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...... World Trade Center ~ Hurricane ~ Occupants
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 World Trade Center ~ Hurricane ~ Occupants
World Trade Center
Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
World Trade Center Posted 9-11-2001 15:07

Oh Lordy Lordy, I cried watching tv this morning. All those trapped people and wonders if this will be the beginning of a war. The American people will want justice for these acts of crime.

I clicked on a satellite image to see if any smoke could be seen from above and I freaked when I saw the size of Erin right outside New York. I had no idea she was so large or so close to land.

shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Lots of symbolism to this whole thing!!!!! Posted 9-13-2001 00:22

Barbara Olson died in this...she was one brave person. This is a sad day for America. But we must look for the true terrorist in this horror. This was a well put together operation. Not something terrorist have the ability to do. Our boggy man is Oswald, McVeigh....the true terrorist look like you and me. The true terrorist are Americans highly connected. Well able to put this type of operation together. It has been said Laden has been a CIA asset for years.

Today, I am having a hard time getting on web sites putting out the correct information. Wonder why? This also does not surprise me. Blocking the truth....hmmmm!!!!!

[ This message was edited by: shield on: 9-13-2001 00:20 ]

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Numb Posted 9-13-2001 01:58

The past two days feels like we've been in slow motion. I haven't talked much. Just not in the mood to. I think I cried for a solid two hours Tuesday, and then off and on all day. It's like this is a movie-of-the-week and it'll be all over soon. I have had sooo many questions go through my head (that I don't hear anyone else talking about) that my brain hurts.

shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
You sound like many other Americans!!! Posted 9-13-2001 14:44

It appears the sheople are waking up. The sleeping giant is standing up and looking around. I just Thank God we have President Bush in office. clinton could not be trusted to protect America and its citizens. Bush is trustworthy and his team. Like I said....THANK GOD WE HAVE BUSH AS OUR PRESIDENT!!!!!!

It is soooo strange that there are NO planes in the air. I am on a flight path for Bush Intercontinental Airport....I went outside several times late last night, very different.

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
No Planes Above Posted 9-13-2001 17:11

I know, it feels really odd not having planes in the sky...but I have to honestly confess....I really like it. I was saying to my husband that wouldn't it be nice if jet's only few certain days, like only Monday/Wednesday/Friday and the rest of the week no jets in the air.

shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
It seemed lonely to me Posted 9-13-2001 21:23

I didn't realize until they weren't flying over my house, how lonely it is outside especially late when I can not look up and see planes in the air.

Did you see these Americans who finally were able to fly back into the US, what took place when they were deverted to Canada? I bet it scared them to death. They said they were just over the Hudson when the pilot came on and said that they were being deverted to Canada because all air space in the US was shut down. The pilot said he did not know the reason. Then when they landed no phones calls were coming into the US. Can you imagine what crossed their minds. It took hours for them to finally find out what was taking place in America. The world complains about America and Americans all the time....but how lost they would be if we were just NO more!!!!

WTC Occupants
Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
WTC Occupants Posted 9-18-2001 01:17

Tower 1 occupants

FOLLOWING are the businesses that had offices in Tower 1 (North) of the
World Trade Centre (Company name, industry description and floor):

