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...... Bush/bin Laden/Cheney Links ~ Wheelin and Dealin
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Posts: 690
(3/25/2004 11:22:43 PM)

 Bush/bin Laden/Cheney Links ~ Wheelin and Dealin
Bush/bin Laden/Cheney Links
shield from Chemtrail and Company III  
Bush/bin Laden/Cheney Links

Bush/bin Laden/Cheney Links
cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III
Shield, you're getting all worked up over rumor and inuendo!

Ah Shield,

These were based on rumors (internet hoaxes) that were later proven false....such as the 43 million to get the poppy fields. That was for humanitarian aid to the people of Afghanistan. Bush just appropriated a great deal of money (along with Unicef) for humanitarian aid to Afghan refugees that is currently being delivered in trucks and on the backs of 4000 mules. Cans of food with a big US flag on it.....and it's not for Osama's men.

You are reading the wrong publications Amanda, and making yourself all paranoid here. Try, or for a more critical look at Bush, Try Fox news.....Otherwise, you are just getting leftist garbage from people who are taking advantage of this time to plant seeds of fear in people like yourself.

You've already got Bush tried, convicted and executed, without a single shred of evidence to support your fears, and with every indication that this man, this very good man, is doing everything in his power to make the correct decisions. I'm as much for civil liberties as anyone. I don't believe in things like a national ID card for example. But tightening security at airports, placing sky marshals on planes and sealing up the borders are needed measures. I think Ashcroft might be taking it a little bit too far with the wire tapping abilities he wants, but ease up on Bush, will ya? I think your concerns are far from justified. There is no other human being I would want in his position right now. He is the man for the job.
shield from Chemtrail and Company III  

I am always open to support Bush. However, I will not blindly support anyone. There are always two sides. Too many of the eastern elite and leftist pundits are continually putting out the war idea. This makes me feel really uncomtfortable. The news outlets are given a script of propaganda and they are instructed to keep pumping it out on the airwaves. As they are. If this was NOT a propaganda tool, the leftist pundits would be pumping out a whole different message.
garflorida from Chemtrail and Company III
Just to be fair

Newsmax is a right wing news source. You have to get your news from ALL angles, in order to have a clear view of any story. I still think we should strike back, but there is far more to this than the TV news would have us believe.
shield from Chemtrail and Company III say....

OH bullshit...I watch fox news all the time. However because of the same war propaganda they are also putting out...I've stopped watching them too.

You've already got Bush tried, convicted and executed, without a single shred of evidence

And what creditable evidence has the American Public been shown on WHO committed the terrorist acts? Where's all this proof, evidence: are we to take the word of the WH? Classified: now that is more bullshit. Why should American Citizens commit their sons, daughters, husbands, mothers, wives and fathers along with our tax dollars to a war against anyone without the evidence. It smells to high heaven.

You maybe naive....and when someone blindly supports a leader without the questions of his/her actions...then they are nothin' but stupid.

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III  
Doesn't Make Sense

It was said that they don't want to come out publiclly with the entire evidence because it could incriminate some US officials and divulge more than they want to go into the open. Well, I would like to know what type of involvement we have. By holding back this evidence is saying we know more than we want to talk about.
shield from Chemtrail and Company III  
For once they did to come clean and tell the TRUTH.....

We've been lied to too many times. Until the truth is brought forth along with the evidence, folks that are not totally blinded by the propaganda, will continue to hold them suspect in all they are telling us along with their military action!

cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III
Come down from the paranoia Shield. Now is not the time to abandon your convictions....and your faith in people you believed in.

First of all there is little truth in media unless it is conservative media. If you are reading leftist or liberal publications as a "balance", you are simply balancing the truth with lies, and that is not necessary. Liberalism, by it's very nature is about lies and definition. You can't trust the same news source who loved Clinton and covered for him. They are incapable of distinguishing truth from illusion. They are complicit in an anti-American conspiracy.

