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...... No war declared by Congress...Bush finalises battle plan ~ Operation Noble Eagle
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 No war declared by Congress...Bush finalises battle plan ~ Operation Noble Eagle
Sign Petition to Congress for 'Declaration of War'
shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Sign Petition to Congress for 'Declaration of War' Posted 9-13-2001 21:13

Click Here

It appears congress is wimping out on this. So lets give them some balls

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Bush finalises battle plan ~ Operation Noble Eagle Posted 9-16-2001 03:11

Bush Finalises Battle Plan

AMERICA was last night assembling the biggest military strike force since the Gulf War as President Bush issued an ultimatum to Pakistan to back allied action or run the risk of being bombed.

George W Bush: planning a sustained offensive In his bluntest terms yet, Mr Bush made clear that the United States was about to launch a sustained offensive against Osama bin Laden and his terror camps in Afghanistan.

The Saudi Islamic fundamentalist was named for the first time by the President as the prime suspect in the suicide hijack attacks on New York and Washington that left almost 5,000 missing.

American officials have made clear that they expect Pakistan, which is the nearest point for allied forces to attack bin Laden's base in neighbouring Afghanistan, to co-operate fully in the allied operation.

In an uncompromising list of demands made to Pakistan's military leaders, US officials called for Islamabad to close training camps used by Islamic militants.

The US demanded that Pakistan shares all its intelligence on bin Laden and the Taliban, an organisation which it created in 1994 and is still funding. Pakistan should also make available airspace to US warplanes and take action to cut off funding to any group allied to bin Laden, and to close its border with Afghanistan.

If Pakistan failed to comply, US officials warned that the country ran the risk of being bombed in any future military action taken against Islamic terrorists. "We have been left with no doubt," said a senior Pakistan official.

"We can no longer be a friend of bin Laden and the US. And if we don't opt for Washington then they will not only cut off economic funding, including that from the International Monetary Fund, but also see us as a potential target."

As Pakistani officials considered the demands US forces started flying reinforcements to bases around the Middle East. Twelve B2 stealth bombers were on standby to fly to the British Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia.

SAS troops are preparing to join US special forces for operations in Afghanistan. British security service officials believe that initial missile strikes will take place "within days", although the full operation will take longer to mount.

As Washington attempts to forge a broad alliance, Pakistan was warned that Islamic militant training camps on its territory would be targeted if it refuses to support strikes against bin Laden. Although President Pervez Musharraf promised full co-operation, his own powerful military intelligence is firmly opposed to Pakistani involvement.

America urged Russia to allow it to use Tajikistan, the former Soviet republic that borders Afghanistan and is still dominated by Moscow, as a platform for troops to move against their mutual enemy.

The Taliban told all foreigners to leave the country in view of a possible attack and threatened war against any of its neighbours that offers assistance to Washington. Mr Bush prepared Americans for conflict as he repeated "we're at war" in a radio address.

He said: "There's no question about it, this action will not stand. We're going to find those who did it, we're going to smoke them out of their holes, we will get them running and we will bring them to justice."

Before meeting security advisers at Camp David, he added: "If he [bin Laden] thinks he can hide and run from the US and our allies, he will be sorely mistaken."

Congress approved late on Friday a resolution allowing the President to strike both individuals and nations which he determines "planned, authorised, committed or aided the terrorist attacks".

American intelligence officials have intensified monitoring of suspected terrorist groups amid fears that further "sleeper" cells will launch fresh attacks in response to US military retaliation.

US military commanders plan a three-stage assault against training camps used by bin Laden, beginning with air strikes by cruise missiles, followed by carpet bombing and attacks by ground troops.

Six training camps and rebel bases used by bin Laden's supporters in Afghanistan are understood to have been identified as targets. "We are going to go in hard and we are going to get it right," one Pentagon official told The Telegraph.

John Gannon, a former CIA intelligence chief, warned that bin Laden supporters have been trying to develop nuclear and biological weapons for future attacks. Other reports say they are already in the process of making chemical weapons.

The Pentagon is also preparing to strike against Iraq after it emerged that Saddam Hussein has been providing bin Laden's terrorist network with funding, logistical back-up and advanced weapons training.

Over the past four months senior Iraqi intelligence officers have met representatives from al-Qaeda, bin Laden's international network, in Pakistan. They are believed to have transferred at least £2.7 million to his agents via diplomatic bags in cash or Lebanese bank accounts over the past year.

Pakistan's President Musharraf said yesterday that his country will co-operate with US demands. However, a meeting in Rawalpindi yesterday of corps commanders and intelligence chiefs was deeply divided as his own powerful military intelligence backed a new jihad (holy war) against the West.

Not only does Pakistan have plenty of Islamic militants of its own fighting in Afghanistan but there are millions of armed Afghans in Pakistan and millions of Pakistanis who see bin Laden as a hero. Moreover in the country's highly Islamicised armed forces many generals share the same strict vision of Islam.

Meanwhile, America's European allies, led by France, were backing away from offers of full military support after Nato's show of solidarity. "We know that we can only rely on Britain, not France and Germany" said a US official.

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Re-Issuing the Draft? Posted 9-16-2001 05:06

Could be a big possiblity if Pakistan doesn't rid the Afganistans from their borders.

I feel that there is much more to this than going after a terrorist group.

shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
ME TOO..... Posted 9-16-2001 18:11

The patriotism throughout USA is amazing. Eastern elite hit at their heart...the word 'Patriot' is NO longer an outdated hated word. Amazing how fast a group can change their way of believing and thinking.

