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...... Brown vs IRSS
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JAK at 5

Posts: 169
(6/14/2007 2:12:17 AM)

 Brown vs IRSS

Having been subjected to the ministrations of the IRSS, I can adjudge that this is likely a hoax and a disinfo operation of some type. The goobernment doesn't play a hand like this unless they are VERY derparate (Waco, Ruby Ridge) and there is nothing in this case to justify (from their point of view) that. So O.E.D., someone is trying to send a message to someone else and the instant party is neither amused nor moved by it.


Posts: 690
(6/14/2007 8:10:07 PM)

 Re: Brown vs IRSS

A new Waco was narrowly averted as law enforcement, APC's and SWAT team personnel descended on the home of Ed Brown, the tax protester who has threatened to use force to defend himself against authorities.

Ed Brown himself states that the police are now leaving and that media are being allowed to approach the house.

According to his blog, "apparently this was a test by the "authorities" to see what kind of response would come from the community......testing to see what might happen if they move in......."

This was also confirmed verbally by the Browns during an appearance on the RBN radio network.

We received early unconfirmed reports that the Brown house was on fire - although according to reports, "Federal authorities indicated Thursday they will not raid the home of two convicted tax evaders but would serve a warrant."

Fox News reports, "The U.S. Marshal's Service says a supporter of the fugitives was detained near the Browns' home this morning and that they served a federal warrant to seize Elaine Brown's dental office in Lebanon."

In addition, it is being reported that authorities have closed the airspace above Brown's home and that an AP photographer was ordered to leave after flying over the property.

Fred Smart, a close friend of the Brown's confirmed that Brown's phone has been cut and that at around 8:30PM last night a silent surveillance drone with a bright beaming light encircled the Brown's property as if conducting reconnaissance.

News reporters have confirmed that police have surrounded the property and that they were kept away from the property. Neighbors have been evacuted from their homes.

Officer Jack McLamb attempted to call the Sheriff's office in the area but was told that he was out of town.

Authorities have been telling reporters that they would not violently engage the Brown family for the past few months but this now appears to have been a drill for a potential future scenario in that mold.

"Dozens of heavily armed state police and federal agents have assembled near the rural Grafton County home of tax protesters Ed and Elaine Brown."

"About 50 state troopers, some armed with high-powered rifles, along with a vehicle from the explosives unit gathered this morning in Plainfield, a small town where Edward and Elaine Brown have holed up in their home since being convicted of tax evasion and sentenced to lengthy federal prison terms," reports the Plainfield Union Leader.

More live updates at this blog.

VIDEO news report from the scene.

We are encouraging people in the Plainfield area to get down to the area immediately to see what is happening.

JAK at 5

Posts: 169
(6/15/2007 2:38:20 AM)

 Re: Re: Brown vs IRSS
"New Waco" narrowly averted! BULL! This entire event stinks to the heights of heaven. Why in the world would the Feds go to all the bother of doing all this when these people could have been taken at any time (assuming the Feds are as smart and resourceful as they claim to be) unless the entire fabric is a charade and designed as nothing more than a distraction for the sheeple?

JAK at 5

Posts: 169
(6/15/2007 2:54:17 AM)


BTW, for the "profane" this is nothing more than a second gear version of "Columbine II", aka Virginia Tech. This is nothing but a hoaxed event of "stage magic", it is only as real as you believe it to be.





Posts: 690
(6/15/2007 4:27:04 AM)

 Re: VT II

Al, so do you agree with how Brown thinks, that it's "a test to see how the public will react?" Personally, I agree with Brown 100%. I think the Feds study us sheep on a constant basis curious of our reactions so that they can plan future events.

JAK at 5

Posts: 169
(6/16/2007 1:33:04 AM)

 Re: Re: VT II
Swedishoo wrote on 6/14/2007 10:27:04 PM:

Al, so do you agree with how Brown thinks, that it's "a test to see how the public will react?" Personally, I agree with Brown 100%. I think the Feds study us sheep on a constant basis curious of our reactions so that they can plan future events.

It's a hoax, pure and simple. They already know our reactions.  If the Browns really had wanted to defeat this, all they had to do to was this:

And checkmate in one move. The fact they didn't and so much effort is being expended on this PR charade tells me it is a goobernment disinfo operation designed to target certain pre-selected individuals to determine THEIR reaction to the stimuli, NOT that of the general public.


PS: And to this day (AFIK) neither the DOJ nor the IRSS has made any answer as to why they requested the case dismissed with prejudice- they don't dare to. The Browns, if they are what they claim to be, and have the funds to have 110 acres of land, etc., etc., etc. CANNOT POSSIBLY have failed to know about this defense and could have raised it at any time. The fact they didn't (as I said before) clearly demonstrates there is more going on here than the surface illusion presented.


Posts: 690
(6/18/2007 3:09:51 AM)

 Re: Re: Re: VT II

Hmmmm, this is VERY interesting. I've never heard of this and I've studied the "volumtary" income tax scam of the IRS for years. I checked this out at the Federal Register and it was there!

Paperwork Reduction Act


§ 3512. Public protection

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information that is subject to this subchapter if--

(1) the collection of information does not display a valid control number assigned by the Director in accordance with this subchapter; or

(2) the agency fails to inform the person who is to respond to the collection of information that such person is not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a valid control number.

(b) The protection provided by this section may be raised in the form of a complete defense, bar, or otherwise at any time during the agency administrative process or judicial action applicable thereto.

JAK at 5

Posts: 169
(6/18/2007 4:10:43 AM)

 Re: Re: Re: Re: VT II
Swedishoo wrote on 6/17/2007 9:09:51 PM:

Hmmmm, this is VERY interesting. I've never heard of this and I've studied the "volumtary" income tax scam of the IRS for years. I checked this out at the Federal Register and it was there!

Paperwork Reduction Act


§ 3512. Public protection

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information that is subject to this subchapter if--

(1) the collection of information does not display a valid control number assigned by the Director in accordance with this subchapter; or

(2) the agency fails to inform the person who is to respond to the collection of information that such person is not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a valid control number.

(b) The protection provided by this section may be raised in the form of a complete defense, bar, or otherwise at any time during the agency administrative process or judicial action applicable thereto.


It is indeed. Someone(s) very wise inserted this into the Act which was supposed to be innocuous. Now TPTB are confronted with their own law which THEY passed which trumps their supposed "income tax". There is absolutely nothing they can do about it either- it is all perfectly legal by their own standards. Too bad.


Posts: 690
(6/18/2007 7:14:07 AM)

 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: VT II

You know, I was thinking.... I bet this is why the IRS has their own court

JAK at 5

Posts: 169
(6/23/2007 1:53:00 AM)

 Here come "de Judge"
Swedishoo wrote on 6/18/2007 1:14:07 AM:

You know, I was thinking.... I bet this is why the IRS has their own court

The US Tax "Court" is a court in name only. It actually has no legal standing under the Constitution and it's only function is to give alleged debtors to the IRSS their "day in court" so there is a mock service to due process when it is determined how they will pay what the IRSS alledges they "owe".