Shield, you are certainly missing the big picture. I for one don't give a rat's ass if Osama did it or not. We still need to take the bastard out. He is still a wanted terrorist who likes to blow up embassies and war ships. He still needs to die for those attacks. Secondly, we need to take Sadam out and do it right this time. Who cares about what excuse we use for eliminating terrorists and the states who harbor them....we need to do it now, and Bush is doing just that. I think it is a very foolish person who doesn't see this picture. You are ignoring reality.

But the proof about who these people are is growing everyday as FBI data streams in. Look at their pictures and tell me what you see: FBI photos of hijackers

Do you see any common background among these people?

We know who these people are Shield. [ This message was edited by: cydoniaquest on: 9-30-2001 21:14 ]

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III  
Public Asking Questions

Too many people are on gaurd...which is good. We've been lied to and duped so many times now; I feel more Americans ask questions. Personally, in my opinion, I think our government is shocked how there was such a large protest and how many people are saying NO WAR. Cy, going after bin Laden is NOT what people are upset about. Who cares if he rots on a stick. Seizing him will not solve a thing and the public knows that. Going into Afghanistan with troups is not good. Those people are starving.

When I heard Jesse Jackson was called to go over there (which he probably won't do) I thought I was going to get SICK. They don't even know who Jesse Jackson is. He is such a media sucking scumbag. Sorry...had to vent.

cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III
Jesse is nobody's friend

Ask yourself, Christy....who is starving the people of Afghanistan? Ask yourself, who is now providing humanitarian aid to those people? And if they exodus into Pakistan and leave the Taliban ruling party more issolated for our attacks without the risk of more "collateral damage".....all the better. Bin Laden is certainly worth killing, and the Taliban is certainly worth the risk of taking apart, and thereby one more terrorist network dismantled. Not to mention, the main reason being that they are the party responsible for the killing of around 7000 innocent people. It's also the best thing we could do for the starving people of Afghanistan....remove the evil bastards who are starving them. After we cut the head off that snake, next stop, Iraq.

Remember George Bush's words; Our mission is to wipe out terrorism. You can't do that if you ignore the Taliban in Afghanistan. We take out the kings and the pawns will follow.

I do agree with you about Jesse though. Talk about an anti-American terrorist and traitor. Maybe we should send him to the Taliban....that's the last we'd see of the traitor and American enemy, extortionist at large, Jesse Jackson. Besides, he's no use as a hostage to them alive or dead, because nobody here is going to ask for him back. He's better off dead in the best interests of both countries....
cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III  
Teeny Weeny protest....


The actual protest was an unbeliveably miniscule bunch of loonies with completely idiotic rational. They expected 100,000.....they got around 2,000. The vast majority of Americans are intelligent enough to realize war is necessary and much (if not more so) than the causes of any war in US history.
Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III  
But What About The Buck??

Four months ago we sent Afghanistan 43 Million dollars. Most of the women and children were sent to Pakistan and live in makeshift tents and have no food or water. Finally Pakistanian help-groups came with some blankets and medicine...of course to last them what? A few weeks? A month, or when the cold of winter sets in??

They didn't get a penny of the money we sent. Why did we send money? Why not medicine, blankets and food? What good is money? It doesn't make sense. The money was given to the Taliban Supreme. This is why people start thinking of sinister government plots...because things don't make sense.

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III  

I've read at many news sources that it was 10,000 people Cy. That's a lot of people. I can guarentee this...there will be plenty more of these protests.


cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III
War protestors have their collective heads up their peace signs...........  

I heard 2000 on Fox. CNN said "thousands". What is it do you think they're protesting Christy, and what's so good about it?

I saw video of people protesting in Australia carrying signs that said: "Stop this racist war!".... Racist war? Could they be bigger idiots? Did they miss the part where some Middle Eastern guys slit some stewardesses throats, killed some airline captains and crashed our jets into the WTC and the Pentagon killing close to 7000 people? They don't think that's good enough reason for war, and they think this is about race? What a bunch of unbelievable morons!

