO is orchestrating everything we can be assured of certain aspects of the outcome of all this. I'm beyond worried, beyond terrified, I already know that horrible things are going to happen and I feel NUMB.
JAK [guest] from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Stage management Posted 1-12-2003 04:24

So called "militant Islam" has nothing more to do with this farce than militant Judaism or Zionism does.
The Illuminati know human nature VERY well, and play BOTH sides like a fine tuned instrument.
Quick question: Who has the largest stockpile of thermonuclear weapons on the planet and the delivery systems to put them on a target?
I'll wait...

Da de da, dee da....

Uncle Sugar?



"When you are strong appear weak, when you are weak appear strong."

Sun Tzu

I hate to break this to the Cyster and all, but the Russians have enough firepower to turn the entire North American continent into one big glass parking lot.
The Red Chinese are on the way getting there.
Most of Russia population wise is rural, most of America today isn't. In a first strike, they win hands down.
If Uncle keeps on uping the ante, don't be surprised if the Russians and ChiComs decided THEY had better take Uncle's words at face value, and blast an enemy first that MIGHT attack them sometime in the future.



JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Well said Posted 1-12-2003 16:28

VERY perceptive observation Gar.
One of the hardest and most scary things in the world to have to do is to actually wake up one day and look at the facts, and realize you've been a complete dupe. All the things and people you have believedi in were nothing but a false front. It's VERY hard- it took me a long time to do it myself. I hope Cy can someday manage it himself.


[ This message was edited by: JAK on: 1-12-2003 16:19 ]
IggyPop from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
not a communist Posted 1-12-2003 16:40

I'm the farthest thing from a communist that you can get. I believe in capitalism, true capitalism not the Americanized fascist version of it. I believe in the Constitution as created by the Founding Fathers and a republic form of government. The America of today is not the same America that existed at some point in the past and this is no longer a great nation. America is a socialist, totalitarian state and the people don't recognize it.
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Exactly... Posted 1-12-2003 17:24

Quite so, well put.
The problem is that the whole mess is approaching critical mass after decades of abuse- just as the Roman Empire did. At some point in the not too distant future, all these various negative factors will merge at one point in an overload factor and the whole house of cards will collapse like a sandcastle in a tsunami.

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