AIG Aviation Brokerage, Inc. - Insurance Agencies - 53
Agricor Commodities Corp. - Investments - 80
Airport Access Program - Banks/Financial Institutions - 63
Alan Anthony - Business Consultants - Not Supplied
American Bureau of Shipping - Engineers - 91
American Lota International - Transportation/Utilities - 45
American TCC Int'l Group, Inc. - Investments - 47, 90
Amerson Group Co., Inc. - Organisations - 8
Anne Taylor Loft - Not Supplied - CNCR
Anne Pope, Law Offices of - Attorneys - 35
Asahi Bank, Ltd. - Banks/Financial Institutions - 60
ASTDC, Inc. - Organisations - 46
AT&T Corporation - Telecommunications - 51
Auto Imperial Co. - Wholesalers - 46
Avenir, Inc. - Computer Services - 79
Avesta Computer Services, Ltd. - Data Processing - 21
Avis - Not Supplied - LBBY
Baltic Oil Corporation - Not supplied - 78
Banco Latino Americano de Exportaciones - Banks/Financial Institutions
- 32
Bank Of America - Banks/Financial Institutions - 9-11, 81
Bank of Taiwan - Banks/financial Institutions - 53
Barclay Dwyer - Not supplied - 89
Berel and Mullen - Attorneys - 33
Blue Sky Technologies, Inc. - Computer Services - 46
Branax Manufacturing (USA) Corp. - Wholesalers - 52
Bright China Capita, Ltd. - Investments - 84
Broad USA, Inc. - Wholesalers - 89
Brown & Wood LLP - Attorneys - 54,56-59
C&P Press - Business Services- 51
California Bank & Trust - Banks/Financial Institutions- 16
Can-Achieve - Business Consultants- 46
Cantor Fitzgerald Securities - Investments- 101-105
Cedar Capital Management Associates, Inc. - Not supplied- 78
Cedel Bank - Investments - Not Supplied
Chang HWA Commercial Bank - Banks/Financial Institutions- 32
Channel 11 (WPIX) - Cable/Television - 110
Channel 2 (WCBS) - Cable/Television - 110
Channel 31(WBIS) - Cable/Television - 110
Channel 4 (NBC) - Cable/Television - 10, 41
Channel 47 (WNJU) - Cable/Television - 110
Channel 5 (WNYW) - 110 Cable/Television - 110
Cheng Cheng Enterprises Holding Inc. - Retailers - 78
Cheng Xiang Trading USA INC. - Computer Services - 22
Chicago Optics Exchange Corp. - Investments - 22
China Construction America, Inc. - Construction - 45
China Daily Distribution Corp. - Business Services - 33
China Patent & Tradmark USA - Attorneys - 29
China Resource Products USA Ltd. - Not Supplied - 53
CIIC Group(USA), Ltd. - Investments - 89
CNN - Not Supplied - 110
Commodity Futures Trading Commission - Investments - 37
Consolidated Steelex Corp. - Manufacturing - 46
Continental Logistics, Inc. - Business Services - 21
Daehan International - Investments - 89
Dahao USA Corp - Wholesalers - 46
Dai-Ichi Kangyo Trust Co. - Trusts - 48-50
Data Transmission Network Corp - Not Supplied - 33
David Peterson - Attorneys - 84
Daynard & Van Thunen Co. - Insurance Agencies - 79
Delta Airlines - Transportations/Utilities - LBBY
Dongwon Securities Co.Ltd. - Investments - 21
Dr. Tadasu Tokumaru, M.D. - Doctors - 21
Drinker Biddle and Reath - Attorneys - 89
Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. - Research - 14
Dunavant Commodity Corp - Investments - 45
eMeritus Communications - Telecommunication - 83
Empire Health Choice - Insurance Agencies- 17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 27-31
Employee Merit - Employment Agencies- 45
Fertitta Enterprises- Not Supplied - 45
First Liberty Investment Group - Investments - 79
Fred Alger Management, Inc. - Investments - 93
Friends Ivory & Sime, Inc. - Investments - 21
Friends Villas Fischer Trust - Investments - 21
G.Z. Stephens, Inc, - Employment Agencies - 47
G.C Services - Collection Agencies - 22
Garban-Intercapital - Investments - 25-26
Gayer Shyu & Wiesal - Investments - 52
Gayer Shyu & Wiesal - Accountants - 5
Geiger & Geiger - Attorneys - 78
General Telecommunications - Not Supplied - 83
Global Crossings Holdings Ltd. - Computer Services - 83
Gold Sky Inc. - manufacturing - 22
Golden King (USA) Limited - Transportation/Utilities - 33
Government of Thailand - Not Supplied - 37
Greatest Bar On Earth - Not Supplied - 107
Hal Roth Agency, Inc. - Insurance Agencies - 77
Hill Betts & Nash, LLP - Attorneys - 52
Howly(US) Corporation - Not Supplied- 52
Hu Tong International(USA) Co., Ltd. - Wholesalers- 33
Hyundai Securities Co., Ltd. - Investments- 78
Infotech - Not Supplied - 21
Instinet, Inc -Investments - 13, 14
lnternational Office Centers Corporation - Business Services - 76
International Trade Centre, Inc - PG Services - 78
Intrust Investment Realty - Property - 80
Kemper Insurance Coys - insurance - 35, 36