This seems to be about the same rational of most of the protestors. When asked what they think we should do...they say....duh....just leave those nice Arabs alone. America bad. Let's stop defending free societies like Israel. The radical, Islamic fundamentalist terrorist are pure and good. Well I'm sorry, never a bigger group of idiots are found than these protestors.

As for the 43 million, this was humanitarian aid (I do believe it was in the form of food, it is now). We send aid to many countries, because we are a generous, moral nation.
shield from Chemtrail and Company III  
Middle Eastern what!

You have been sucked in as many others. 'War on Terrorism' sure sounds like the 'War on Drugs.' What exactly has happened with the 'War on Drugs.' Nothing much for the bad guys, however, freedoms, liberties have been taken from the good guys. This whole thing is not what it appears. Who cares that these guys are middle eastern men, have you ever heard of black ops operation? Without much doubt, this is a black ops operation.

Terrorist attacks is a tool used against an unsuspecting people to bring on the NWO. This has been in their play book for years. I hoped Bush was not part of this group and would not institute their agenda. When the terrorist attack happened, all my hopes for Bush were flushed down the toilet. He along with his administration were showing their true colors....the NWO agenda is moving along.

cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III

Shield, this theory of yours is beyond loony, bordering absolutely ridiculous. It doesn't even stand the test of common sense or facts in evidence. Do you think if you say it often enough it's going to make it true? The fact is, we have some real evil regimes out there, one namely, the Taliban. The other is Sadam Hussein. For you to make accusations of the US government in light of this evidence is frankly sheer stupidity, and pure ignorance of history and reality......(Sorry to be blunt)

The war on drugs failed because the guy in charge for the last eight years prior to the last 9 months was a drug dealer himself. Klintoon made deals with big drug money and large drug cartels for financial gain and a built in network of personal hit men. I give you the Mena scandals (and related deaths) as case in point. We could go to great detail in this area.

It is really sad that you've taken this turn, Shield. If you really think the US government and Bush is this evil, (and they would have to be for your theory to be correct) all hope in humanity and the United States is lost for you. You can move to Costa Rica if you want, but if people are this evil, you won't find escape there. The only other thing you can do is hope you're wrong (and you are). But it's people who think like this and invent these paranoid theories in their heads without the slightest shred of evidence, who end up trying to assassinate presidents. When they try, we usually refer to them as insane.
shield from Chemtrail and Company III  
Be prepared.......

The truth about who was really behind the terrorist attack will be coming out soon. Fasten your seat belt, it will blow you away.

cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III
Oh Really....

Well Shield, are you just saying this because you believe it and have a hunch.....or do you think you have other information? If you have other information, care to share it and your sources?

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III  
...because we are a generous, moral nation.

>>>As for the 43 million, this was humanitarian aid (I do believe it was in the form of food, it is now). We send aid to many countries, because we are a generous, moral nation.

I want to believe this too Cy, but why
are so many people starving and dying?
We gave them 43 Million a few months ago...
AND we've given them over 125 Million since Jan 2001.

That's alot of wheat flour Jason.


cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III

Christy.....C' many times do you want me to repeat this? You should know the answer to this by now.

The reason that the people under the control of a regime like the Taliban or Sadam Hussein do not receive the humanitarian aid we send is because the monsters that control them intercept it. They starve their own people as a form of control...Isn't this obvious to you? We are talking about sick, evil, sub-humans here, the same ruling parties that routinely torture rape and starve their own civilians. The same people who execute others for not having a beard the proper length, or if women show too much skin, or for daring to worship the wrong religion.....the same people who hijacked airplanes and flew them into our landmarks with the intention of taking as many innocent lives as possible, the same people who killed over 100,000 Kurds.....the same people who use the children of their own countries as human shields and human bombs against an enemy....

