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...... $15 Billion Missing from Education Department
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(3/25/2004 10:23:44 PM)

 $15 Billion Missing from Education Department
$15 Billion Missing from Education Department
shield from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
$15 Billion Missing from Education Department Posted 8-11-2001 18:15

$15 Billion Missing from Education Department. Evidence points to embezzlement scheme by Clinton Officials.

coatapaint from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Missing funds Posted 8-11-2001 20:16

Sadly,here in Houston, we had the non-priviledge of having Mr.Paige as our superintendent. He decentralized the school district. The result was that no one individual could contact him. My only remedy was to file a complaint with Texas Dept. of Education who had the authority to hold their feet to the fire. The special ed students dont get served, they get baby sitted. It just makes me sick to think that people like B & H abscond with student monies. And I do mean STUDENT monies. Furthermore, some teachers are teaching special ed with no special ed credentials. It is appalling. If Mr. Paige will let that go by then 15 Billion is nuthing to him. Gak Gak He is worse than our mayor Lee P