Kidder Peabody & Co -Not supplied - 101
KITC - Investments - 84
Korean Local Authorities Foundation - Koudas Internat - transportation
- 33
Landmark Education Corp - Govt/schools- 15
Lava Trading, LLC - Not supplied 83
Law offices of Roman V Poplik -Attorney - 21
Leeds & Morrelli - Attorneys -52
Lehman Bros -Not Supplied - Suites 4047, 3841, 3941<38-40
LG lnsurance Company - Not supplied - Not supplied.
LG Securities America, Inc. -Investments - 84
Life International - Manufactunng - 21
LoCurto & Funk Inc. - Investments - 53
MA Katz CPA -Accountants -45
MANAA Trading Group - Investments - 33
Marsh USA Inc. - Insurance - 93-100
Martin Progressive LLC - Computer Services - 77
May Davis Group - Investments - 87
Mechanical Floor - Not Supplied - 41-43
Meganet Management Consultants, Inc. - Computer Services - 46
Meridian Ventures Holding, Inc. - Not supplied - 78
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co - Insurance - 89
MIS Sewice Co. - Not supplied - 33
MLU Investment - Not supplied - 22
Mutual International Forwarding - Transport - 89
NY Society of Security Analysts - Govt/schools - 44
Natural Nydegger Transport Corp - transport 5
Network Plus - Telecommunication - 81
New Continental Enterprises - Transport - 81
N New-ey International Corp - Business services - 77
NFA/GGG Inc. - Not supplied /
Nikko Securities - Bank/Financial Institutions - 79
Noga Commodities Overseas, Inc - Business services - 77
Northern Trust Internat Banking Corp - Banking - Not supplied.
NY Coffee Station - Cafe - not supplied
NY Metro Transport Council - Govt - 82
Okasan Internat (American) Inc - Investment - 52
Okato Computers - Computer - 79
Olympia Airport Express - Transport - Lobby
Overseas Union Bank Ltd - Banking - 39
P Wolfe Consultants - business consultants - 22
Pace University - Schools - 55
Pacific American Coy - wholesalers - 47
Pacrim Trading & Shipping, Inc. - Transport - 53, 78
Phink Path - Employment Agency - 78
Porcella Vicini & Co - Transport - 11
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey - Govt - 3,14,19,24, 28,
Primarch Decision Economics - Business consultants - 11
Prospect International,Inc - Not supplied - 46
Pure Energy Corp - Wholesalers - 45, 53
Quint Amasis LLC - Business services - 47
R H Wrightson & Assoc - Investments - 25
Rachel & Assoc, Inc - Manufacturing - 33
Regional Alliance Small Contractors - Construction - 38
RGL Gallagher PC - Accountants - 52
Richard A Zimmerman, Esq - Attorney - 52
RLI Insurance Coy - Insurance agency - 80
Rohde & Liesenfeld, Inc .32
Royal Thai Embassy Office - Not supplied - Not supplied.
San-in Godo Bank Ltd - Banking - 84
SassoonsInc - Not supplied - 45
Securant Technologies - Computer services - 79
Security Traders Association,- Organisation - 45
Serko & Simon - Attorneys - 33
Shizuoka Bank Ltd - Banking - 80
Sinopec USA, Inc - Wholesalers - 46
lnopec LS4 nc - Wholesders 46
SI.(H Ifadng Corn -SMW Trading Corp - Investments - 85
SRA - Not supplied - 45
Strategic Communications - Telecommunication - 89
Strawberry - Retailers - CNCR
Streamline Capital, LLC - Not Supplied - 45
Suggested Open Systems, Inc, - Computer SYSTEMS - 46
Suntendy American - Wholesalers - 46
T&T Enterprises -Miscellaneous - 46
Tai Fook Securities -Investments - 22, 39
Taipei Bank -Banking - 83
Temenos USA, -Wholesalers - 52, 84
Tes USA, Inc - Investments - Not supplied
Thai Farmers Bank -banking -7
The Beast Comm - Computer Servives - 80
The Chugoku Bank, Ltd - Banking - 90
The Company Store - Retailers - 45
The Cultural Institutions Retirement Systems - Trusts -39
The Nishi Nippon Bank, -Banking - 102
The SCPIE Companies Ltd - Not Supplied - 22
The Williams Capital Group - Not Supplied - 52
Thermo Electron - Not supplied - 85
Tower Computer Service -Retailers - 21
Traders Access Centre -Investments - 78
Turner Construction Company -Construction - 38
Unicom Capital Advisors LLP -Investnments 22, 84
United Hercules Inc -Travel - Not supplied.
United Seaman's Service AMMLA - Social Sevices -21
WJ Export-Import, Inc -Wholesalers - 47
Wai Gao Qiao USA, Inc - Business consultants - 89
Wall St Planning Assoc -Organisation , -89
Windows on the World - Retailers - 106
World Trade Centre's Association - Organisation, - 77
World Trade Club -Organsation - 107
World Trade Institute - Organisation -55
World Travel - Travel Agency, tours - 29
Xcel Federal Credit Union -Financial institution - 39
Yong Ren America, Inc - Organisation - 46
Zim-American Israeli Shipping Co - Transportation/Utilities - 16, 17