They intercept food and supplies from the US government to starve their own people as a form of control Christy... Duh

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III
Who Are They?

>>>The reason that the people under the control of a regime like the Taliban or Sadam Hussein do not receive the humanitarian aid we send is because the
monsters that control them intercept it.

Unclear sentence. Do you mean the people are being controled by the monsters Sadam Hussein and the Taliban, OR, do you mean that that Sadam Hussein and the Taliban have higher controllers?

But back to what you posted....that was MY point. We know that they starve and torture their own civilians. So why give them food that will only go to their army and not the poor/needy?


cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III
No Duh

Sorry for saying "Duh", Christy.

Why do we send them food? .....Because we want the world to know our enemy is not the people of Afghanistan, not the religion of Islam, but the evil regime who controls them. It is a required diplomatic gesture of good will for the eyes of the world because we do not want to want people to misunderstand our intentions and we do not want create any more enemies in these unstable regiouns than we have to ....The same reason we re-built post WWII Germany...the same reason we continue to provide civilian aid to Iraq, while at the same time, imposing sanctions on military supplies. Our act of providing very publicized humanitarian aid also re-enforces the point that the regimes that control these people are the ones who are starving them and justifies the need to remove these regimes in the eyes of the world, and the people who are being oppressed. If some of the refugees, for example, make it to the food and see US flags on it....they will know the truth and become allies....just as nations like Pakistan with whom have shaky alliances (at best) will see the true nature of America. Humanitarian aid is not only a powerful propaganda tool in the best interest of America, it is also the truth. It reveals our true intentions. We want to liberate the people.

Your point about who controls Sadam or Ossama? There are lower forces that control these people....not higher. There is nothing unclear about my statement except to contradict your hidden government, NWO theory. But this is not Star Wars where Darth was controlled by the evil master. Sadam and Ossama are the true and actual leaders of some of these unseen puppeteer. The Ayatollah of Iran is another one and there are others like Omar Kadafi (who has now changed his tune a bit). They are simply warlords who maintain their control by brutal force and oppression, but remove them and the so called governments will quickly topple.

cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III  
Re: Who Are They?  

Here's a relevant NewsMax article on the motivations for giving aid Christy:

Bush Approves Covert Aid for Taliban Foes Wires
Monday, October 01, 2001

NEW YORK -- President Bush has authorized a secret effort to unify groups opposing the Taliban rulers of Afghanistan, The New York Times reported Monday, citing administration officials. The aid is intended to help the Northern Alliance and also stir resistance to the Taliban among Pashtun tribal groups in the south.
Bush has also approved $100 million in new relief aid to Afghan refugees in an attempt to stop resentment in Pakistan as thousands of refugees pour over the border each day, the report said.

"The purpose is to enhance their ability to move against the Taliban," a senior official said. "It is not limited to political support."

The Bush administration is considering air-dropping food supplies inside Afghanistan but wants to make sure they do not fall into Taliban hands.

An administration official said "appropriate legal authority exists" for a full range of activities in Afghanistan, The Times reported. But the official declined to say whether Bush had signed a presidential decision directive, a secret document that would specifically authorize covert activity.

Bush's decisions came as the opposition Northern Alliance continued efforts to persuade former king, Mohammad Zahir Shah, 86, to return to Afghanistan and help form a broad-based government. Zahir, who ruled Afghanistan for 40 years, has been living outside Rome since 1973 when he was deposed.

The Taliban's spiritual leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar, warned the ex-king Sunday to stay out of Afghanistan's affairs.

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III  
Mo Money

Wow, I didn't know Bush gave them more money. We're getting up to some large clams here. It doesn't make sense. Approx. $250,000 Million so far since 2001!

Something is wrong with this picture.

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III  
re: No Duh  

>>>....who controls Sadam or Ossama? There are lower forces that control these people

Jason, in one sentense you say these groups are controlled by lower forces then in the next breath pose that conspiracy world order theories don't exist.