They can all thank the past administration for this attack. His dismantling of US Intel, US Military and on and definately the heart of all this death. To themselves do they recognize this? If not now...soon.

Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
I Smell WarMongers Posted 9-18-2001 01:14

Something is not right here. Things have gone beyond's more like wanting to drink blood. Just today after watching President Bush, Live, speak about terrorism and smoking them out of their hinding holes...he then reminisces about the wild west and the wanted Dead or Alive posters. The very first words uttered of Tom Brokaw's twisted, slanted, war-monger lips were: Presient Bush said bin Laden, Wanted Dead or Alive!

My husband and I at the same exact moment yelled, "that's NOT what Bush said!!!"
We don't need an Army, we just need a few NBC Vampires.

cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Re: Bush finalises battle plan ~ Operation Noble Eagle Posted 9-19-2001 04:12

I believe in the New World Order....but let's define that term.

I believe in the definition that Bush Sr. had, the vision he saw, and that's a "New World Order" modeled after America. A New World Order based on the concepts of freedom and capitalism...a free market. A New World Order, where the US leads the way and defines the terms, where freedom replaces oppression as the natural state of mankind throughout the world.

This is the definition I believe G. Bush Sr. held, and that's the one I hold. In this New World Order, the UN has little say, they conform to American standards, not us to theirs.

If you have fear of Bush's decision making, then think what decisions Gore would be making right now if he had succeeded in stealing the election. I promise you, if you do this, then you will loose all fear of the decisions GW is making.

We are doing exactly what we should be doing. We have lifted Clinton era restrictions on CIA intelligence gathering. We are building back the military. We are sealing our borders. We are not lodging staged, feel-good cruise missile attacks on empty 10 dollar tents at 2 million a pop as Clinton did. Gore would have continued the smoke and mirrors Clintonian policy of allowing our enemies the time and luxury to gain ever increasing control over the world while we simultaneously decrease our own national security. Under Gore, America would truly be lost....and I think that most intelligent people can see why this was not just a melodramatic statement.

Bush is doing exactly the right thing. We need to confront our enemy immediately. We need to do it with precision, great thought and strategy, and overwhelming unyielding force. We need to let the world know, that you don't tug on Superman's cape and you don't piss off lady liberty without getting your ass blown back to hell where you came from.

President Bush is doing exactly what he needs to be doing.
Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Bush Being Supported Posted 9-19-2001 06:22

Geo Bush has a job none of us would want, that's for sure and he's doing a good job. Republicans and DemoRats are both supporting his actions and backing him. I like seeing that. A government that works together. We should demand this all the time. I agree with the second half of your post Cy, and feel that Geo W. has most everyone felling secure with his leadership.

As for the Bush Sr. New World Order theory...I've never heard of such a HEAP of crap in one place. Now as Mandy and I have discussed in other posts, we both feel that Bush Sr. no longer in his life supports a NWO, but at that time in his life, Geo Bush Sr's NWO wasn't a toy in the Cherio box. His NWO concept was right out of the Communist Manifesto...we're talkin H. G. Wells, New World Order...*in Bush's voice*, "A New World Order for you, A Thousand Points of Light, that's right, a Thousand Points of Light, yes sir-rie"


cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
New Conservative Reality Posted 9-19-2001 06:55

As for the Bush Sr. New World Order theory...I've never heard of such a HEAP of crap in one place. Now as Mandy and I have discussed in other posts, we both feel that Bush Sr. no longer in his life supports a NWO, but at that time in his life, Geo Bush Sr's NWO wasn't a toy in the Cherio box. His NWO concept was right out of the Communist Manifesto...we're talkin H. G. Wells, New World Order...*in Bush's voice*, "A New World Order for you, A Thousand Points of Light, that's right, a Thousand Points of Light, yes sir-rie"

Not to belabor the point, but can you back up this statement with any hard evidence that Bush Sr. envisioned the Communist Manifesto?

I've heard the radical left say this, but never witnessed anything of the sort in actual reality. Of course, the enemies of conservatism never were based in reality at all. My vision of the NWO is my vision however....and that's how I define the term. If we define it in these terms, then I'm a believer in the NWO.

I saw no hard evidence that Bush Sr. ever had a different vision than mine. Show me actions he took that indicated he wanted socialism and UN dominance over the world and I might believe my understanding of Bush Sr.'s vision is a load of "crap", but until then I think it's a an issue that never existed. People who just have an agenda to hate anything Republican or conservative invented this issue and you are buying into it.

That aside, conservatives have much to be thankful for. Compromise in Congress no longer means giving in to what liberals want. Now, it means giving in to the best interests of America. Isn't it interesting how everything that is in the best interest of America, is what conservatives have always campaigned for? We are sealing our border. We are building back our military and intelligence agencies (after Clinton devastated it). We are going after enemies of freedom with more than just words and slaps on the wrist. We are going to fund SDI. We are no longer focused on petty liberal issues and causes....and nobody is talking about how Bush cut taxes too much any more. No liberals are talking about how Bush's budget is cutting into the social security trust fund, or the budget surplus (a liberal myth and lie). Gone is the liberal whining....they don't dare now. Why? Because the American public has awoken. The sleeping giant has awoken....and guess what folks, that giant is a conservative, and wants what's best for America. Welcome to the new reality. This tragedy having occurred with GW Bush at the helm, may have actually saved this country and steered it into the right direction. We need to stay the course.