Tower 2 occupants

FOLLOWING are the businesses which had offices in Tower 2 (South) of the
World Trade Centre (Company name, industry description and floor):

ABN, AMRO, Inc - Mortgage brokers - 35
Adecco SA - Employment agency - 21
Alliancing Consulting - Business consultants - 18
Allstate Insurance Company - Insurance agency - 24
Antal Internat Inc - Employment agency - 22
AON Corp - Insurance agency - 92, 99, 100
Atlantic Bank of New York - Banking - 106 - not supplied - 84
Bi A Travel Agency - Travel - 28
Candia Shipping - Wholesalers - 15
Career Engine - Research - 21
Caserta & co - Not supplied - 18
Chama Chemicals, Inc - Manufacturing - 14
Charoem Pokphand USA Inc - Transport/utilities - 21B
Chen, Lin, Li and Jiang, LLP - Investments - 18
China Chamber of Commerce, Inc - Investment - 24
CINDE - Not supplied - not supplied
Colortek Kodak Imaging Centre - Business services 1
Commerzbank Capital Markets - Investments - 32
Continental Insurance Company - Not supplied - Not supplied
Corporation Service Company - Not supplied - 87
December First Productions, LLC - Not supplied - 24
Dow Jones and Coy, Inc - Printers/Publishers - 57, 58
Eurobrokers, Inc - Investments - 12
Fiduciary Trust Coy Internat - Banking - 90, 94, 95, 96, 97
Firemen's Dund Insurance Coy - Insurance - 48
First Commercial Bank - Banking - 78
Frankel & Co, Inc - Insurance - 35, 36
Fuji Bank - Banking - 79-82
Garban Intercapital - Not supplied - 55
Gibbs and Hills - Engineers - 91
Globe Tour and Travel - Travel - 24
Guy Carpenter - Insurance - 47-54
Harris, Beach & Willcox LLP - Attorneys - 85
Hartford Steam Boiler - Insurance - 30
Hua Nan Commercial Bank Ltd - Banking - 28
Intera Group Inc - Employment - 18
James T Ratner - Attorney - 15
John J McMullen & Assoc, Inc - Engineers - 15
John W Loofbourrow & Assoc. Inc - Investments - 15
Johnston & Murphy - Not supplied - CNCR
Keefe, Bruyette & Woods - Investments - 85, 88, 89
Law Office of Joseph Bellard - Attorney - 28
Law Offices of Abad, Castilla and Mallonga - Attorneys - 18
Mancini Duffy - Architects - 15, 21, 22
Morgan Stanley - Investments - 43-46, 56, 59-74
NY Institute of Finance - Business consultants - 17
NY Shipping Assoc - Transport/utilities - 19, 20
Nat Development and Research Institute - Research - 16
New York Stock Exchange, Inc - Share transactions - 28-30
Nichols Foundation Inc - Govt/schools - GRND
NY State Dept of Taxation and Finance - Govt/schools - 86, 87
Oppenheimer Funds, Inc - Investments - 31-34
Orient International - Not supplied - 15
Paging Network of New York - Telecommunication - 14
Patinka Internat (USA) Inc - Business services - 14
Pines Investment, Inc - Investment services - 18
Professional Assistance and Consulting - Business consultants - 18
Raytheon Company - Manufacturing - 91
Regus Business Centres - Employment agencies - 93
Sandler O'Neill & Partners - Investments - 104
SCOR U.S. Corp - Insurance agencies - 23, 24
Seabury and Smith - Insurance - 49
Showtime Pictures - Business Services - 18, 107
Sinochem American Holdings, Inc - Investments - 22
Sinplion (USA) - Not supplied - 24
Sitalong Internat USA Inc - Not supplied - 40
Sun Microsystems, Inc - Computer Services - 25, 26
TD Waterhouse Group, Inc - Investments - 24
Thatcher, Profitt & Wood - Attorneys - 20, 38-40
Utd Bank of California Internat - Banking - 14
Unistrat Corp of America - Business consultants - 23
Verizon Communications _ Telecommunication - LL, 9-12
Washington Mutual, Inc - Not supplied - 22
NY Harbour Waterfront Comm- Govt/schools - 19
Weatherly Securities Corp - Investments - 29
Weiland Internat - Investments - 18
Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
My Analytical Mind Never Stops Posted 9-18-2001 01:35