These men (Sadam or Osama) might not have HUMAN controllers whispering in their ear on what to say and do, but in the demonic occult world, 100 bucks says they do. But Jason, if you think about it, what difference does it make. You feel that evil, satan-worshipping elitists don't secretly shadow country's governments and rule them from behind an invisible veil...but why not? What's the difference between a group of evil men who get information from demons, and evil government sects who receive informatin from the same demonic forces?

cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III
Common Sense, Christy

>>>>>"These men (Sadam or Osama) might not have HUMAN controllers whispering in their ear on what to say and do, but in the demonic occult world, 100 bucks says they do. But Jason, if you think about it, what difference does it
make. You feel that evil, satan-worshipping elitists don't secretly shadow
country's governments and rule them from behind an invisible veil...but why

Because the evil, satan-worshipping elitists don't need to shadow Sadam Hussein or Ossama Bin Laden. They ARE Sadam Hussein and Ossama Bin Laden. These are your evil elitists right out there in the open, just as Hitler was right out there in the open. Nobody is controlling them, but the forces of evil. These forces are not physical entities. Satan works through these men.

The American government is now acting in opposition to this evil.....Simple as that. Why isn't this obvious to you?

>>>>>>"What's the difference between a group of evil men who get information
from demons, and evil government sects who receive informatin from the same
demonic forces?"<<<<<<

These men we are talking about ARE the governments of these countries.....or they control their governments. They don't get information from some evil source. They ARE possessed by the evil source themselves. The information is within them, like it is within any mass murderer. Nobody needed to tell Hitler to destroy Jews for example, that was his own drive and motivation. It is the same with Ossama. Nobody told him to hate and kill all Americans and Jews (maybe that was how he was raised)....but this is the evil burning within him and his own distorted and perveted interpretation of the Koran.
Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III  
I Agree

I agree with you on this, but I was asking, what is the difference between these men who work/think directly with satan/demons like bin Laden....and well-formed governments say for example Britian (just an example) having a secret sect of evil men that we never know or hear about that controls the Parliment.

Sorta like the Mofia against the Frederal Reserve.

LOL...Ahhh, I'm so witty.

It could happen.

cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III
What Evil Sects Are You Referring To?

Could you be more specific on what evil sect you are referring to Christy? Are you talking about the Freemasons, the Knights of the Templar or the Rosicrucians?

If so, you are assuming facts not in evidence. First of all you are assuming the people at the top of these organizations are evil. The fact is, some of the greatest men in history and founders of this country where 33 degree masons, and the idea that they are some kind of devil worshippers is an unfounded theory. Secondly, the idea that these organizations secretly control governments is an unfounded theory. Finally, there is nothing gained by mass murders and creating a potentially world destroying situation except their own deaths, and end of their way of life.

Makes little sense on many levels, methinks.
Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III  
Those Are Just Little Fries

The groups you mentioned, and even the illuminati, are considered low man on the totum pole when it comes to elitist. I would consider them 'local level' controls.

By the way, Cy, there were NO great men that were 33 degree masons, none worthy of being considered great.

A hundred bucks says your a mason Jason. We've asked you before, but you never would answer.

ANY PERSON who has been accepted as a 33 degree or higher worships Satan. I know this as a FACT. I have every Masonic book in my library and I can tear that Satanic cult apart. I had an entire lodge watch me around the clock and follow me for close to a year...flashing me their rings and icons, letting me know I had been black balled.

The problem with the brotherhood is that those under 33 (Shriner's are 32) will never go higher (unless tested) nor never get out. It's obvious that they are ignorant to their own craft because the unveiled truth is written right in their own books! But who reads em, right? AND, if they do read and they want OUT, you can forget it. You're in for life. Your oath to the Lodge is over and above ALL oaths (even wedding vows).


cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III
hasten Mason... said Mason Jason. You're a poet and you don't know it!

