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...... Fall of the American Empire
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(3/25/2004 10:11:08 PM)

 Fall of the American Empire
IggyPop from Chemtrail and Company III Mail To The Creator Reply To This Message
Fall of the American Empire Posted 12-15-2002 02:01

The fall of the American Empire is a phrase I have been using often lately. It is clear that America will have to step down as the world's #1 superpower in order for the NWO to emerge. It sure is going to be an ugly process, to say the least. Good to see you are alive and well Al. Are there any message boards you would recommend for me? I haven't posted on message boards for ages as it is too hard to find any worth visiting.
It is quite scary what they have planned for us and it looks like WW3, the war that will truly end all wars and bring us into a one world government will occur in the coming months ahead. People are so blind as to just how fragile America is right now. Even if we don't suffer another major attack, which we certainly will, our economy is doomed to collapse and with it the entire system and life as used to know it. It is clear that the fix has been in for a long time and there is nothing anyone can do except prepare themselves and their families for what is coming! And I'm talking about survival food, colloidal silver, fresh water supplies, guns n ammo, the whole works. Also would recommend potassium iodate which can save your life if you should develop radiation sickness. I believe that some major US cities WILL be obliterated by nuclear attack. And of course many other parts of the world will suffer same fate.
JAK from Chemtrail and Company III Reply To This Message
Bingo!!! Posted 12-20-2002 23:59

"The fall of the American Empire is a phrase I have been using often lately. It is clear that America will have to step down as the world's #1 superpower
in order for the NWO to emerge. It sure is going to be an ugly process, to say the least. Good to see you are alive and well Al. Are there any message
boards you would recommend for me? I haven't posted on message boards for ages as it is too hard to find any worth visiting.
It is quite scary what they have planned for us and it looks like WW3, the war that will truly end all wars and bring us into a one world government will
occur in the coming months ahead. People are so blind as to just how fragile America is right now. Even if we don't suffer another major attack, which
we certainly will, our economy is doomed to collapse and with it the entire system and life as used to know it. It is clear that the fix has been in for a
long time and there is nothing anyone can do except prepare themselves and their families for what is coming! And I'm talking about survival food,
colloidal silver, fresh water supplies, guns n ammo, the whole works. Also would recommend potassium iodate which can save your life if you should
develop radiation sickness. I believe that some major US cities WILL be obliterated by nuclear attack. And of course many other parts of the world will
suffer same fate".

Hi! glad to see you are still about too, here are a couple that I have found interesting in case if you aren't yet aware of them: (good news and info) (sometimes has some interesting threads, the pop up ads give my old computer fits though.

A pretty accurate assessment of what is coming, in my view. The parallels to the last stages of the Roman Empire are striking. Note the new comet that was just discovered. It will be interesting to see how visible it gets. They have always been considered omens and protents of doom, and this one making it's appearence just now with all that is going on, is most uncanny.