In building one, many times today on tv, I have heard that Cantor Fitzgerald lost over 700 people in Tuesday's mass murder. They were floor 101 through 105. The people trapped on the floor above most likely died due to smoke inhalation. My question is...why don't we hear about all the major news networks on floor 110? I haven't heard a word. It is as if they weren't up there.

shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
I agree Posted 9-18-2001 15:04

That is strange.

I never watch David Letterman on TV anymore. However, last night I watched it and Dan Rather was on. Man Oh Man, has this attack changed him. He broke down in tears twice (which is nothing new) but when he recited parts of the song everyone has been singing lately 'America' the part about patriotism was what he recited. Then he started crying, this has really come home to roost to many of these bozos.

Lots of liberals like Chris Matthews, and Peter Jennings keep trying to jab at Bush. However its a hard sell since the terrorist have hit at the heart of the eastern elite. And they recognize how quickly all they have stood for in a matter of seconds has gone up in smoke. Its just eating at them that this did not happen on clintoon's watch and he did not have the opportunity to show his greatness. What fools they are, it did. Clintoon covered it up...TWA800 OKC Bombing. clintoon killed 80 American men, women and children in a church in his first 100 days in office. Thats his legacy!!!

Is more going on here than meets the will take time to see just what...but we will know eventually.

I suspect part of it (and maybe all of it) was the major downturn in the ecomony worldwide taking place. I feel that it was so major to the extent of a worldwide depression. Like I said, soon we will know whats really behind this.

[ This message was edited by: shield on: 9-18-2001 14:58 ]

ducandy_ from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
wtc occupants Posted 9-18-2001 15:58

Has anyone else wondered if this would have happened if Gore had been elected? I know it's a moot conversation, but interesting none the less.

God bless,

ducandy_ from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Dan Cries Posted 9-18-2001 16:02

I was touched by Dan's tears. It's refreshing to see a hardened old newsman show emotion over such terrible events. I think I'm quite a bit more of a Dan Rather fan today. I also thought Dave's reaction was cool, too. Tears of love are contagious, old Dan had me going too.

Be safe,

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Dan Rather Posted 9-18-2001 17:03

On the morning of the 11th, I watched Dan Rather's reporting network. Watched him all morning. It's odd, cause I thought something was not right with Rather...aside from the average shock and sadness we all had, but something was different. You know, newscasters and reporters see and know things we don't know. It's possible some untold knowledge could be eating at his heart. Like Mandy said, we will soon find out. (Awesome post btw)

shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
No Atheist in Fox Holes.... Posted 9-18-2001 19:35

I wish I had been watching ole' Danny tuesday morning....these guys can harp and harp but when death stares them in the appears their whole world has changed....the many things they fought against ie patriotism in a blink of an eye changes.

These liberals like Chris Matthews are bitting their lower lip....knowing if they want to stay on the air and keep their audience, they better show support for this country, patriotism and President Bush and his administration.

No room to spout any of their nasty liberal ideals. I never watch any of these guys, but I am now...with my mouth open....can't believe whats coming out of their commie/socialist mouths. Their agenda for the fall of America is definately on hold.

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Letterman Posted 9-18-2001 20:23

Yeah, been hearing what a great show the David Letterman show was last night with Dan Rather. I'm sorry I missed it, but they've been repeating the clips, so I'll catch that on the local news.

Had a girlfriend come over to my house today who owns a t-shirt company. Asked me how many bin Laden being shot at by missles, that I wanted....