Actually, no I'm not a Mason. If I was I couldn't tell ya anyway. (But just know that I would never belong to a club that would have me for a member). Now think about this logically Christy: If nobody, not even the Masons at the 32 level know what goes on at the 33rd.... And secondly, those at the 33rd aren't talking, how is it you claim to know? Also, you didn't respond to my point about the "elites creating Chaos". If their purpose is to create war, and destroy most of the useless eaters...and they end up creating nuclear war, or biological warefare on a mass scale, what would be their gain if they end up destroying themselves, the world or their way of life in the process?

I have heard that many people (such as the founding fathers of this country and presidents and almost all astronauts in NASA) were/are 33 degree Masons.

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III  
Grand PooBa

>>>If I was I couldn't tell ya anyway.

Heeeyyy, that's what you said last time. Well, it's true, a Mason is told to lie about his Masonic association. (it's in the books) I wonder why? They are also not allowed to outwardly approach men to get new members. There's a special (oooh secret)conversation used to make the other person have an inquiry mind.

>>>If nobody, not even the Masons at the 32 level know what goes on at the 33rd.... And secondly, those at the
33rd aren't talking, how is it you claim to know?

It's not openly known, but it's known. As I said before, even if a Mason wanted out it would be almost impossible to do. Expecially if the Grand Master knows that the member was trying to get out due to religious beliefs. The few that "think" they have gotten out, have moved and purposely do not become active in the new lodge...but...he still pays his dues. The most common way of thinking by the average Lodge-goer is that all of the Masonic rituals/text etc are based on ancient dogma, and that it just seems odd for us in modern today. Then is scoffed off. Never to be investigated further. Not wanting to create waves in their club. Not to mention, there is quite a bit of fear that is weaved into the mason's mind too. They are warned what will happen to them if they divulge any secrets etc.

The reason why I know a lot about Masons without going into detail is because a dear friend of mine was a speaker and gave indepth lectures exposing the entire Lodge. Being that we were friends, we spent more together on this subject other than in the lecture hall. Also, I got involved with a monument protest which in result, I was mentally attacked by them. I know WHO they are, have had religious debates/discussions with them about it, and have snooped around their Temple. The only good thing about this group is that it's a dying breed. The younger men today are staying away from their father and grandfather's clan.

>>>If their purpose is to create war, and destroy most of the useless eaters...and they end up creating nuclear war, or biological warefare on a mass scale, what would be their gain if they end up destroying themselves

I think too many people believe that one country or one group of people, or for that matter, one more World War would cause total death to all people. Naaaa, I don't think so. I think man has the power to destroy optimum food growth, and perhaps wipe out 25 or even 50 percent of the population, but not kill it entirely...AND, if someone has some sort of Tesla device that could split the earth in half and kill us all, then it would just go to say that those people were so evil, it would give them joy (making God angry) by killing themself.

I don't know of any 33 degree Masons in history, Jason. Many presidents that were Masons were made honoraty Masons, like Reagan for example. He had nothing to do with them, but now they have him listed as another president Mason. Now their might be 33 degree's in NASA. NASA is known for using occultic numbers and figuring...might draw the 33rds, I don't know.



Posts: 690
(3/25/2004 11:26:06 PM)

 Re: Bush/bin Laden/Cheney Links ~ Wheelin and Dealin

cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III
evil is as evil does  

The Masons may be old, but they hold no power in the world governments. I do not believe the top levels of the Masons is evil Christy....and certainly you overestimate the power of evil and underestimate the most powerful force in the universe, the very force that is the source of creation of the universe. That force is love....and evil is petty and miniscule in comparison.

