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...... Inhalation Anthrax diagnosed in Florida 10/4/01/Palm Beach ~ FL EO - Martial Law?
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(3/25/2004 11:31:22 PM)

 Inhalation Anthrax diagnosed in Florida 10/4/01/Palm Beach ~ FL EO - Martial Law?
Inhalation Anthrax diagnosed in Florida 10/4/01/Palm Beach
shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Inhalation Anthrax diagnosed in Florida 10/4/01/Palm Beach Posted 10-4-2001 21:51

Oh Gee why is this not surprising? In the state Jebby Bush is governor.

The gentlemen is in critical condition, and just returned from taking his child to Duke University in NC. CDC has confirmed, it is Inhalation Anthrax.

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
What? Inhalation Anthrax is Rare. Posted 10-4-2001 22:39

I just got home from Scouts and cooking dinner, but I'll check out deeper details on this. Something is up.

Ohhhh, you guys, almost forget to tell you. Remember that FL EO 4 days prior of the Sept 11th attack? A few days ago now, the National Guard was sent in to every commercial airport also including MacDill Military Base which is the base that covers the Middle East district. Other airports around the Nation are finally relaxing a bit and getting back to normal, although the security is tight...Florida on the other hand is sending in troops.

I will be sooo pissed off if they are using Florida for some sort of "first strike of war" zone.

We're not in Kansas anymore Dorothy.
Welcome to the Jungle.

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
National Guard Posted 10-4-2001 22:47

Then I had another wild thought...What if...

The National Guard isn't at the airports to keep hijackers off the planes,


to make sure the masses do not flee if Martial Law begins going into effect.

man, I scare myself.

shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
National Guard at our airports here in Texas...too Posted 10-4-2001 22:51

shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Here is an article from the Miami Herald on this Posted 10-4-2001 22:55

Click for Article
shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Another Story from the Miami Herald on the Anthrax Case Posted 10-5-2001 16:51

Miami Herald
cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
New FL Anthrax Case (most likely intentional biological attack) Posted 10-8-2001 15:51

Anthrax Found at Tabloid Headquarters
Monday, Oct. 8, 2001

Officials of the Centers of Disease Control, the State of Florida and Palm Beach County announced this morning that anthrax bacteria was confirmed in the headquarters of American Media Inc., in Lantana, Fla.
American Media is the place of employment of Bob Stevens, the Florida man that died of pulmonary anthrax.

American Media publishes all of the supermarket tabloids, including the National Enquirer, Star, Sun, Globe and National Examiner.

Officials said an another employee has been hospitalized and has been found to have been exposed to anthrax. The unidentified person has not been found to have any symptoms of the disease.

Officials also claimed they have discovered additional bacteria in the American Media building, specifically on the keyboard of Bob Stevens computer.

On Sunday night, first broke the story that officials from the CDC had closed down the American Media offices, and were scouring the site for evidence of anthrax.
Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
2nd Anthrax Victim Posted 10-9-2001 04:02

What I've been hearing on our local news is that an envelope (came in through the mail) that contained a white power substance, was handled by the late Bob Stevens and was also handled by this second man. One of them, not sure which one, was the company's mail person.

What I was thinking, is that maybe this building wasn't being contaminated on purpose, but through the mail system is how antrax and other biochems are transfered. It's not like the mail system has a antrax smelling canine. The first thing I would do is check each employee and check out their connections. The news has not mentioned where the envelope was postmarked from.
cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
The World is Getting Freaky Posted 10-9-2001 09:10

Be careful Christy, I know that stuff is in your area. I also wonder if any mail carriers may be affected by handling that envelope (assuming it was mail). Who knows how many hands it might have passed through?

Don't buy any National Inquirers.....that stuff could even be on the paper
shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Hmmmm!!!!! Posted 10-9-2001 18:16

This whole thingy is a little strange. I heard that a middle eastern man/women made a comment that had worked at the building, but had quit...that they had left a little surprise.

Just read a report at FR (report from FoxNews), that people are freaking in Naples, FLA. many folks including docs offices had gotten envelope with white powder in them.

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Strange Indeed Posted 10-9-2001 21:08

Yes, very strange. I also heard that Mandy... about the woman that said, I've left a surprise for you. No one on the news has said anymore about this letter/envelope. It may not have gone through the US postal service at all and was left there by an employee or ex-employee (that woman)? BUT, to be honest with ya, I've got a big problem with anthrax in an envelope...Gee, what did he do? Snort it? Yikes, there's a thought...employees thinking they're snorting cocaine. That sure would stop the drug use problem in America...LOL. Eeeee, either that or the drug users.

I'm sorry, but I've got a big problem with anthrax being fatal to someone by opening or handling an envelope. It had to go through the skin in his case, but then why did they say the second guy's confirmed anthrax is in his nasal cavity? And going from memory here, but around 25,000 spores are needed to be inhaled in order to kill someone.

I'm sorry folks, but no sale from this window browser.
