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...... What's the White House Hiding in the Bushes? (The night before 9-11 post)
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(3/25/2004 10:31:25 PM)

 What's the White House Hiding in the Bushes? (The night before 9-11 post)
What's the White House Hiding in the Bushes?
cydoniaquest from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
What's the White House Hiding in the Bushes? Posted 9-7-2001 15:57

I hate to play into the hands of the conspiracy theorists who`ve said that Bush was in cahoots with Clinton, but why on earth would Bush make use of executive privilege for the first time to block information from the Clinton campaign finance scandals from reaching members of his own party Republicans (not to mention, the American people)?

This is either the most idiotic political move in history, or Bush is hiding something. Talk about angering his base voters. I'm a big conservative (politically) and I voted for GW to hopefully end the Clinton era corruption and extreme scandal, and to frankly save the United States of America, but the fact that Bush is now going out on the limb to cover for the most evil bastard next to Hitler to ever take office (Bill Clinton) is extremely disturbing and sickening to me. What in the hell is going on here? Click on some links below to read more about it:

[ This message was edited by: cydoniaquest on: 9-7-2001 15:56 ]
Swedishoo from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Bush In Florida Posted 9-11-2001 03:08

Speaking of Bush, He flew into Florida the name of education(?) and will be visiting a Sarasota school tomorrow. Many believe he is here for other unspoken reasons.

Something to do with Butch Reno?

*note: this post was written at 3am before the 9-11 disaster. Kinda creepy to re-read this. Bush's sudden visit never 'seemed' right with me. Four days prior to 9-11, Jeb Bush had declared Florida under a State of Emergency. Hmmm. The above missing linked picture was a photo Bush's evening arrival.

shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Why would you be surprised? Posted 9-13-2001 14:47

Come on' Cy....He is protecting probably his Daddy. This is pretty disgusting to me too. Also, don't think the republicans are clean on donations from outside sources, that are illegal. There is probably many layers to this cover-up. It's not smart to elect a person who has garbage in his background and his families background. When a leader is in office that can be blackmailed....America and its citizens are screwed. I am sure the clintons' have FBI files on 41st, 43rd, Jebby, Neal, and Marvin. With the info they have all of them could be put into with this type of leverage....the clintons' for now will get away with all their crimes.

Cy, Christi and I warned you about this long ago.

I still like Bush, he is attempting to change the course and direction this country was moving. Many times you must look like one of the players....when in fact you are not.