Evil has no control in the hearts and minds of truly enlightened people who can see the true nature of the universe, people who can see beyond the limitations of their physical realities. Evil has no chance when compared to the power of God. God works through the hearts of mankind every bit as much as evil, and this is where your fears are misplaced. George Bush is an incredibly good man, who is doing the right things right now. I do believe he is truly walking the path of the creator. His thoughts are inspired...and the strategies used now, ingenious. We should be thanking God that such a man is president now.....It could have been a disaster had Gore won.
Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III
Same Mold, Same School  

>>>I do not believe the top levels of the Masons is evil

You can believe in whatever you want Jason. But that doesn't mean that what goes on in the world around you doesn't exist. Upper level Masons and politicians like Bill Clinton are synonymous. They all come from the same mold and go to the same school.


cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III
So sayeth Christy

All, in your opinion Christy....Tell me what facts you are basing this on.....and what are your sources?

Let's take your argument for a minute that they did go to the same school: If you and I went to the same school, does that mean we share the same ethics, morality and belief systems? Does it mean we learn at the same rates, pick up the same thoughts, interpret meanings in the same way, get the same grades?

No....This is not the way the real world works does it. People respond to outside forces based on internal motivations, personality, character and past experiences. Bill Clinton for example handled would handle this current crisis in an extremely different and dangerous way. I know this because we have his history and record to look at. He handles things by creating the illusion he's doing something about it, while behind the scenes, he is cheating the very people he is supposed to be serving.

Bush on the other hand, is actually doing something about it......because Bush is a different human being with high personal standards and ethics. Bill Clinton had the ethics and morality of a convicted felon and mass murderer. Bush has the ethics and morality of a true leader. There is an obvious difference.

But the thing that's true of all schools is that you only take from it what you want, and your personal character determines who you are and how you respond to crisis. We are seeing at present, the stuff Bush is made out of and how he responds when his metal is tested. We saw it in the election fiasco, when Bush remained confident and strong when all looked so bleak. GW Bush is obviously an amazing person of strong moral character and made of the stuff of a true leader and chief executive officer. He handles pressure and crisis, with grace.

Most people can see the obvious difference. By this same time after his election, Bill Clinton was already into his tenth scandal or so, and had already intentionally killed innocent people and was acting as chief enemy of the American people while offering aid and comfort to our enemies around the world. Clinton made the WTC attacks possible by his policies and lack thereof. Clinton made our economy what it is today by the same. Clinton destabilized the world. The difference between GW Bush and Clinton could not be more obvious (especially now). It's as obvious as the difference between good and evil.

cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III  
How Clinton/Gore used/abused the CIA...(from 007)  

Interesting article from
cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III  
How Clinton/Gore used/abused the CIA...(from 007)

Interesting article from

Thursday, Oct. 4, 2001 10:32 p.m. EDT

CIA Leak to NewsMax: More Bad News

More leaks to NewsMax from inside the CIA.

One official, we'll call him 007 for our purposes, said he was "impressed" by NewsMax's coverage of the agency.

NewsMax's Chris Ruddy first broke the story in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks that the CIA had stopped recruiting spies in terrorist networks - citing insider sources "Roger" and "Harry."

That report was followed by more revelations about how the agency had become a model for political correctness, the CIAD - the Central Intelligence Agency for Diversity.

007 agrees, revealing to us our "points on CIA environmental analysis were right on the money. Under Clinton, CIA spy satellite imagery was used to write special environmental assessments for Gore on sand turtles, dolphin schools, and volcano eruptions."

But that's not the end of the story, reports 007.

He notes how the current leadership of the agency was blatantly negligent about dealing with terrorism.

OO7: "The CIA treated counterterrorism as a second- or third-tier assignment from about 1992 until 9/11/01. Bill Casey treated it seriously, but the old boys at CIA disagreed. Reflecting the liberal internationalist bent of the DI (analysis office), the most-prestigious analytic jobs were following Western Europe and Canada. (Why do we even have a Canadian intelligence analyst? Why can't State do that?)"