People are crazy
shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Crazy stuff being reported on the internet.... Posted 9-18-2001 21:48

I wouldn't say Letterman was a great show, it was just very interesting. I never watch letterman any longer, I just happened to have my TV on that station and was busy doing something else when I got back where the TV was I noticed Dan Rather so I stopped and watched it. I knew letterman had not been on, so I wanted to hear what he had to say.

I'm sure you've been surfing the net reading all the theories out there on this bombing. Just read one that says GWB was behind this attack to change our oh man....what a mine field....can't wait till the dust we are able to feed through this frenzy logically.

I am not jumping on any band wagon for now....I would wear myself out jumping here then there....however I am not taking anything at face value either...who is the true boggy man in all this....usually I never believe the first one on their list....I am also uneasy when I see the liberal pundits change sides. Cuz' today they certainly have.

Were there explosives ground level that took both of these buildings down? If there were it would definately put more evidence in the corner of a covert government operation....and not necessarily coming from the WH. However if this should prove out with WH involvement (when this first happened, and Bush out of DC, I immediately suspected him. When I found that Laura Bush was at the WH, my suspicions lessened), I will be greatly disappointed, but NOT surprised. The operation was too damn perfect, for some little terrorist operation!!!

OBTW, My brother told me a women who is a customer of his, (her son works at the pentagon) her son had not been at the pentagon for 3 days...he was told to stay home.

[ This message was edited by: shield on: 9-18-2001 21:47 ]

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Lots To Ponder Posted 9-19-2001 06:01

You're right...much too soon to make any thoughts of what is up and what is down. I thought it was odd on Monday the 10th how I posted how Geo Bush came here in a hurry and how I felt it was odd he came in the evening and unannounced. It might be interesting to go to message boards prior the 11th to read if any other suspecious things were going on.

cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Re: WTC Occupants Posted 9-19-2001 13:49

Regarding your points about Dan Rather on Letterman Andy, I could not agree with you more....even though it sounds like we have other disagreements.

I could not be more opposed to Dan's politics, but what I saw on Letterman was human and touching.....and I was filled with respect for Rather at that moment. I also have a great deal of respect for Dave as well for handling it the way he did. His mention of the incredible job Rudy Guilliani was doing could not have been more right on. [ This message was edited by: cydoniaquest on: 9-19-2001 13:49 ]
[Standard View] | Detailed View | Page: [1] 2 >>
cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Re: WTC Occupants Posted 9-19-2001 13:58

You mean to say you really actually suspected GW Bush may have been behind the killing of over 5000 people Shield? Was I reading that right?


We know who these people were. We know their names. We know what countries they came from. We know where they trained to fly airplanes. We can trace where their money was coming from. Now since these guys trained in Florida, that may have been one reason Bush was there. There may have been some tip-off as to what these guys might have been planning.

But this conspiracy stuff about the US government possibly being behind this (without the slightest shred of any evidence that would even begin to suggest this) is beyond psychotic and irrationally paranoid. Duncan K over at Chemtrail central agrees.

Now, I understand why people say that when the building collapsed it looked like a professional demolition job of the type we've seen done to old Las Vegas hotels. But could anyone really say the effect a 767 crashing into a building would have?

I mean think about it, we have the perfect device to create just the effect we saw. That thing crashed into the building at beyond full speed, almost approaching the velocity of a 45 caliber bullet. It was fully loaded with jet fuel that burns hot enough to melt steel. It penetrated several floors and major support structures through the entire length of the building where it entered and came out the other side. Thousands of gallons of fuel and tons of high velocity metal were burning and cutting through many floors. Then the top floors collapse and fall onto the already weakened lower floors. That momentum and energy of all that falling weight caused the collapse everything beneath it and only picks up energy weight and momentum as it falls and combines with other rubble.

I think we saw exactly what happens when a fully fuelled 757/767 hits a building at top speed. No explosives required. [ This message was edited by: cydoniaquest on: 9-19-2001 13:57 ]
Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Rosie Posted 9-19-2001 22:56

Then Liberal, Marching Mom Rosie O'Donnel came on tv begging Guilliani for forgiveness for bad-mouthing him for the past couple years. Looks like liberal personalities might be having second thoughts.

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Re: WTC Occupants Posted 9-19-2001 23:18

>>>Now since these guys trained in Florida, that may have been one reason Bush was there. There may have been some tip-off as to what these guys might have been planning.

Jason, then what you're saying is that Bush could have known about this in advance? Many say this is so.