More on Tenet: "He recently created a huge counterterrorism office and several days after Sept. 11 hundreds of analysts were assigned to it. This effort is an attempt to show that CIA is serious about the terrorism threat, but mostly to save Tenet's skin, as well as the many other senior CIA officials promoted under the Clinton admininstration."

Ronald Reagan's CIA Director, Bill Casey, had made the counterterrorism office a top priority, but his successors, including current director, George Tenet, didn't.

007: "Our terrorist office was a 'center' the counterterrorism center (CTC). We have two other centers, Crime and Narcotics (CNC) and Counterintelligence (CIC). CNC and CTC were backwaters for years. When the FBI was about to arrest Aldrich Ames, they gave him a do-nothing job in CNC. This didn't help its already low morale."

End of Communication, 007 Out.

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III  
Oops, Don't Slip

Jason, my post said nothing about comparing Bush to Clinton. My post compared Clinton to all the higher level Masons. Hmmmm, interesting. Me thinks Bush might be your brethren.

cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III
Stepping over dollars to pick up dimes....

Christy, I assumed you were talking about Bush (in light of my post directly preceding yours which was in reference to Bush.) You and Amanda, have been strangely critical of GW Bush for no discernable reason in the aftermath of the WTC attacks to the point of almost accusing him of being directly again, I assumed it was to him you were referring.

Personally, the only association of heard of GW Bush with secret organizations or cultish clubs was his indoctrination into the Skull and Bones in college. Although there are probably Masonic ties to the Skull and Bones club, I highly doubt that GW is even a Mason, much less a 33 degree mason.

He is a good individual, regardless of which club wants to proclaim him as a member, and the decision making process he shows is I don't doubt that any club would love to claim him for a member, but I am convinced that he is the one in charge. He has surrounded himself with leaders...he is not the one being led.

We see his true ambitions and personality come out when he has congress at his mercy. His natural tendency is for tax cuts and building back the US military and intelligence gathering capabilities which Clinton has decimated.

Watch what legislation he tries to push through when congress is over a barrel and can no longer be a 50/50 split. I think you'll find it is markedly conservative. Before the attack, he had to compromise with the liberals in congress because Dachel and Gephart where out there demonizing him every day in the news. Now that their hands are tied, and he has around 88% support of the American people, watch his actions. I think you'll find his true agenda is now free to be presented, now that he doesn't have to coddle and compromise with the arbitrary, dangerous, idiotic and reckless whims, lies and spending sprees of the leftist liberals.

He's even got the media on his side now. If at any time, he is now free to be this should be interesting.

cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III
Masonic symbolic ties to Bin Laden's attacks

This is a long read, but well worth it and highly relevant regarding our Masonic discussion. Hoagland is "out there" but I respect his vision, guts and scientific reasoning process (let's hope he's wrong on this one):

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III  
The Enterprise Mission Website

Wow, that's really funny Jason...I just read this article before you posted this link. It's really good, although I do not agree with a lot of the number stuff. I strongly believe in the numerology patterns, ie 3's, 11's, etc., but many of his findings are far reaching, trying to fit.

The history given is excellent. There could be more being some is missing...or maybe he didn't have more information(?) For example, Fez, Morrocco was a Christian city and the Muslims attacked and took over the city by killing the Christians. The white tarbeesh worn by the Muslims would be dipped in the dead Christian's blood thus resulting in why Shriners today wear a "Red Fez".

One can easily see by reading this link you gave and other research articles, of how the Masonic line of history in our country has made the Muslims of today think we (U.S. and Christians) are the Land of Satan...just as they did a millinum ago.

I would also like to point out another interesting fact that the author of that link did not mention. Half way down in the picture of the Twin Pillars. Having twin pillars, coloumns or TOWERS are very symbolic and I can assure you was planned in building the World Trade Center. In the picture there is the Latin word Superius at the top and Inferius at the bottom. This is written of Hermes, "As Above, So Below"